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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright Ā© 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.




Welcome Zentangle Zealots and Newbies. I love ZentangleĀ®. And I love to see what others are doing with this particular art form. Thus this site was born with the lofty goal of providing an index and guide to the best tangle patterns found online, and how to draw them. A one-stop reference if you will, for those of you who are like me and need to know “how to do it”.

Please visit the How to Use this Site page if you’re the type who likes to read “The Manual” (I am).

Allow me to introduce myself

Robert and Linda FarmerI’m Linda Farmer, and I run this site entirely by myself, I have no staff.Ā  This is my hubby of 45-and-counting years, Robert, and this photo was taken quite a few years ago at my Mom and Dad’s 50th Anniversary bash. So now we both look a tad older. But I love this photo of us so this will do until I find a better one. Expect grey hairĀ ā€” and yes, my hair really is that short and I’ve worn it like this for forever, nearly. šŸ™‚

Join the Zentangle Zealots (it’s free)

If you subscribe to the site (here’s a page describing how to do that), your email will present the most recent site updates to you. Provided you confirm by clicking the link in the email you receive, FeedBlitz will do the rest quite well. You must confirm so FeedBlitz knows it’s really you who signed up and not someone up to make mischief for you.

Please feel free to leave your suggestions, questions etc. in the comments on this (or any) page. I sincerely welcome them.

Check out the Submit Your Pattern page tooĀ ā€” I invite your contributions to make this site a great resource!

Philosophy for

I feel compelled to explain my selection process for the tangle patterns included on this site.

As more and more pattern instructions are posted online, I found myself in a dilemma. I didn’t want my own preferences to affect inclusion, but neither do I want to stray from the spirit of the originators of Zentangles, Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas.

On their “Theory of Zentangle” page, here, is outlined what I am adopting as the guiding principle for (emphasis below is mine):

You always succeed when you do a Zentangle because you always create a pattern. A Zentangle has no up or down and is not a picture of something, so you have no worries about whether you can draw a hand, or a duck. You always succeed in creating a Zentangle.

Meditational Artform
Zentangle’s non-verbal language of patterns and proportions can open doors to insights which seemed locked before. Creating Zentangles opens those doors, not because they were locked, but because those doors swing on non-verbal hinges. When you create a Zentangle you can enter a meditative state in which intuitive insights flow freely. Get inspirations, ideas and answers unhindered by expectations or worries.

Tangle patterns are intended to be abstract, non-objective designs that can be created in just 2 or 3 simple strokes, repeated. And as Maria has said, tangles should be easy to teach and offer a high degree of success to tanglers of all ages.

This helps me enormously in the selection process for While many patterns posted are creative, they are not tangle patterns because they are pictures of some recognizable natural or actual object, figure, or scene. Or they’re just way too complicated and do not reflect the Zen, non-verbal, unplanned, meditative nature of the Zentangle.

And it is my intention on to respectfully honor the original intent of this art form’s creators.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

90 comments to About

  • Mary Fassler

    Today I discovered your site. I love it!
    Thank you SO much for creating it and for organizing various patterns. I’m new to tangling and this helps more than I can tell you.

  • Linda Farmer

    Thanks, Mary! This is exactly what I intended for, so I’m gratified that it works for you. There are a lot more patterns to come …
    Cheers, Linda

  • Vicki

    I came across your site whilst surfing and renewing my interest in Zentangles, it has come a long way in such a short space of time, and I have found your site to be very inpspiring, so I shall crack out me pens and pencils and start zentangling again!

    • Linda Farmer

      Welcome, Vicki! I’m so pleased you find inspiring. There are many more patterns to draw and post, so keep coming back for more ideas. Happy tangling!

  • Sarah Garrity

    Love this site! I have learned so many new patterns. I was wondering if there was any way to tag the patterns in the band of patterns you have at the top of each page. Sometimes I will see a pattern I really want to do, but since I don’t know it’s name, I have no idea where to find the directions for drawing it! Thanks!

    • Linda Farmer

      Hi Sarah, this is my sneaky way of getting you to look at more pages! I shall put this request on my list, however, and give it some thought. Thanks for visiting, and happy tangling.

  • Leslie

    Linda. I’m new to Zentangle and can’t get enough. Thank you for all this great information. I also checked out your other websites and just wanted to say what your husband is doing at Third Planet is great.

  • I just discovered zentangles yesterday. This site is fabulous. Does one need to subscribe to this site to use it? What is the benefit/purpose of subscribing.

    Thank you for this site!!

    • Linda Farmer

      Hi DeJa! You are entirely welcome to use the site without subscribing. However the benefit of subscribing (and it is free) is that you get an email notice of the new posts delivered to you when they happen. So, you do not have to visit the site all the time. Saves you time, because you know WHEN to visit. Very efficient! And heaven knows, every second counts these days. And welcome too, to the healthy addiction. Things can only get better. Cheers!

  • Finally discovered that CZT meant certified zentangle teacher … Linda are you also a CZT? Curious about how you discovered this amazing art/craft.

    • Linda Farmer

      You can read about how I got started here. And no, I’m not a CZT but I’d love to take the certification course when time and $$ allows.

      • Thanks for the response. Great story. I learned at a demo and your site has been a tremendous find for a newbie like myself … THANK YOU!! I agree with you on the time and money (especially) aspects of becoming a CZT!! We will get there I am sure of it.

  • Hi Linda, it’s me again. I have seen a pattern called buttercup* in the banner at the top of the page but when I click on the “b” the pattern is not listed. Is it listed under a different name among the pattern directory?

    Thanks, DeJa

    • Linda Farmer

      Hi Dawn, there are several asterisked patterns in the banner and the asterisk means there are no instructions on the site because there are no online drawing instructions posted yet. Mostly they are official patterns found in Sandy Bartholomew’s Alphatangle, but Buttercup is from her book, Totally Tangled. It’s one of my favorites and that’s why I included it.

  • Thank you Linda … I think I will like it too.

  • Elise Sandwick

    I wanted to let you know Linda, how much I appreciate this site. I peruse it nearly daily and have shared it with all those I have “corrupted” into Tanglers, the lastest is my turning 13 years old great niece. She has just moved near me from across the country. I brought her paper and a pen and showed her the basics – it really broke the ice. I have a dance studio and Tangling has been introduced there – my goodness some talented young artists there!
    Thanks again

  • Elise Sandwick

    Linda, once again I want to send appreciation for your efforts on this fabulous site. It has been a great inspiration and has had a lot to do with my continuing tangling. Seeing so many basics turned into beautiful pieces of art is just inspiring. I do not consider myself an “artist” but am slowly feeling more talented with tangling. It has been a great therapy helping a damaged hand recoup some control and movement and has given me the confidence to try knitting again – with success!
    Thank you, Thank you

  • I agree Elise … doing zentangles does make you feel rather artistic. I usually refer to myself as a crafter. I have only been tangling for a month and people are surprised at the outcome of the few that I have done. Truth be told, so am I!!

  • Linda Ford

    HI Linda,

    I discovered Zentangles quite by accident while doing a search on something else 2 days ago. I have since put together my own kit. I have a question though – after you create your string, is it about creating your own tangles or using other peoples to fill the tile?

    Thanks. I’m intrigued…


    • Linda Farmer

      Hi Linda, welcome to the passion! Easy answer: feel free to do whatever you like, of course. However, I would suggest when you’re starting out it’s really helpful to draw some of the original patterns (click on the tag “zentangle” in the left sidebar under “Find Patterns By Tag” for a list of them) because they are generally two or three repetitive strokes and 4 or 5 steps and you’ll more readily get the feel for the “one stroke at a time” method, if it can be called that. Others have created patterns that for me are complicated to draw, and I find I end up focusing on the “how to do it”, rather than the doing, or the process. When the patterns are simple, they are much more conducive to the meditative Zen quality that I believe is behind Zentangle. All personal opinion! I may be certifiable, but I’m not yet certified. šŸ™‚ The main thing: just go for it and have fun!

  • Su Ward

    I’m new to this fab way of making art and am sooo glad to have found it. Thank you so much for this lovely website and the brilliant resources you have given us all.It’s always interesting to see what others have to say. This year I put a selection Zentangle goodies on my Christmas wish list and was lucky enough to have had Zentangle Kit and a lovely collection of books including Alphatangle, Totally Tangled, Zentangles 2 and 3, for pressies this Christmas all of which help enormously. Santa kindly put a copy of Zentangles Basics in to the childrens stockings. I have found so many great websites along the way too. My two children,aged 10 and 12, are also loving the fun and feel good factor they get from creating such amazing results with out the worry of ‘what if I go wrong’to discourage them. The other positive side of Tangling is the great interest it attracts when other people see the finished tangles.
    We would all like to say a BIG THANK YOU for your wonderful website and the wonderful information it offers to our new found addiction.
    Warmest best wishes,
    Su Ward ‘n’ Co.

  • Karlin W

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
    This is my new favorite form of expression and has been an amazing tool to help me battle my anxiety & panic attacks. My worries can’t invade my brain when I’m focusing on my Tangles! Thank you for this amazing website and your book reviews…your hard work hasn’t gone un-noticed!

  • Erin O


    I am so thrilled to have found your website! Since I was a little girl I have been dissappointed at my inablility to draw. Two days ago while looking for Mary Elizabeth Martin on the web I discovered Zentangles and am officially hooked. I am a beading instructor and have always been dissapointed that my sketch books did not live up to my vision. With just a few days of practicing Zentangles I have discovered a new art form while elevating my old one. For the first time in my life I really feel like I can draw. Your website is so amazing and the directions sent to my email are an ongoing inspiration. I could only send a small donation at this time but I hope it helps in keeping this awesome site up and running. Thanks for all the time you put into it!

  • Else

    Hello! I found your site yesterday. I am still awaiting my Zentangle kit from Rick and Maria, so surfing zentangle stuff on the web is helping me bide the time…I think your site is excellent, and I am glad I found something more official than the randomness I’ve found elsewhere. Your site seems true to the concept and as a newbie, who likes instruction and guidance, I appreciate it. Thank you! Can’t wait to start “tangling”…

    • Linda Farmer

      Thanks Else, and welcome. My intent from Day One was to remain, as you have put it, “true to the concept” so I’m delighted to hear you appreciate TanglePatterns for that. Cheers!

  • Ann R.

    Just found your site today and I have to tell you, it’s awesome. I am very new to Zentangle and am looking for more related material to go with what came in my kit. Your site is VERY well organized and meshes so well with the Zentangle philosophy. Thanks for making a cool website that is functional and fun to peruse!

  • Nicholas Boucher

    I just love to do Zentangles. I even created a few of my own And I went through the whole website and not one of them are like the one I made so you’ll see it soon. Big fan, I have created more than one Zentangle. They are my inspiration.

    • Linda Farmer

      Welcome, Nicholas! Have a look at the “Submit Your Pattern” page for the guidelines and a blank form to submit your tangles. Look forward to seeing what you’ve come up with, and happy tangling!

  • John Christofferson

    Hi Linda,
    Just got the email from Rick and Maria. I assume you are a CZT and will be selling the new ATC Tangle cards in White and Black? Please let me know how I can order them from you…I feel like I owe you the business as you are Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo wonderfully dedicated to keeping the tanglepatterns site going and Soooooooooooooooooooooo very helpful with other things and well, just NEAT!
    Thanks so much!
    John C.

    • Linda Farmer

      Hi John, THANKS so much for your lovely compliments. It’s wonderful to get good feedback, that’s for sure. I really appreciate your consideration in asking about purchasing the Zentangle products from me. I am registered for the CZT class in October so I’ll be able to sell their products then. Until then, I suggest you try Sandy Bartholomew’s etsy shop (be sure to tell her I sent you!) – and then come back to me for your refills šŸ™‚ Cheers!

  • I have done drawings like these since High School and I had an art teacher actually tell me “you are wasting your time on these doodles. This is not art.” So I ignored her, continued my “doodles”, and earned a degree in Art Education! I love this site. Doodles can you believe that!! BEAUTIFUL!

  • Sally

    I visit this site pretty much on a daily basis and always find something new. I love the huge and accessible resource of patterns! I hope to meet you at the October CZT training, as I will be attending. Thanks for all you do to provide this site for all of us who love to tangle!

  • Ever since I started this Zen thing, I’ve been hooked!!!
    I love it. I’ve seen some in color, but my choice is the black and white or white and black.

  • hannelore

    hello ,
    i just startet to do zentangle, because my friend showed me the om youtube “how to draw beetweed” . i loved that pattern at the time and now i dont have a day without drawing – and that is a miracle, because i never thought, that i could “draw” or ” paint” .
    i wpuld really like to get a class – but i am living in berlin – germany and i cannot find anyone who knows something about zentangle or give classes.
    can anyone help me?
    oh – and thank you for this site – it helps and inspires me soooooooo much.

  • Hi – I’m new to tangling – got inducted by girlfriend in Alaska who sent me a couple books for Christmas. So I’ve been playing some by copying designs/tangles onto graph paper until I can get me a tablet of ‘good paper’.
    LOVE your site here! I’m not an artist but love making things – so tis a learning experience for me to ‘allow mistakes’ and opps and such – grin. Nancy B

  • Diann

    Thanks for this wonderful site and for taking your time to help all of us learn how to create new Zentangles. I am hooked, Diann

  • Leigh W

    Linda, I visit your site about once a week and have been receiving email patterns for several months. THANKS for what you have done and continue to do. My quilting friend turned me on to Tangles. Longarm machine quilting seems to be a bit of a crossover artform! I recently “subscribed” via $$$. I hope my small contribution helps. If possible, I would greatly appreciate a copy of your recently mentioned free pdf. How great to have tangles organized for us!!! Keep up the great inspirational art. Leigh

  • Natalie

    Thank you for your website, lots of things to look and and great ideas šŸ™‚ I have a question about the tangles that aren’t shown in your tangle guide (2012 – another great thing from you :-), are they in the zentable beginners kit, or only available through a CZT?

  • Hi Linda,
    I’ve been visiting your site since discovering Zentangle and subscribed pretty much right away… though I’m still here almost daily and decided I had to donate this morning, mostly due to a personal tragedy that has really opened my eyes to the need for community support.

    I was wondering if you had a badge that I could put on my blog. Currently your website is the only one I have as a “Featured Link” on my links page with no need for reciprocity, but I would really like to do more to promote your site to the few visitors I have who don’t know about it.

    • Linda Farmer

      Hi Becky, thanks very much for the badge suggestion. I have this on my “to do” list but haven’t got it together yet. I’ll elevate it to a higher priority and let you know when it’s ready. I appreciate you asking, and hope everything is well with you. You have my best wishes.

  • I’ve been enjoying TanglePatterns for a few weeks now. I decided to make ZIA as part of my Lenten practice this year, so I created Lentangle. Since I link to your site from there, I thought I’d invite you to take a peek.

    Thank you for all the work you put in to making tangling easier and more fun for all of us. I only wish there was a CZT near Tulsa I could visit for real, official training!

  • Gloria

    Linda, it possible to print these designs? I would like to do so if at all possible.

    Thank You,

  • Mimi Lawrence

    Hello Linda, love your website. I have just recently discovered Zentangle. I came upon the concept when I was looking for some quilt designs to finish a quilt for one of my grandbabies. I was totally hooked. Your website really makes it easy for a newby like me to get instructions on how to do the different tangles. One question I have, what happened to the video section? I find the videos very helpful. Keep up the good work.

    • Linda Farmer

      Thanks for that heads up, Mimi! Must have been another left-over from last week’s excitement. Gremlins!! Restored now though. Phew.

  • Sue Brailey

    Hi Linda!
    You have got me hooked for sure!! I’m anxiously waiting to be able to buy some supplies from you….was wondering when the items that are coming soon will be available.
    Thanks so much for all you do. The other day a co-worker was having a terrible day and was incredibly stressed. I took a 3 x 3 post it note, drew some strings on it and told her to take a minute to fill in each section with whatever struck her fancy. She came back to me later to tell me how much it helped! Not really zentangle but the premise is the same. This is such fun and I need to buy stuff from you!
    Thanks again…you rock!
    And for those of you who haven’t yet made a donation and gotten a copy of the Zentangle guide, you have to do it! It’s a tremendous resource, very easy to use and helps support Linda’s efforts. A win-win deal for sure!
    Sue Brailey

    • Linda Farmer

      Hi Sue, I keep saying I’m working on this and I REALLY am, I hope to take enough time to get this sorted out this week – I actually have the inventory in stock. With the international and Canadian orders added into the mix, this turned out to be more complicated that I expected and I think I’ve finally figured out how to handle it. Fingers crossed that I can get this going in the next day or so. THANKS so much for your encouragement, and for the promo šŸ™‚

      (PS – You’ll be the first to know when I’m ready – I’ll send you an email.)

  • Sue Brailey

    Good morning!
    Linda was true to her word and let me know that her store is now good to go! So my Easter gift to myself was some pre-strung tiles (I need some inspiration right in front of me!) both black and white of course and the WAY cool Mandela tiles set!
    I can’t wait to get my supplies. Many thanks Linda. I can’t imagine how much time you spend doing all this for us…the web site, answering all our questions and now the store! I’m so happy to give you my business.
    Have a fabulous day all!
    Sue Brailey

  • Jim Moss

    Hi Linda – a friend in Belgium put me on to Zentangles during an Easter break with her and being a compulsive doodler I was immediately hooked. I’m a expat Brit, presently working in Italy but living in Mexico. I’m due to return home at the end of the month. I dabble in all sorts of art forms and I have a 10 year old son who seems to be going the same way. I’ve already tried out some tangles and can’t wait to also teach him to join in the fun.

    Btw – I just bought a Sony ereader to read books on the long haul flights I regularly take. I can now see that I’ll be drawing tangles on it instead!

    Thanks for putting up an excellent resource with this site which I’m happy to donate too. I’m also eagerly looking forward to the Guide

    Have tangles will travel!!!

    • Linda Farmer

      Welcome, Jim! And your son too. You’ll enjoy tangling your way around the planet, it’s such a great way to relax and travel. Great to have you aboard.

  • Mary Resler

    I have a friend in the Milliande Art Community that saw this art form and said that it was “so me”…. and after ordering my kit, she is SO RIGHT!!! Thank you for your generousity..

  • Hi Linda,
    I too, stumbled on your site while searching for something else. I want to tell you how much I love this art and your site. I am on the site at least once a day, and I am hooked on tangling. My Mother recently had a stroke and tangling had helped me keep my sanity during this long and frightening ordeal.

    Thanks again!

  • Beverley Leeson

    WOW! I have just found your Website today via Sherry Cleaver’ Blog of which I am a long time subscriber. I am a Beginner at Zentangles but find myself liking it more and more as I go along. I have subscribed to your Blog today and believe I will learn lots and lots from it. There seems to be so much to explore so it will be one step at a time but I can’t tell you how excited I am to have found you. I look forward to visiting each day and soaking it all up.

  • Sunil

    I didnt know that what i draw is called Zentangle..thanks really for this site of yours
    I would like to send some of my patterns if you allow



  • Norma Strassler

    Hi and thank you for the beautiful inspiration. Now how do I incorporate this into my sewing/quilting hobby? Am I missing a page that shows the end uses? FABULOUS! Thank you.
    PS…I too have an outstanding and close family of which I am now the matriarch. Love it.

    • Linda Farmer

      Hi Norma, hopefully by now you’ve looked around the site to learn more about Zentangle. Zentangle is a process, not a product – you can read more about it on the ZENTANGLES > WHAT IS A ZENTANGLE page. And visit the BOOK REVIEWS tab too, there are at least 2 books about fabric arts that might interest you. Cheers and happy tangling!

  • Jana

    Hi Linda,
    I’m just learning about Zentangle and have been enjoying it for about three weeks. What a wonderful way to spend 6 or 7 hours and not even know it! šŸ™‚ Anyway I just found your inspiring site and donated to keep the show going…as they say. There are so many things to learn and practice that you share at your site – I really appreciate all your hard work!
    I’ll be back to learn and enjoy on a regular basis!
    Thanks again,

  • Traci

    Hi Linda!
    First – Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all your hard work. This site is phenomenal! Second – I’m putting together my wishlist for Christmas and was going to list ALL the Zentangle books šŸ˜‰ Before I do though I thought I’d ask you if there are patterns in those books that aren’t on your site. I don’t want to duplicate my resources as I don’t have a lot of space for books at the current time. Third – do you sell any of the books that are out there (i.e. Zentangle 1-8, Totally Tangled, etc)

    Have a Blessed Day!

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Traci, very few of the patterns in the Zentangle books have been published online. Suzanne McNeill has published a few of her patterns and you can find those here on TanglePatterns using the tag suzannem. But her books have so many patterns in them that the published ones represent a very small percentage. And thanks so much for asking if you can purchase them through me. I do not currently carry a stock of them but if they are purchased through my Amazon links here on the site I receive a few pennies on the dollar which helps support the growth of the site. You are going to be one very happy gal come Christmas Day if Santa delivers on your wish list. šŸ™‚ Happy tangling!

  • Doreen

    I have just gotten hooked on a new hobby; I have always done some sort of craft but have found that I just love tangling. Your website is a wealth of inspiration. I got going this weekend and created 3 Christmas gifts from my efforts. My husband was so impressed that he encouraged me to frame them. I did and they look great. Thank you for all your efforts with this site. i plan to visit often.

  • Ruth

    LOVE your website….it’s such an amazing, inspirational and friendly place to spend some time. I’m brand new to Tangling… fact I haven’t started yet! Like you, I like to read the ‘manual’ cover to cover first (I’m a scientist by profession so have a touch of OCD!) and am still waiting for my Zentangle book to arrive. Come on postman!

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Welcome, Ruth. The Book of Zentangle is wonderful and you will enjoy reading it and seeing Maria’s enviable art. But it isn’t so much a “how to” as a history and the philosophy behind it. You can get started right away by visiting my What is a Zentangle page, and selecting from the official tangles available here on the site as your starting point.

      The other great way to learn is to get the Official Kit, the DVD tutorial and the Beginning Zentangle booklet in the kit are all you need to get started with Zentangle. The booklet is really “The Manual”. Hope that helps! Happy tangling.


    I love your site, I keep a sketch book at work and when it’s really slow, I will go to your site and practice “tangling”.
    Thank you for doing this.

  • Phyllis G

    I have decided to learn Zentangle and found this site. My husband and I live full time in a motorhome, (have been for 10 1/2 years, and my craft space is quite limited. I met a lady in the rv park that does this and thought it was beautiful, and only required paper and pens. I saw a bracelet she made, where she zentangled on blank beads and thought, since I make jewelry, this would be great. I have bookmarked your site and as soon as I get some pens, will begin learning.i will also sign up for email updates. Thanks so much for freely sharing your craft.

  • Joyce

    HI, Thank you for this website, very helpful.
    In one of Suzanne’s video’s she is using an Alphabet letters to trace around. I remember she calls them Chipboard tiles. I have been looking for them to buy, have not found them yet. Is their a direct link to like amazon or another website that I can get them at? Thank you very much.

  • Marie

    Thank you for this wonderful website! I have visited other websites but always come back to yours. It has so much great information. I am trying to go thru and practice every tangle from the very beginning but keep getting side tracked by all the other information you provide šŸ™‚

  • JLP

    I just found you and am very excited about this new art form. I work in copper and can’t wait to apply these new and unique designs to the metal through etching. I’m jumping up and down clapping. I’m not always the most creative on my own so this is really helpful. I know the answer is on these pages somewhere, but I’m not sure what “strings” are. I’m really bad at reading. I kind of jump in the pool and then look for the water.

    Just add me to your new fan base. Can’t wait to learn more.

  • Jblossom

    I recently joined this site and find it fascinating.I am learning to Tangle and love it. I ordered the kit but have not watched the DVD yet. I am recently retired. I love this site and all the directions to new tangles. I am thinking about ordering the Zentangle calendar. I am practicing daily. I don’t think I’m very good yet but I know that with practice I’ll improve. Thanks for a wonderful site!

  • Sigrid

    Hello Linda

    I had the great pleasure to discover your site … the wealth of information and sharing of tutorials. But above all the generosity of an artist who does not hesitate to share his passion.
    Although my English is not in (I took the opportunity to exercise myself), I wanted to say a big merƧi for your kindness.

  • Dale

    Hi Linda,
    I’ve been following you for quite some time now and would like to thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us!!!!

  • susan baigent

    Hello Linda .
    I have just been introduced to Zentangling by a friend.
    I have before coloured Mandalas.
    I find your page fantastic very informative and inspirational.
    I like the philosophy that goes with it too.
    I have practiced doing a couple and amazed at what can be achieved.
    I thankyou for sharing .Looking forward to creating more.
    warm hugs sue x

  • Shirley Mcwan

    I am new to Zentangle and I have looked into various ways to learn this art. I am so thankful to you for helping me learn the different tangles and enjoy doing them too.

  • Sharon McKenney

    Love your new page, Linda!

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Thanks Sharon, the mobile version has always been available and you can switch back to the desktop version by scrolling down to the bottom of any page and using the buttons there. The reason you are seeing it now is that Google required me to show the mobile version first when viewed on mobile devices.
      However, the problem with the mobile version is that the alphabetic menu bar for the tangles isnā€™t available, but I hope to resolve that issue in the near future. Also none of the features in the sidebars – finding tangles by artist, or type; random tangle selector, etc. – are available in the mobile version. So it’s not my favorite way of using the site but it does work for quick reference on mobile devices with small screens.

  • Michelle


    I have just started doing Zentangle and think that it is fun as well as relaxing. I had been looking on the internet to learn more about Zentangle when I found your site. Since then, I have visited it more than once. It’s a great site with a lot of information.


  • Shell

    This site is truly wonderful! ?
    I have seen the term ‘zentangle/s’ as I’ve gone out and about on my other arty and crafty endeavours, and for someone seeking not only a definition, but useful information; your ‘site is a genuine treasure trove!
    I do paint, sketch, and draw; and have been a ‘doodler’ for as long as I can remember. I have also had a truly rubbish couple of years and find relaxing and meditating much harder to achieve than times past. Zentangle and/or zendala seem to have popped up again at precisely the right time … I know better than to believe in coincidence ????
    Thank-you for this wonderful ‘site, and for the obvious care and compassion you show everyone who reaches out. I think that there is something very special happenning here – call it a gut Feeling, (I’ve learned to trust mine implicitly.)

    Sincere Regards,
    (From Oz.)

  • Anne

    I have been dangling with tangling for about 6 months or so. An old high school friend started posting her tangles on FB and I got hooked. I enjoy the theme tangles…I guess I just need direction as opposed to “winging it”. I’m excited about getting more involved!

  • Cynda

    Hi I tried to sign up for the weekly newsletter but never got a response I wonder if this is because I am using a tablet. Whatever the problem I love this site can’t seem to stay away. My husband has noticed that I seem more confidant and I just started a couple weeks ago.

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Cynda and welcome to TanglePatterns and Zentangle. The confirmation email is sent automatically (and immediately) so I suggest you check your junk folder in case it went there. Otherwise, perhaps you typed your email address incorrectly so try again and verify there isn’t a typo. Cheers and happy tangling!

  • Arie

    We are also in South Florida (palm beaches) and survived Hurricane Mathew yesterday. Hope all is well at your home. Thanks for the work you do on this site. It’s a great resource

  • Belinda Warren

    Hi Linda, i’m Belinda from Ottawa, Canada..I have been using your site for a couple years now, and I purchased the 2014 Tangles guide and I Just Love your site! What a labour of love for you! You put so much time & effort into this site and it really shows..I am not a CZT, but I am so glad you are and that you give such an opportunity to others to benefit from all that you do. I just wanted to say Thank You so Much for giving others the opportunity to benefit from all your Amazing work on this site…Thanks Again <3
    Sincerely, Belinda from Ottawa

  • Vickie L. Stamper

    I just purchased the 2020 patterns ebook and it looks wonderful. I didn’t get a link in my email and had to figure out how to get it onto my laptop after downloading it to my desktop, but it worked. Thank you for future fun in tangling.

  • Dawn Hopkin

    I want to submit a couple of tangles I’ve made But in the instructions it says there can’t be grids but I’m confused because some of the original zentangles have dot grids in them. So please let me know what that means. Thank you Dawn H.

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Dawn, if you read the instructions again you’ll find that refers to PENCIL dots, grids, guidelines. Beginning – pre-planning – a pattern with pencil planning means the pattern is not a tangle for Zentangle. Look forward to seeing what you’ve come up with!

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