Each year around the second week of January I publish my updated, interactive TANGLE GUIDE eBook integrating all the previous year’s new tangles and adding a new feature or two.
An announcement is made when the new edition is available so be sure to subscribe to receive your (free) email announcement notice.
The 2025 edition of my TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE integrates all the tangles appearing on the site from May 2010 through December 31, 2024. Now well over 2,000 tangles!
YAY! My favourite annual book release!!!! I love getting the new edition each year and have them on my iPad – makes for an easy time to get to the site, the tangles, and all the fantastic site features <3 So convenient!!
Thank you for publishing the TanglePatterns book – that’s a lot of time, energy, hard work and commitment and it’s very appreciated. ~ Jenn Brayton, CZT
Yet another package full of awesome from Linda Farmer, CZT. Run, do not walk, to get your TANGLE GUIDE. Linda’s high editorial standards and cover art by Michele Beauchamp, CZT, are “over the top”. Show your financial support for the most comprehensive reference source IN THE WORLD for all things Zentangle. Get your copy of the guide today. ~ Linda Dochter, CZT
This FOURTEENTH annual edition of the TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE is a 117-page interactive PDF eBook resource where the tangle images are hot-linked to their post on this site for the how-to instructions. See a tangle you want to learn (or refresh your memory), simply click or tap the image and you’re instantly transported to the instructions. (Hard copies of the GUIDE are not available, your license permits you to print one copy for your own personal use if desired.)
Visit the STORE > EBOOKS page on the top menu bar (or click the cover image above) to get your copy.
You can print out the document for your personal use (NOTE: your personal license does not permit classroom copies). Many have spiral bound it for convenience. It is a complete interactive tool for using the website and learning how to draw the tangles. The TANGLE GUIDE includes a page listing all the new tangles added during the past year.
The TANGLE GUIDE features a section on how to get the most out of the site. Another feature is a section suggesting several different ways to use the TANGLE GUIDE to help you choose tangles. It includes instructions on how to use the RANDOM TANGLE SELECTOR in the left sidebar of the site just under my copyright notice — it looks like this screen capture on the right. BTW, you can use it to select Strings too.
Australian artist and CZT Michele Beauchamp continues to add her beautiful touch to the cover of each new edition. Michele selects many of the tangles that appeared on the site during the previous year and features them in her Zentangle-inspired cover art. Recent editions also include two bonus pages of Michele’s delicate Zentangle-inspired artistry to introduce the tangles section of the Guide.
Lots of extra features packed into 117 pages!
Several extra features and articles make the TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE an indispensable aid to using the site. It’s not only fantastic having a printed version to refer to, but where the Guide really shines is as a digital aid.
The GUIDE has some awesome features I think you’ll find pretty handy.
On page 3 the “Guide Contents” directory has “Quick Links” so you can jump to any section of the GUIDE . Even better, on page 11 where “The Tangles” begin there’s a “Quick Links” feature so you can jump immediately to any letter of the alphabet when you’re looking for a particular tangle.
Each year a page is added listing all the new tangle additions from the prior year (see page 90).
Also included is a “Zentangle Terminology” section so when you see an unfamiliar term you’ll have this handy reference at your fingertips. This is updated each year with the new terms added during the prior year.
The eBook also includes a page with links to all of my summaries of Zentangle’s Project Pack series to date. For the 2025 Edition I’ve added a page with links to all of Zentangle’s Christmas projects (The Twelve Days of Zentangle).
Each edition contains a reprint of CZT Sandy Hunter‘s excellent article, A post with no pictures. Sandy has graciously given me permission to include her article “in perpetuity” 🙂
You will receive a single-user license file for your own exclusive non-commercial personal use. Encourage your tangling friends to support the site as you have, and they will receive their own copy.
Your purchase helps offset a fraction of what it takes to maintain and grow this Zentangle® resource and is greatly appreciated. Without your financial support, TanglePatterns simply could not continue to be available.

Sample page from the TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE. Images are hot-linked to their post on the site for how-to instructions. Be sure to read Page 10, it describes the features and explains the blank squares so you understand how the TANGLE GUIDE works.
1. “How do I get a copy?”
Visit the STORE > EBOOKS page for details. There are more eBook GUIDES available too.
Your single-user license file is for your own exclusive personal use. Sharing in any form including making classroom copies violates your license, please see the Condition of Use on the EBOOKS page. I trust your integrity to encourage your tangling friends to support the site as you have, and they will receive their own copy.
2. “When will I receive the TANGLE GUIDE?”
Immediately. It’s a PDF digital download, there is no print edition but you can print your own handy copy. The TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE is available from the link on the STORE > EBOOKS page.
The entire download process is automated — when your transaction is successfully completed your browser will be redirected to another page containing your personalized secure download link. Be sure to SAVE the document to your computer before you attempt to open it!
If your browser fails to open another page, your secure download link is also sent to the email address you used in PayPal. If you use the email address of a “significant other” remember to let them know you are expecting a confirming email so they don’t accidentally delete it.
Be sure to download your copy as soon as your transaction is completed because your personalized link expires after 5 days (120 hours).
The files are large, for best results download to your desktop computer. And to avoid overloading your printer’s memory, print just a few pages at a time.
3. “Does the eBook contain tangle instructions?”
No, and for very good reasons.
There will never be a “how to draw” compilation of the steps because each tangle creator owns the copyright to their instructions and illustrations. Publishing by anyone else is copyright infringement. It is also unethical. It amounts to stealing their ideas, their images and their hard-earned website traffic. It’s known as digital theft. For more thoughts on this, please click on the “Artists For Respect” logo in the left sidebar.
That is why I link to the tangle originator’s site and don’t publish the instructions on TanglePatterns unless they have been sent to me for that purpose. And the tangle originator still owns their images, so no one can legally publish them in another form without express permission from the owner.
You may download steps and images for your own personal reference, however any other use especially commercial use including reproduction (ie. publishing your own version of their steps) or publishing in any form — and yes, this includes pinning on public boards — without the owner’s express written permission, is illegal.
As noted above, the TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE is an interactive resource where the tangle images are hot-linked to their post on this site for the how-to instructions.
Keep your file in a safe place
Keep a backup of your PDF on a thumb drive for safe keeping. Due to the alarming frequency of requests to replace lost files and the personal time involved in handling these requests, lost files will not be replaced free. Paraphrasing the late Canadian artist Robert Genn, I’d love to do it, but I’d need an extra week tacked onto every day. A replacement can be ordered and downloaded from the STORE > EBOOKS page.
Feedback on previous Editions
“Thank you so much for the Guide. It is even more fabulous than last years Guide. Also, thank you for all of the time and effort that you put into doing all of this plus making it available to anyone and everyone that is interested in this wonderful art form.” – Rosanne T
“I must say this years copy is so beautiful. Thanks again! ” – Denise K
“Bravo! As a computer expert ‘wana-be’ I can really appreciate the amount of work and organization this document takes.” Bette A.
“Well worth the small fee. Thank you.” – Susan P.
“Thank you for sharing your love of the art of Zentangle. Your 2013 Guide is done to perfection.” – Ellie S.
“I tote my copy of Tangle Patterns to every class and show it off (mine is nicely laminated and bound) and encourage my students to get their own. You provide SUCH a wonderful service for Zentangle afficionados.” – Barb R.
“I just got my new Tangle Pattern Book! It’s awesome just as I expected!” – Lena R.
“I’ll be looking forward to your next support renewal invite but meanwhile – I LOVE 2013!!! NICE WORK! AND THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO FOR US!!!!!” – Sherri L.
Also available! TanglePatterns.com BEGINNER’S GUIDE to Zentangle
A jump-start for beginners. This illustrated 14-page eBook for beginners describes Zentangle®, its origins, the supplies recommended, and the steps of the Zentangle Method. It contains over a dozen examples of official tangles that are good for Beginners, and an interactive list of additional free learning resources. If you don’t have a CZT near you, this explains everything you need to know to get started with Zentangle.
Available now from the STORE > E-BOOKS page. Your purchase of this eBook from TanglePatterns.com helps support the sustainability of this freely available Zentangle® resource.
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Enhance your Zentangle experience while supporting TanglePatterns: |
BRAND NEW!! TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition |
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The 14th Edition of the TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE is an instant-download 117-page interactive digital eBook/PDF containing over 2,000 tangles on the site from May 2010 through December 31, 2024. It's a great resource and a must-have digital tool for using the site. Visit the STORE > E-BOOKS page and help keep TanglePatterns.com going by getting your copy now! |
"Linda, Thank you! I was relying on too few and getting stuck after 3 years of daily working with Zentangle. This has inspired me to ‘begin again’ with renewed excitement." ~ Barbara R. |
See the BOOK REVIEWS page for more details on its features and view a sample page. Note: this is a digital product you download immediately when you place your order, nothing will be physically mailed to you. | |
If you're new to Zentangle® and tangling, my TanglePatterns.com BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO ZENTANGLE is just what you need to get started. Also available en Français and en Español. | |
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This is the only Zentangle book you'll ever need: the fabulous Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1. It's your CZT-in-a-book by the founders of Zentangle®. Visit the STORE tab on the top menu bar or click on the image. For more about the content and to read the rave reviews, visit the BOOK REVIEWS tab. |
Now available in KINDLE format for $9.99. Spanish Edition here. Japanese Edition here. | |
"Absolutely the best Zentangle Book yet! As an accomplished artist I used to think I did not need instruction on this art form. How wrong I was! My tangling improved by leaps and bounds after reading this book. If you think you have Zentangle down then you need this book more than ever!" ~ Kris H | |
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I absolutely love zentangle. Are there any czts in Atlanta, GA?
Hi Valerie, please see the list of CZTs here on Zentangle.com.
LOVE your site! just made a donation 🙂 looking forward to receiving the tangle guide you created!! thank you for all the wonderful resources!!! xoxox
I have just found Zentangles and am going crazy working on the different patterns on your site I wish there was a CZT instructor around Tacoma, WA Thank you for all the hard work.
Hi! Jane,
I’m a CZT in Tacoma, listed on the Zentangle.com website since June, 2014. Contact me if you haven’t already found another teacher.
Jane! Me too! I’m in Spokane. I’ve been dabbling for about two months now and have involved a couple daughters and a niece. So much fun. So relaxing.
Jane, you have someone in Bellingham, and I believe, Everett.
Cindy! Me too! I live in Moscow Idaho. There aren’t any CZT’s listed in Idaho anywhere ;-(. I’ve been dabbling since June 2012 and have joined the Zentangle Inspired Art(ZIA) group at yahoo groups. Its been fun and I have learned a lot, being challenged by all the swaps they do. And of course, there’s this lovely site. I have gotten lots of info from Linda F and have downloaded her tangle patterns book to carry with me.
Keep tanglin’ and have fun with it!
Wow! I have just discovered zentangles, there won’t be much housework done in my house for a while now! Would love to come to your classes but I am a bit too far away here in the UK!
Thanks for the ebook.
Carol D.
Thanks, Carol. This will keep you out of trouble for a loooong time. If you visit the list of Certified Zentangle Teachers in the left sidebar under the “SOURCE WEBSITES” heading you’ll be able to locate CZTs in Great Britain. Enjoy!
Thank you Linda, I have been learning Celtic Knotwork over the past year, (k)not easy but then I saw a book on Zentangle basics that showed how to put these designs together…and I thought hmmm. Then I went online and found your site. It’s all FREE! Wow and I thought “how amazing for one woman to supply her knowledge for FREE!” So I sent you a donation you poor thing, so much work. Thank God for you. (or,insert the deity of your choice).
Linda L, I will find that group you mention at Yahoo. Sounds like fun. Thanks.
I donated! I have been using this site for inspiration and refreshers. I am looking forward to having the book. I was recently asked to display some of my tiles and ZIA in a local art exhibit – what a thrilling experience this has been. Thanks for this site and for all you do. You deserve much more than I could afford to donate! Take care and happy tangling!
About to go donate. I could NOT survive without this site for inspiration. I wish there were a CZT in Montreal. Or better still, I wish I could become a CZT but it’s simply too far for me to travel to a course.
Thank you for all that you do~
Hi Cheryl,
If you’re looking for a CZT in your area, I am on the south shore of Mtl in Candiac.
Hi Joanne, I’ve sent Cheryl your email address. Thanks for helping out. Cheers!
Thanks so much for all your work. I find the zentangles to be a sort a muse for me. I downloaded the pdf and some of the squares are blank. Is that normal?
By now I hope you’ve read the email you received (and it was also explained on the download page with the link) that you need to read the second page of the GUIDE to learn how it works. Thanks!
I just downloaded your 2012 book and I am just giddy. This is so awesome!! I have gotten patterns here and there, in books, on websites, but this is amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Just made another donation, you deserve it for such hard work, I can’t remember when I last paid, but hope to continue subscribing, love this site. Thank you. Elaine from Cheshire UK
Anyone else in BC Canada hooked?
I too am in BC Canada. Had a zentangle book placed on my “recommended for Anna” page on Amazon.ca so I checked it out, and shortly thereafter ordered it. I was like, wow, I have been doodling like this forever, who knew it had a name!! Love this site too. Tangled many of my Christmas gift tags.
Aloha from Hawaii! Just made a donation and then printed out all the many zentangles. What fun and inspiration this is going to be for me. I do artwork on gourds, and this will be so great for these. Thankyou so much, Cynthia
I love this guide! I printed out a copy and have it in a binder along with the 2012 issue. Thank you for your help Linda. Now I can join the “Happy Dance” Club!
Love the design in the front done by Michele Beauchamp. Beautiful!
It is possible for you to add a screenshot of a sample page from the Tangle Guide? I’m sure it looks terrific, and would generate more support!
Great suggestion, thanks! Done.
Just purchased and downloaded your Tangle Guide via Pay Pal. Simple, easy, and SO FAST! Love the convenience. I’m already drooling over my monitor.
It’s fabulous that when view the guide on my computer, the patterns in the Guide are linked to the webpage for additional information.
Well done!
Just got the new 2013 guide and it looks great. Thanks for all your time to compile this for our reference!
With book “Yoga for the Brain”, I bit off a bit more than i could chew as 55yo early-dementia patient, but searching for some EASY uncluttered tangles brought me here. Thank you. I just downloaded your Tangle Guide. Thank you.
Truthful L. Kindness (yes it is my legal name) and “Blessing” the wheelchair Service Dog
Thank you, TLK and a tickle round the ears for Blessings too 🙂
Hi Linda. I have the Tangle Pattern Guide from last year. I am wondering if it is different this year. Thanks for all you do!
Please see BOOK REVIEWS > TANGLEPATTERNS.COM TANGLE GUIDE for info about the guide. Thanks!
Linda you have outdone last years guide. The cover art is beautiful by Michele Beauchamp. As always, thanks for all your work on this site. I am always sending my students to this site. What a good resource. You have a great collection & it keeps on growing. I check it out often for more creative possibilities & inspiration. I recommend that everyone donate so they can have their own personal copy. The donation is so small in comparison to what we get back! You will not be disappointed, unless you do not donate.
Denise Knobloch CZT 8
I got my guide and want to tell you thank you for putting this together. I’m new to Zentangle and this is so helpful!
Thanks DZ, glad you’re finding it helpful!
hello there. i work as an artsworker in mental health in scotland i have not long found zentangle and it has already helped me through a recent time of family loss it really works! we use mindfulness in our practice and this seems a natural extension. i have bought yoga for your brain and im hooked. im just about to support and download. can you let me know how to become czt?
Hi Jane, welcome to Zentangle and thanks so much for your support. Your experience with Zentangle and dealing with grief is echoed by many others, you’ll find some of those accounts on the STORIES tab on the pink alphabetic menu bar.
You might be interested in seeing this announcement about Zentangle and mindfulness: https://tanglepatterns.com/2012/05/tangle-refresher-25-zentangle-milestone.html
Also, to answer your question about becoming a CZT please visit the ZENTANGLES tab at the top of the page and click on the TEACHING ZENTANGLE link.
Happy tangling!
thank you that is a great link to mindfulness im thinking about zentangle as a basis for my final college report in a clinical trial or even as evaluation of intervention – is that something i could do?
Clinical trials are usually quite complex with rigorous guidelines and take place over a span of time so I’m not sure you would be able to accomplish that immediately but in any case, you would need to consult your college advisors about what you have in mind. I also recommend you contact Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas at Zentangle once you’ve checked with your advisors.
Hi Linda, I wanted to donate more than the $12 and receive the guide, so I went to the second button and sent a larger donation. I guess I did it too quickly and now I didn’t get a link to the guide. Can I still receive a link for the guide. I love your emails. They make my day! 🙂
Hi Judy, to get the GUIDE you have to use the first button and edit the amount in your cart – it’s the only one connected to the system for downloading the file. I will contact you by email to sort this out. Glad to hear my emails make your day, and thanks so much for your support!
I am a newbie to zentangle. Ilove it. Can you tell me if there CZT in Salt Lake City Ut .
Thank you
Hi Bernice, please visit the ABOUT > FAQs page on the top menu bar.
I have sent u multiple emails that u have not gotten yet… Last fall I sent my twelve dollars for support to get the 2013 Tangle Guide and I was waiting…. then I came onto the site and noticed it was out… I have heard anything. and I chose to wait for 2013. Thank Yoy
Deborah Dickerson
Deborah! I sent you the download link in January when the TANGLE GUIDE came out, AND I’ve replied to your emails, AND I’ve also resent you the link as recently as last week. Please get a gmail address and let me know what it is because obviously hotmail is not working and it’s wasting our time.
Dear Linda Farmer,
I discovered ZENTANGLE this week and I´m fascinate. I would like to buy or to order this e-book TanglePattterns- Tangle Guide.
How can I order or to download this book..
Thanks for all.
Hi Ennio, welcome to Zentangle! You can find them on the STORE Menu at the top of the page, look for the EBOOKS page: https://tanglepatterns.com/store/e-books
This is my favorite Zentangle-Guide I ever seen!!! I love the eBook!
Many many thanks from germany!
Love it! I am very new to ‘tangling’and this book is a great resource. One more hobby to add to all the others!
Hello Linda,
Merci pour voter site magnifique.C’est un outil très appréciable de travail, que j’utilise tous les jours.
Meilleures salutations et à bientôt.
Hello Linda,
I’ve purchased the tangle guide and the string guide. They are helpful resources! Very few guidebooks and CZTs are in Japan. I cannot enjoy tangling without your website and e-books! Thank you so much.
Hello Linda
I’m a new tangler from Switzerland and I love it. I downloaded the ebook and its absolutely great to have it. Do you know if there are any other tanglers in Switzerland?
Thank you and by by.
Hi Linda
I’ve just purchased the 2014 Tangle Guide and it’s brilliant! It’s so different looking at a ‘page’ of tangles rather than scrolling through on the site (which I also love btw). I have already had several “I haven’t seen THAT one before!!” moments and I think that the blank squares and number generator thingy are great ideas. Thanks so much for all the hours you must put in to make all this “just happen” for us.
Thanks for once again providing us with this wonderful, truly helpful guide. I am amazed at the amount of time and work that must go into each edition. What a gift to provide to your readers.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the wonderful site you provide to us. i am new to this and am very glad the site is here. I have donated to 2015 and wish you lots of sucess.
Best Wishes
Thank you Linda for all the work you do to provide everyone with patterns. I love your site and look forward to each days e-mail. I have donated to 2015 and look forward to another wonderful year using your site (do not know what I do without your site)!
I am a true fan of yours and have been writing back and forth to you for months. I have purchased all of your materials as well. I just made a donation to your site too. I really appreciate the site and love that you are always available and reply to my emails!
I encourage ANYONE who comes to this site to contribute. If you don’t have the Tangle Patterns ebooks get them! They are well worth the few dollars and will expand your Zentangle repertoire tremendously! If you are already a proud owner of the reference materials, I strongly suggest sending in an additional donation – Linda works really hard at this and definitely doesn’t rip anyone off! Her ebooks are great and the information contained in them, especially since they have live links to the website, are priceless to our art. One book can cost $15-20 so why not contribute to keep costs down to maintain this amazing site?
Thanks again, Linda! YOU ROCK!!!!
Just ordered and downloaded the book. I’m new to Zentangle and I love the idea of having all the patterns in one place. Thank you so much!
I am completely in love with Zentangle and ZIA. I am also as close to computer illiterate as one can get and still have an email account.
I am going to ask a friend to help me with the download because I ask such stupid questions…..like, “if I download it, where does it go?” See what I mean, really, really dumber than a box of rocks. But that doesn’t stop me from loving your site and checking my email all the time for word from you and all those who so kindly share their their
love and knowledge of this wonderful art form!!!!
Love your work! The patterns are awesome, the layout is superb, and it’s so easy to find help on the site. Thanks again.
How lovely to see the “Swiss Patterns” Hamail and Abundies on the cover of the new edition! ???????? Thank you for your work Linda!
hi linda! thanks for this lovely website!! <3 i hope there is CZT here in the Philippines. I would like to attend the seminar but its too far from me… thanks again! 🙂
this is awesome!!!!!!!!
I was considering purchasing the beginners book for my sister but would like to know if it comes in a hardcopy?
Hi Renay, the eBooks are all digital downloads but they can be printed out without any problem.
Here is the page to use for ordering a gift copy:
When you place your order, you will give your sister’s name and email address in the “Instructions” section of your order. When your transaction clears, I will email the download link with a covering email to your sister so she can download the file herself.
If you have any questions, let me know!
How do I change my email address with you?
Visit the ABOUT tab on the top menu bar of any page on the site and select the page HOW TO CHANGE YOUR EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION for instructions.
Hi Linda, Thank you for this wonderful site. My friend, Patricia, and I have been tangling for a year . We get together once a week for coffee, chat, then silence reigns as we tangle and the weeks troubles disappear. Have found it helps with stress and clears the mind. Your site has inspired us both. Thank you.
I love tangling and wish I could find a CZT in Calgary, Alberta Canada.
Hi Christa, there are at least 2 CZTs in Calgary. Have you actually checked the CZT Directory here on the zentangle.events site? There is always a link to the directory in the left sidebar of TanglePatterns under the SOURCE WEBSITES heading. Hope that helps!
I’m currently visiting your site daily to learn all the tangles — trying for 4 a day, starting in the Z’s. I’m planning on buying your 2019 version of this book, so I hope you are working on it now! 😀
As usual I’ll be working on the Guide over my Christmas “vacation”! Enjoy learning all these great tangles …
Hi Linda
I’ve been thinking about getting the most recent guide, and wondering if it will work on my iPhone. My laptop is a dinosaur so I don’t use it very often, much more likely to get online by phone.
Hi Heidi, yes it will work fine on Apple and Android devices that have storage capacity (26 MB document) and a PDF reader, like iBooks for Apple devices. (It is NOT a Kindle document.) You should have iBooks already installed before you attempt a download.
However, I recommend downloading to a laptop for several reasons, not the least of which is you can’t go wrong downloading to a laptop. Phones and tablets seem to be more complicated and none work the same as the rest. Giving technical advice isn’t in my skill-set so laptops are the least painful route. There are ways to copy (not move – so you have a backup) files between devices which can be found doing a Google search.
Hope that helps! Here’s the link to the STORE page: https://tanglepatterns.com/store/e-books 🙂
What would the world be like without you? I enjoy your page so much and know I can always find something to keep me busy. Please keep it up.
Thanks so much for you kind comment, Roger 🙂
This page has been the best ever for Zentangle!! I love it and I love to read the comments. I have the guide downloaded on my phone which is tricky and I have printed myself a hard copy but of course it does not give out the break outs. But over all your site receives and 10. most excellent!!
Ok….hands down, this book continues to be my favorite!!! Even after long periods of downtime when I attend to other hobbies, each time I return to Zentangle, this is my to-go resource. I just purchased 2020. I thought my other volumes would be enough but with all the new editions, I had to have 2020. I have bought other books and just recently bought a book…good book, but This Tangle Guide really is all I need. I wish I could remember that and not be tempted with other books. I LOVE the tips on drawing grids. I am 74 and have slightly wobbly lines…so the guide is great also for my being mathematically deficient LOL. THANKS!
Hi Suzie, THANKS so much for your glowing endorsement 🙂 I appreciate you taking time to comment. Any tangler who has the TanglePatterns TANGLE GUIDE and the Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1 has all the books they need. In my humble opinion of course. Cheers and happy tangling!
Hi Linda,
Hello from Vancouver Island, BC ( Canada)!
I’m trying to download the 2023 Tangle Guide, but I keep getting to the “I am not a
Robot” checkbox on the PayPal page, and getting the message “something seems not be working right now. Please try again later.” This has been going on since yesterday.
I’ve tried looking for help on Google with no luck.
Any suggestions?
And thanks for all your work running this wonderful website!
Karen T.
Hi Karen on Vancouver Island 🙂
Hmm, I’m not great at solving technical issues but it sounds to me that it could be an issue with the buildup of cookies in your browser. Suggest you search online for how to clear your particular type of browser’s cache. If that doesn’t fix the issue …
I recommend contacting PayPal by phone, they have free international numbers and are always very helpful in assisting with any issue. After they’ve helped resolve your issue you can use any credit card to purchase the eBooks, PayPal processes the payments.
To get the PayPal contact phone number, go to the PayPal site and scroll down to the very bottom where you’ll find a “Contact” link. Click that and when you’re taken to the next page, scroll down to the bottom again where you’ll see a telephone graphic by a link that says “Call Us”. You’ll then be taken to a page with the appropriate number to call.
That should help!
BTW, I use a free program called CrapCleaner on a daily basis to keep my computer and browsers regularly purged of trackers, cookies and general junk. You’d be amazed how much “stuff” is added to your computer without your knowledge from being on the internet and it’s no wonder our browsers get confused at times with megabytes of junk to process. FWIW.
I love the Tangle Guide! It’s such a helpful resource for anyone looking to expand their tangling skills. The organization and clarity of the patterns make it easy to find inspiration. Thank you for putting this together!