Sampler of a few Zentangle-original Tangles. Image © Linda Farmer and TanglePatterns.com. All rights reserved.
For those who are new to Zentangle®, the Zentangle-original tangles (also known as the “official tangles”) are those created and introduced by Zentangle HQ — that is to say patterns by Maria Thomas, Rick Roberts and Maria’s daughters Molly Hollibaugh “(pronounced: haul’-a’-baw’)” and Martha Huggins.
Not all of the tangles deconstructed and introduced by Zentangle® HQ are posted online yet.
This makes complete sense when you think about it because income from teaching about Zentangle is one aspect of their business. Learning about the original “102 Tangles” (now up to 180) and receiving instructions on how to tangle and teach them is part of the teacher certification seminar. (See this page for more about teaching Zentangle.)
The Zentangle-original tangles that aren’t posted online are reserved for Certified Zentangle Teachers® and CZTs are specifically asked not to publish instructions for tangles that have not been publicly released first by Rick and Maria in their newsletter (or in a Zentangle video). CZTs thus have additional patterns to teach in their workshops that are not available otherwise. And that’s but one very good reason for you to find a local CZT® and take a class.
However, every Zentangle-original tangle that does have authorized online drawing instructions is posted here on TanglePatterns and is linked in my list below.
Being the organizer/list-maker that I am, and a good part of the reason TanglePatterns was born in May 2010, I was curious to know about the rest of the original tangles. By delving through the Zentangle books and other sources, I gathered the following list of “Zentangle-original” tangles.
Originally there were 102 tangles, however new tangles have been named over time and these are included here. This list is updated as new Zentangle-original tangles are added.
And as Maria says, “A pattern is not always a tangle” so check this page to see what qualifies as a tangle for Zentangle. TIP: they NEVER start with pencil planning, among other things.
You are more than welcome to link to this or any other page, but please do not republish my content on another website: it is copyright protected. A great deal of time, energy, and effort goes into creating everything on this site so I’d really appreciate it if my copyrights under law are respected. Thanks!
- Ahh
- Amaze (= Stiritup)
- Ambler
- Aquafleur (10/2013)
- Arukas (10/2014)
- Assunta
- Auraknot
- Avreal
- Bales
- BB
- Beelight
- BeeLine
- Betweed
- Braze
- Bronx Cheer (including Bronx Spears)
- Bucky
- Bumper (retired 11/2022 – see Locar)
- Bunzo
- Cadent
- Centipede
- Chainging
- Chartz
- Chillon (retired 11/2022 – see Warble)
- Cirquital
- Cogwheel
- Courant
- Crescent Moon
- Cubine
- Cyme
- Dewd (11/11/2017)
- Dex
- Diva Dance
- Doodah (zenAgain 11/2018)
- Drawings (zenAgain 11/2016)
- Dribbetz
- Drupe
- Dyon
- Echoism
- Eke
- Ellish (04/2016)
- Emingle
- Ennies
- Enyshou
- Evoke (retired 11/2022 – see Dewd)
- Eye-Wa
- Façade
- Fengle
- Fescu
- Festune
- Fife
- Finery
- Floo and Floo-ish (retired 11/2022 – see Dewd)
- Florz
- Flukes
- Flux
- Foundabout (zenAgain 2022)
- Fracas
- Frondous
- Glacé (11/2013)
- Gneiss
- Gourdgeous (10/2015)
- Gust
- Hazen
- Hibred
- Hollibaugh
- Hollis (zenAgain Asia, 10/03/2019)
- Huggins (including Crazy Huggins)
- Hurry
- Ibex
- Icanthis (zenAgain 11/2016)
- Idoz (International Day of Zentangle 07/15/2024)
- Impossible (KTT 05 in Mosaic – 05/26/2017)
- Indy-Rella
- ING (06/2014)
- Isochor
- IX
- Ixorus
- Jetties
- Jonqal
- Juke
- Kathy’s Dilemma (retired 11/2022 – see Tripoli)
- Keeko
- Knase
- Knightsbridge
- Kule
- Locar
- Man-o-Man
- Marasu
- Meer
- Molygon (01/2016)
- Mooka
- Moon Pie (zenAgain Asia 10/03/2019)
- Mrth (zenAgain 11/08/2021)
- Msst
- Munchin
- Mysealiam (zenAgain 11/2022)
- Mysteria
- Mythograph (zenAgain 2022)
- Narfello (01/24/2021)
- Nekton
- Nipa
- Noom (zenAgain 11/14/2016)
- ‘Nzeppel (including Crazy ‘Nzeppel)
- Onamato
- OoF
- Opus
- Orlique
- Pangea (zenAgain 11/08/2021)
- Paradox
- Patena
- Pea-nuckle
- Pendrills
- Pepper
- Pinch
- Pokeleaf
- Pokeroot
- Pouyang (zenAgain 11/2022)
- Printemps
- Punzel
- Purk
- Quabog
- Quandary
- Quib (06/2013)
- Quipple
- Raddox
- Rain
- Rambles (zenAgain 11/2022)
- Ratoon (zenAgain 11/2018)
- Ravel (first appears 2016 in Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1, no steps)
- Rixty (03/2014)
- Rumpus (12/2017)
- Sampson
- Scarabou
- Scena
- Schway
- Scoodle (from the Legend and the Beginning Zentangle booklet in the Official Kit, image shown in Project Pack #10)
- Sedgling
- SeZ
- Shattuck
- Snail
- Spoken (“unspoken”, 04/2017)
- Springkle
- Squid
- Squill
- Static
- Stiritup – also called Amaze
- Stoic
- Striping
- Strircles
- Swarm
- Tagh
- Therefore (01/12/2018 – in the Mosaic app)
- Three & Three (Project Pack 05 Video, Day 4)
- Tidal
- Tidings
- Tipple
- Toodles (12/2017)
- Tortuca
- Tripoli
- Twing
- Umble
- Vega
- Verdigogh
- Vermal
- Vitruvius
- W2
- Wadical
- Warble
- Waybop (zenAgain 11/2016)
- Well (09/2013)
- Well Well Who (zenAgain 1/2018)
- Wyfore (zenAgain 11/2022)
- Xircus
- Y-Not
- Yincut
- Ynix
- Zander
- Zenith (04/2015)
- Zinger
A reminder …
As Sandy Bartholomew reminds us in AlphaTangle: A Truly Tangled Alphabet:
TIP: Zentangle is … not a verb.
Don’t say “I Zentangled my bathroom floor.” (Or, “I’m Zentangling my bathroom floor.”)
Say “I tangled my bathroom floor.”
Other things to say:
“I need to create a Zentangle, right now!”
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you. I was busy tangling.”
Copyright Issues You Should Know
With so many new people joining the ranks of the Zentangle Zealots, the inevitable enthusiasm is beginning to raise questions about the fair use of tangle patterns in art for sale, as well as create some outright copyright infringement issues for example when people publish steps for patterns that are not their own without first obtaining permission of the copyright holder. It’s time to address this important topic so we’re all on the same page. Please read this page. There’s also a discussion here on TanglePatterns. See also: Guidelines for creating Zentangle-inspired Art and Products.
Never Miss A Tangle
Sign up to get new tangle postings delivered free to your inbox by email in just 2 easy steps:
- click here: Subscribe to TanglePatterns by Email and enter your email address
- IMPORTANT: you must activate your subscription by clicking on the link in the email you will receive immediately from FeedBlitz on behalf of TanglePatterns. Note: if you subscribe to all three newsletters (Daily, Comments, Weekly Digest) you will receive a confirmation email for each subscription.
Thanks for all the organizing you do. I am new to Zentangle and I found this site great for inspiration. Thanks again.
This is great, Linda 🙂 Thanks for all your hard work!
Linda, I just spent over an hour surfing your site and have to tell you that you have done an incredible job!!! It is so well organized and really a wealth of information on everythiing related to Zentangle. Now that I have started teaching, I will be referring all of students to your wonderful site! Thanks for all the work you do here!
Thank you! 🙂
Well done Linda, I have often wondered about the whole extent of the names, thanks so much!
Thank you so much for your amazing job putting all these wonderful patterns in a system!
Thank you once again Linda. You are my hero!!! Have you thought about designing (or having a contest for) a logo that we all could use on our websites when including a link to one of your wonderful pages?
Thanks for all the great compliments, folks. Most appreciated.
Sandra Strait already caught a blooper – I left out CADENT, even though I have in my sampler. Sheesh. Thanks Sandra!! Now sorted.
CZTs – any additions/clarifications to offer?
And thanks for that lovely suggestion gwest1955 – frankly I hadn’t thought of it and it’s a capital idea. Which I shall think on while I have coffee… I had a very late night watching a(nother) Harry Potter marathon with my husband so slow getting going today.
Dear Linda, you are a corker gal !! 🙂 Thank you very much for this list. It’s always nice to know who does what these days, and that due credit is given, which you ALWAYS do on your site. Marvellous. This will keep me busy, sorting it out.
Kind regards,
Update: just added TAGH to the list.
Hi Linda, just wanted to say how i really love your site, i am new to the Zentangle world and i recieved a kit for Christmas. Now with your list i will definitely be busy(:
Hi and welcome! You are fortunate to get a gift of the Zentangle kit because you have the best tools to get started. Don’t forget about the books too (visit the Book Reviews tab at the top of the page), they’re also full of inspiration. And yes, you will be busy! Happy tangling.
This list is wonderful. It would also be nice if some time/day the tangles that do not have instructions could be linked to examples. There are some of these that I have never seen.
Thanks Julie, quite a few of them are illustrated in Sandy Bartholomew’s AlphaTangle.
Cool – thank you that’s great to know.
I am new to Zentangles and was looking at your list. What a huge undertaking – but exteremly helpful, especially for those of us who are newbies.
I have one question, though. Why are some of the items in the list written in magenta?
Hi Jean, those are links – try clicking on them 😉
Hi Linda~ am a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) from class #1 and the Master Class. I can see your pattern list as a great resource for CZTs who want to focus on teaching unpublished patterns in their classes. Just a note: Perfs isn’t a pattern per se, but a “Tanglenhancer” as taught by Rick and Maria. Other tanglenhancers are: aura, sparkle, shading, rounding and dewdrop which folks can learn from a CZT. Many thanks for your organizing efforts and for promoting Zentangle, especially your mention of finding a local CZT and taking a class. It’s the best way I know to learn more depth and versatility of pattern creation.
Brilliant list, Linda. (A teaser – I can’t wait ’til October when I’ll get to see the ‘unlinked’ ones!) A member of our Tuesday Tangler group turned up last week with a beautiful hand made, concertina book, with prints of all your sample squares inside it (about 1.5″ square) from Tanglepatterns – to carry around as a reference. It was awesome. We’re all delving into your site for more.
I do this same thing, with a Circa notebook.
I love zentangling. It is addictive. I love geometric designs. Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts do a fantastic job. Thanks Meda
Hi Linda, I can’t get the print friendly version of this page to work? Anyone else?? (I’ve tried with two different PCs – one running Windows XP, one running Windows 7). On all your other pages it works a treat. 🙂
I had the same problem so I’m checking into it. More later …
Thank you, Linda!! You are wonderful to do all this for us… with such a busy day job. Thanks… ?? (it’s Feb 14th here in Australia, so those are little Valentine’s ??).
I’ve just been notified that the printfriendly version is working correctly – (it was fixed a couple of weeks ago). Thanks for your patience!
Hi Linda.
How well organised you are. I have been going trough your list and found Gust in Sandy B’s book Totally tangled. She puts het initials behind it as being her pattern??
And where did you find Centepede, Cogwheel, Dribbetz, Kule, Scoodle, Stoic, Tidal, Wadical and Xircus?
Hi Maria, thanks for your compliment. All but one of these patterns are in the Beginning Zentangle booklet and Legend that come with the official kit, including their Gust. And as you point out Sandy also has her own but different pattern of the same name. Stoic was named in one of the Zentangle newsletters.
Thanks Linda,
I looked everywhere but not in my kit.
Thank you so much for the work you do, Linda. This is so helpful to me and to our students.
Oh Wow – have just discovered zentangles. Your is THE best website I have found this morning…errr today, just seen its 2pm!
I have already put quite a few of them in my notebook and made my first tile.
Thanks so much for such an informative and inspirational website – all I need in one place!
Thanks so much Ruthie, glad to have you aboard.
I am new to tangling. Just took my first class and my head is exploding with creative ideas. I love your site. It is a one stop resource for all. Thank you for the list for beginners. There are so many patterns to choose from. It helps to have a starting point. How much time to you spend each day just keeping up with your site? I applaud all your efforts and I’ll be back!
Welcome Joyce, thanks so much! I like hearing that TanglePatterns is “a one stop resource for all”!
I have to admit it takes a LOT of time. A lot (just ask my husband). Not only keeping track of all the patterns and maintaining the site, but handling all the email correspondence and everything else involved. But comments of appreciation and support from people like you make it all SO worthwhile. Happy tangling!
i have all the zentangle books i could get my hands on . . . (plus i tangle with this website in front of me). i just wish you could purchases a little reference book with all the patterns in it so i could throw it in my bag with a few tiles and pen when i am on the go . . . something like the idea of putting each tangle in the moleskin book (which i tried) but i am discouraged because i’d rather be tangling than working on my reference book.
Hi Deb, there is a book coming out but it’s a big secret and I’m not supposed to tell, so this is just between the two of us. For several months I’ve working with Suzanne McNeill on a handy dandy little pocket guide of tangle patterns. It will be a few months before publication, so until then hang in there! And don’t forget … it’s a secret! Shhhhhhh ….
Did this book get published? Name and where can it be purchased?
Hi Barbara, thanks for asking. This plan was superseded by the publication of my interactive TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE which is updated yearly and a much better alternative than a “book book”. Saves trees too 😉 You can find it here: https://tanglepatterns.com/store/e-books
you’ve made my day, linda! your secret is safe with me! can’t wait!!!
I am very new to this form of art but I am already hooked. This a wonderful site and certainly has a lot of information. Thanks so much for sharing your designs with your viewers!
I found “Tangling” on a craft show so I thought I would try it. Well 8 months later i am addicted! I absolutely LOVE this art form. Please keep up the good work. Thanks!
Your pattern book is what I want in my purse right now! When will we be able to order or buy it and where? I will keep your secret!
I found a book at my local craft store and it looked interesting. Very similar to how I (used)to mindless doodle. I am now “tangling” with purpose, and I just love it. This is a great site–and very inspirational. Thank you so much–we can change the world “one line at a time”!
Linda, your site is absolutely the best around!! I love tangling (have being doing it FOREVER without knowing….)
Thank you for doing such a great job!!
I just wanted to thank you for all your inspiration Ive gained from your site and your tangles!! I would also like to know if you could send me “how to” for Sampson and Quabog…I’ve heard of them on sites and also in SB’s books Totally Tangled and Yoga for your brain, however have not seen them. ?? Many thanks again for all you share and the spirit in which you do so!! I love your tangles!! :)) Peace & Prayers to you and yours and the entire Zentangle community!
Linda, I am fairly new to Zentangle and I love, love love it. I love your site. You are great!!!!! Thanks for the tangle examples AND your organizational abilities. NOW, I heard this somewhere — when is your book being published????? Barbara
Hi Barbara, thanks so much for your compliments! My book is in a bit of a hiatus AND I’m also taking a long-overdue vacation now so my interaction is somewhat limited by my computer access. But, my book is still coming along and I will “talk” more about it when I can. THANKS for caring, it’s appreciated. 🙂
You’re amazing! I began tangling only this year and could never have done it without all the help this website gives to me. Thank you so much for being such a selfless person and for all the sharing you do.
🙂 Thanks Judi, you’ve made my day.
I have not been able to find an example of Sampson anywhere. It is mentioned in the Yoga for the Brain book but none of the rest of the book that I have has it.
Instructions for Sampson are not online, that is why there is no link in the list.
Thank you, again, Linda for all you time, inspiration and communication! I absolutley love to Tangle and will be looking into how to become a CZT ASAP!! I don’t know what the initial investment may be, and the closest CZT to me that I’ve found is Carole Ohl ( and I follow her too!) I’m fairly new, as I stated in my last post, but am totally addicted and endebted to ALL of you involved with Zentangle–it has truly saved me and help me through some of the toughest times Ive had to deal with! Many Thanks! I will get with you soon for all the info or you could send it if you ever find the time–haha
Peace & Prayers to you and yours, and all the Zentangle “family” Bobbi
I want to thank Linda for all her efforts
Makes it so much easier to sit and see the tangles in front of me sometimes – I cant remember them all
Looking forward to the PDF
I would like to remind everyone for a small donation Linda is taking a huge amount of time for us all organizing the tangles and giving us a place to surf and see all the new patterns. Save me time
Again Thank you Linda
This is sooo inspiring. I am new to this art form. What fun.
Linda, you rock! I have used your site since since before I became a CZT. And now that I am teaching, yours is the first (well, sometimes the second, after Rick & Maria’s) website I mention to my students (yes, even before my own). I cannot imagine what an undertaking this is and just thought it was high time I said thank you, thank you, thank you!
Any update on the book you and Suzanne McNeill were working on. I’m dying to get my hands on it. Thank you for all of your hard work!
Hi Alison, this is what became of that book – my TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE. Thanks for asking!
I am just new to tangling—-love your site—-so much sharing.You have my total admiration!!!Keep up the good work……I know it takes a lot of yyour time to do this—–you are appreciated!!!!!Sea Tangles
I have never, not in my whole life, been considered an artist. Yet people are looking at the tangles I’m using in my Zentangle inspired art and going, “WOW.”
I’m wow-ing, too. 🙂 Never felt so creative in my life!
I’ll be teaching my summer camp kids how to do ZIA this coming week, and wanted to thank you for the resource you provide here.
Off to experiment some more with tangle patterns.
Thank you so much for all your hard work in putting this guide together. I need to get the CZT. I do a lot of volunteer work with seniors and kids and would like to pass this on. Wish the seminar was closer to me on the west coast. If I pass any of the tangles on, how do I get permission to use?
Hi Dorothy, you’ll find the answer to your question here on the Zentangle.com legal page.
Thank you so much Linda. I understand and will abide by your legal statement. Please let me know if anything happens for a CZT on the West Coast.
I just started tangling this year, and when I run out of ideas this website helps me so much!Thank you!!!!
Thank you for your efforts to allow people like me to enjoy tangling on an amature level. It is very nice to have a multitude of ideas at my fingertips. I am wowed to see the fantastic works of art by your members.
Hi Karen, and welcome! Wait until you see what YOU can do! 😉
Hi Linda,
I have been tangling since taking a course in Oct. 2012. I am so excited to be going to CZT #13 this November. I am going to use this official list as my homework until then along with the Pattern book that you compiled!!!Thank you so much, you make checking my inbox the highlight of my day!!!
I just started Tangling and I am now in love with it. I just found your site today and from just my first browsing I am finding patterns that I can use in my new drawings. Tangling is very relaxing and it lets you use your mind and imagination flow. I am a quilter and this has helped and my creativity when it comes to creating a quilting design for my quilts.
Thanks for your website!! ITS GREAT!!!
Thank you for the list. I can start learning these so that it will be easier when I DO get to Providence and CZT training. Can’t make it this year so next year is the goal. I intend to make a reference notebook (for myself only) of these patterns so I can practice them.
I took a workshop from a CZT here in Missouri and was hooked. Now I am working on a large tangle for my wall at work.
Hi Mindy, since a tangle is a pattern I’m guessing you’re working on a Zentangle-inspired piece with many tangles in it? Enjoy learning the patterns!
Exactly. this will have many different tangle patterns and a quote in calligraphy. It’s about 26″ x 38″.
Linda, I found your site by accident and wanted to let you know that Zentangle is new to the shores of Britain. Most tanglers will have heared of it first on a tv sales channel called Create and Craft. I am rapidly becoming hooked, and as I am not very good with a blank sheet of paper, like many here I like to use a shape from a stencil or maybe a shape within a paper pattern.As I am also a lover of parchment craft, I have mixed the two and have tangled some pattern into a parchment picture for a friends birthday. Are there any teachers here that you know of?
Hi Wendy, and welcome! You will be surprised to learn that Zentangle is already VERY popular in the UK! All over the world, in fact. You can find the link to the list of Certified Zentangle Teachers located in the left sidebar of the site under the heading SOURCE WEBSITES.
Hi Linda, I’m new to Zentangle here in the UK. I love it! It’s so relaxing. I was very tired last night and needed to relax, so I drew a Zentangle and it really helped me relax…it’s almost meditative!! Thank You for all the information you have here…I will definately be taking part in drawing and designing my own Zentangles. Love Helen x
umm, hi i’m new and i want to know what the name of one of the samplers is in the picture, it is the 15 one, it is right above the very last one!
Hi Ana and welcome! That’s the very popular Paradox, also known as Rick’s Paradox.
Estimada Linda:
Estoy hace 2 días navegando por su página y no puedo dejar de admirar cada detalle, cada explicación, la organización de la página, en fin un herramienta maravillosa que ayudara en m icaso a enriquecer mi pasión por el arte en todas sus expresiones sobre todo , pintura, dibujo. Soy arquitecta, diseñadora de lineas de accesorios de mujer y hace un tiempo que estoy haciendo humildemente y desde la intuición, mandalas y zendalas y esta página logro cautivarme por completo, Vivo en Argentina , ya me suscribi a la página. Mis felicitaciones por tu talento, dedicación y por compartir desde el amor tu arte. Bendiciones y mucha luz para ti!!!!!Un abrazo. Viviana
Dear Linda:
2 days ago I’m browsing your site and I can not help but admire every detail, every explanation, the organization of the page, finally a wonderful tool to assist in m ICASO to enrich my passion for art in all its forms especially painting, drawing. I am an architect, designer woman accessories lines and for a while I’m doing humbly and from intuition, mandalas and achievement zendalas and this page completely captivate me, I live in Argentina, and I subscribed to the page. Congratulations on your talent, dedication and love to share from your art. Blessings and light to you!! A hug. Viviana
Hi Linda, I’m another uk tangler who is loving zentangle and your amazing site. I first ordered my kit from you last year and have used it every day since, with a few replacement tiles of course! I’m very excited to have just booked a place on November 2014 czt seminar and have finally plucked up the courage to travel to the US for it. It will be my first time overseas in your country and I’m really looking forward to seeing New England and meeting some fellow zentangle enthusiasts. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this site. Kind regards, Gill beasley
Thanks and congratulations Gill, you will have a marvelous time!
I hello, I love getting emails from you!
I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend.
Hi! I’ve been enjoying losing myself in your very thorough and well-organized website! The changing patterns across the top are a continual inspiration!
I was wondering if you could help me identify a particular tangle pattern? I was practicing “fandango” and really love the swirly/loopy pattern that Vicki included just underneath the fandango pattern in her completed zentangle. Does that pattern have a name and instructions? I tried to mimic it, with limited success, and would very much love to know its name and see the step-by-step instructions! Thanks very much for any direction you can provide 🙂
Hi Kate, thanks so much for your compliments! Instead of giving you the answer to your question outright, I’ll send you on a little treasure hunt. Visit the “T” page of tangles and you’ll find the answer there 😉 And a bunch more fun tangles!
Hi Linda! I admire the great job you’ve done to create this wonderful website. I am a beginning tangler and this site and your Tangle Guide is so much of a help!
Now I am exploring official tangle patterns and making a sampler for my own reference. I have a Küle pattern in my Zentangle Kit and I have instructions for Courant in one of the books I’ve bought. To me these two patterns are very much alike. Perhaps could you give me a little hint, what is the difference, if any? I’ve blown up my mind trying to guess it. Thank you so much!
Hi Julia, thanks for your compliments, they are most appreciated. The main difference between the two is that Courant begins with an inked “string” where Küle is freeform built around the first shape drawn. Hope that helps!
I am brand new at this and am almost overwhelmed with all the information out here on the net about this “new-to-me” method of self-expression. WOW! Thank You!!!! I am one of those that is NOT an artist, but I am “crafty” so am looking forward to making a lot of greeting cards using these type of designs. I’m hoping it will help me to slow down a bit……I need to keep the ZEN part of this in mind!
I am new to Tangling and I would just like to say that this is the best site I have come across. I really love how all the patterns are listed, and their names too.
I have Autism and I am finding the repetitive patterns to be really calming and soothing for me. It is also teaching me that when I make a mistake to just accept it as part of the design rather than getting frustrated and feeling the need to start all over again (which is what usually happens when I try any kind of art work).
Thank you so much
Great invention. Specially for people like me that use a wheelchair and have to deal with pain 24/7. This distracts and make my art juices flow.
I forget about the pain and have lots to do, even when I was at the hospital for surgery.
Thank you guys. You are the best!
Hi Linda. I have been trying to learn all of these official Zentangle Patterns that you have listed here. I only have 16 left to learn, then I will go back to the beginning of the list and work with each to add my own variations of each. Thank you so much for working to do this list.I really do appreciate, as I am sure many others do, what you do! I started by coloring pages I found in books with colored pencils and I am very new to the patterns, but I definitely want to create my own Tangles! (Hope I have used the correct terminology)
Hi Linda
Has something happened to the alphabetical list of patterns where there was a line of pink boxes A – Z? I can’t seem to access it anymore and it was such a good system for me as I was practising. Am I missing something?
Hi Barbara, this was explained a while ago here:
My research teacher (I’m in the middle of writing a thesis) told me about zentangle. I have since began a new obsession and am incredibly excited to find your site! I will be rewarding myself with becoming a CZT as a graduation present!
Hello again. I am still waiting for the books I orered from you Via PAYPAL on Sept.28/15. What is the hold-up?
Both PayPal and I have sent you multiple emails since October 15th which apparently are going to your junk folder. When your transaction was completed, your browser should have been redirected to a page with your download links and the links are also emailed to you by PayPal. eBooks can’t be delivered by snail mail, they are digital products. I will send yet another email to you with the download links, please check your junk folder.
Thank you so much for all of the wonderful information you have compiled on this site. I have admired this art form for the longest time and now that I’ve found your site and visited zentangle.com, I’m hooked – I tangle every day. I started at the beginning (0-9) and will follow that pretty pink bar all the way to the end. Thank you for the emails with the tangle patterns and strings. I’m looking forward to spending lots of time with you here on this site and enjoying the Zen of it all.
Please keep up the good work. You ROCK!!
Thanks for your wishes Cate, and welcome!
Linda, I just bought your 2015 Tangle Guide. Thank you for doing this, it’s wonderful! I was confused on a couple of the tangles that are listed here in “Linda’s List of Official Tangle Patterns”. Their pictures appear in the 2015 Guide, however they are in The List as black/without links, so I had assumed they were not published. They are: Juke, Knaise, Marasu, Pinch, Sampson and Stiritup. can you help to un-confuse me?
Thanks Gayle, I’m delighted you are enjoying it. The answer to your question is in the GUIDE, “Be sure to read page 6, it describes the features and explains the blank squares so you understand how the TANGLE GUIDE works.”
Linda, I have to say, this is the best Zentangle info site (besides the official Zentangle site) that I have ever seen. I had finished drawing a picture and I wanted to fill it with tangles, but I had forgotten the tangles that were in my Zentangle drawing book (I don’t have it with me) so this site made it way easier. The neatness is so incredible. I hope your site will encourage other to join the Zentangle Zealots.
Many thanks for your kind words, Tim. Most appreciated and encouraging 🙂
Thank you for all the inspiration! Love your site
Hello Linda,
I am a German Tangler but not a CZT. I like to tangle since nearly 6 years.
Your Website is great and I love it. It is so fine, to find always some new patterns.
Thank you for your work!
Have good times and let it grow
Greetings from the Bavarian Alpes
Love your site! Thank you very much for taking care of all addicted tanglers when you update the site 😉
I think I was hooked the second I tried to do the first pattern from the “Zentangle Primer“, a gift to myself after a period of illness. What a good way to feel even better!
Linda, THANK YOU for this list. I became a CZT in 2016 and when SPOKEN was released I realized I missed some of the new official tangles. Your list helped me capture them. Next is to purchase your 2017 ebook. I LOVE having that on my iPhone!!
Thanks Cindy, glad you find this list useful and the same for my 2017 Tangle Guide. When Spoken is publicly released (it was released to CZTs today), it will be added to the site and linked from this list.
What is the name of the tangle on the first row; fourth block on the sampler. I can’t find it any where.
Hi Gina, that is Rick’s version of Flux! 🙂
Hi Linda,
thank you very much for this list.
Greetings from Germany,
Thank you so much! Your site is wonderful!
what is the name of the tangle on the second row down, first column on the left? I cant remember it
Hi May, that’s one of three versions (Rock ‘n’ Roll) of Diva Dance 🙂
This is wonderful ! Amazing anyway I can show you my appreciation. I create jewelry.
I can’t wait to try some new tangles
I just don’t know how to thank you enough in words for this site! I cannot begin to imagine how many hours, and months and work that this must have taken you to organize and put together. Since I found this (a couple weeks ago) I have been going to it many many times a day. It is extremely helpful and very much appreciated! (I just learned of this art about a month ago.) Your talent for organization is amazing, and very much appreciated! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Very sincerely, Merry
Thanks so much for your lovely comments, Merry, and welcome to TanglePatterns and Zentangle! Great to have you with us. 🙂
Merci merci merci..je viens d’acheter un de vos kit de base au Québec….je vais débuter..merci
Google Translate: Thank you thank you thank you..i just bought one of your basic kit in Quebec …. I will start..thank you
Hi Linda,
It is very useful to have this list of Zentangle official tangles. I looked for Three & Three (#142), and couldn’t find it
I watched the video the list links to, and I *think* it refers to the border Maria makes with three circles and three little lines.
Exactly! 🙂
Thank you. This is such a wonderful reference and resource for such a fun fun fun art. I can’t imagine how you keep up !! Creating Joy!
Thanks Donna. I’ve recently been reminded that as of May this year I’ve been doing this for 10 years. Wowzah!! Time flies …
Dear Linda,
I can’t thank you enough for your TanglesPatterns 2020 Edition, it is such a wonderful, well organized and very needed guide for everyone, who loves the art of Zentangle. 10 years of bringing to life new tangles and beautifully refreshing the official ones – such an inspiring dedication to creativity! Thank you again and wishing you everyday wellbeing and joy.
Thank you SO much for your beautiful wishes, Beatrice 🙂
Hi Linda? This list of “original” Zentangle tangles—>AWESOME SAUCE!
Thank you so much!
I wanted to thank you for this ongoing list of official Zentangles and the links to videos or step-outs! This has been invaluable to me and I refer to this section constantly 🙂 I’ve been popping into your site regularly over the last couple of years, but 2020 is my year of being active with the community 🙂
So grateful for all your hard work compiling the directory and keeping it up to date. It is a brilliant resource for all of us Zentanglers.
Thanks Deborah, appreciate your kind feedback 🙂
Hi Linda,
Thank you so much for this great resource! I am working my way through the list of official tangles at the rate of five a day. I am learning so many new-to-me tangles and am expanding my mental list of go-to patterns.
Hi Linda! This list of Zentangle ideas is so AWESOME! Thank you for all your hard work and commitment!
Hi Linda,
I finished my project of tangling all the patterns you list in your list of official Zentangle tangles! Thank you so much for your hard work in compiling the list. I did only a couple of the ones for which you did not link a how-to. I decided to use my time tangling rather than searching.
I became reacquainted with some old friends, made some new friends, and decided that there are just some tangles which will remain acquaintances! This has been a great exercise.
I posted all but Day 8 in the Mosaic app under CVal. Day 8 had some of those pesky acquaintances.
I love Tangling!
I am new to the Zentangle world. I love your site
Thanks so much Di, and welcome! Enjoy 🙂
I am so very grateful for your commitment, passion and joy in keeping Tangle Patterns active. Although I haven’t been able to participate in a workshop I can keep up with the patterns you so gracefully post.
Infinite blessings to you and all the tangle tribe.
Much love, Elsa Borges-Miranda from Boriké (our ancestor’s name for Puerto Rico)
Dear Linda,
I started tangling last year and am certified this year. Love your website. Can really feel your love and commitment to make the resources available to anyone who needs. I appreciate your hard work and sharing.
Dear Linda,
Thanks for your updates about the “retiree tangles.” I wondered about some of them myself. Your diligence to the task amazes me.
Thank you for all your work and organization. I am new to tangling and this helps!