“Zentangle Project Packs are a curated collection of supplies that pair up with an online video tutorial, or series of tutorials, all on the same theme.
These packs are numbered and made available for purchase prior to the release of each video in the series. Enjoy the Zentangle tools and tiles as you tangle along with Rick, Maria and others from Zentangle HQ.”
Here is the introduction to Zentangle’s Project Pack #10 from Zentangle HQ:
As we celebrate No.10 in our Zentangle Project Pack series, we bring to you a collection of tutorials that highlight some of the people, the stories, the tangles, the techniques and of course, the magic that make up the “legend” of Zentangle.
Join us as we take you on an imaginative ride, guiding you through creating your own personal legend one tangle at a time.
This series is also different from previous Project Packs in that “each of the lessons in this series builds off of each other and we suggest watching the Zentangle Project Pack No. 10 videos in order, beginning with the introduction.”
SUPPLIES: This Project Pack is available here ($30.95) in the zentangle.com store. This pack features a very special booklet custom designed by the team at Zentangle HQ especially for this purpose, it’s not something you will find in your own supplies.
Some specifics: Similar to the mini-journal of Project Pack #06, this printed Project Pack mini-journal/booklet is 5.5 inches (14 cm) wide by 5.5 inches (14 cm) tall. It is made of a sewn-bound signature composed of 6 sheets of a smooth card stock (for a total of 24 pages). The booklet’s cover is a linen-textured heavyweight card in a Renaissance Tan color with an embossed logo. It’s another sweet surprise!
You can improvise, “get creative with your own supplies”, but I highly recommend you get this Project Pack because the booklet will become a useful and beautiful personal keepsake.
In addition to the special PP#10 item, you will also receive:
- Sakura Micron 01 pens: (1) Black, (1) Brown
- Icosahedron die
- graphite Zentangle pencil
- tortillion
- basic white Zentangle tiles
Each spread in the Legend booklet has 20 spaces so it can be used with the icosahedron die included in the supplies kit to randomly choose tangles.
The following chronology is a summary of the videos for this Project Pack with links to the individual videos. Either click the Day #’s title link or the image itself to view the full video on YouTube.
“Each of the lessons in this series builds off of each other and we suggest watching the Zentangle Project Pack No. 10 videos in order, beginning with the introduction.”
Day 1 – Introduction
In Day 1’s introductory video (05:42) – Rick & Maria introduce the special components of this Project Pack and explain the purpose of the series:
“This Zentangle Project Pack focuses on the legend of the Zentangle Legend. Its goal is to inspire you to create your own Legend . . . with all which that metaphor can imply.“
Day 1 – L5 – The Original Legend
In Day 1’s video (55:18) – With Rick keeping her company Maria starts the project out by recreating the tangles from the original L5 Legend included in the Official Kit.
Maria adds those tangles on Spread L5 of the special PP#10 booklet.
These are the tangles on the L5 Legend and their starting time markers in the video:
- Crescent Moon – 00:47
- Msst – 4:29
- Xircus – 5:29
- Floo – 7:04
- Chartz – 9:01
- Printemps (FYI – Scoodle is the original tangle in this position on the original L5 Legend, and it is quite different from Printemps. On Day 9 in her tangleations of L5 tangles, Maria includes the correct image of Scoodle in position 6) – 10:53
- Keeko – 12:26
- Florz – 15:13
- Static – 17:23
- Knightsbridge – 18:51
- Hollibaugh – 20:43
- Pokeroot – 22.:17
- Fescu – 23:26
- Tipple – 24:31
- Flux – 27:40
- Shattuck – 30:34
- Zander – 32:10
- Bales – 34:25
- Purk – 36:26
- Flukes – 37:46
At 39:47 Maria goes through them all and adds basic shading.
Day 2 – L2 – Spiral Tangles
In Day 2’s video (51:41) – Maria’s daughter CZT Martha Huggins works with the Legend marked L2 in the lower right corner of the booklet page spread.
Martha chose the theme “Spirals” so the four tangles she demonstrates in this video “involve a spiral in one shape or another.“
These are the tangles Martha explores and their starting time markers in the video:
Day 3 – L3 – Straight and Curvy Tangles
In Day 3’s video (31:48) – With Maria keeping him company, working on Legend spread L3, Rick “is going to do a series of straight and curvy tangles“. On the left side of the spread Rick adds tangles with straight lines, on the right side of the spread he adds tangles with curvy lines.
These are the ten patterns Rick tangles and their starting time markers in the video:
At 25:36 Rick adds shading to all the tangles done today.
Maria adds “We’re hoping you’re going to fill in the rest of these with your favorite tangles of curvy and straight“.
Day 4 – L10 – Drama Tangles and Texture Tangles
In Day 4’s video (51:57) – Maria’s daughter CZT Molly Hollibaugh chose Legend spread L10, the theme of contrasting tangles – drama tangles and texture tangles and showing how they work together.
She fills the left side of the spread with tangles, leaving the right side for us to add our favorites for this theme. She uses the Brown Micron 01 for the texture tangles, and the Black Micron 01 for the drama tangles. She has also selected tangles that have “some legend stories”.
Starting with the texture tangles done with the Brown Micron 01 these are the starting time markers in the video:
Switching to the drama tangles done with the Black Micron 01 – 22:25
At 41:00 Molly adds shading to each of today’s tangles.
Day 5 – L6 – Crazy Tangles
In Day 5’s video (54:11) – Using spread L6, CZT Julie Willand tangles “crazy versions of tangles that we love“. For the first 5 or so minutes of the video she shares her personal Zentangle story.
These are the starting time markers in the video:
At 38:27 Julie adds shading to today’s tangles.
At 51:32, Julie turns to spread L9 and explains this spread is “for you to fill with different prompts. Not necessarily of tangles to use, but where and when and how you’re tangling, or maybe what tools you’re using.” She adds four examples to get us started in adding our own prompts.
Day 6 – L4 – Border Tangles
In Day 6’s video (29:54) – With Rick keeping her company Maria tangles on spread L4 with border tangles, “one of my favorite things and I keep going back to this because it’s something that I use all the time“.
These are the starting time markers in the video:
- Pokeleaf – 01:02
- Cadent – 05:15
- Fragment F2 (from pages 120 – 121 in the Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1) – 08:15
- Hurry – 12:22
- Mooka – 15:20
- Mooka Tangleation – 19:31
- Eke – 22:25
- Bales – 24:12
- Knightsbridge – 26:36
At 28:35 Maria displays a version of this border tangles spread she had done previously.
Day 7 – L11 – Tangleations of Tangles with Common Strokes
In Day 7’s video (1:18:45) – Molly and Martha take turns adding tangles to legend spread L11.
These are the starting time markers in the video:
56:28 – Adding shading
1:11:01 – They share similar spreads done previously
1:14:00 – They visit the “Prompts and Challenges” page (Legend L9), and give some ideas for prompts.
Day 8 – L7 – Tangle Fragments
In Day 8’s video (23:48) – With Maria keeping him company, Rick adds tangle fragments from pages 120 – 121 in the Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1 to legend spread L7 and makes up a couple of new fragments along the way.
These are the starting time markers in the video:
Square Fragments
- Fragment U4 – 01:06
- Fragment F2 – 02:00
- Fragment H5 – 02:46
- Fragment M5 – 03:51
- Fragment T7 – 04:36
- Fragment B4 – 05:20
- Fragment Q2 – 05:56
- Fragment A4 – 07:05
- Fragment J6 – 07:58
- Rick’s “make one up” Fragment – 08:55
Triangular Fragments
- Fragment G13 – 09:42
- Fragment D11 – 10:24
- Fragment C15 – 10:50
- Rick’s “another new one” Fragment – 11:25
- Fragment L12 – 11:44
- Fragment C21 – 12:15
- Fragment C25 – 12:50
- Fragment L25 – 13:10
- Fragment H21 – 13:39
- Fragment F25 – 14:07
15:07 – Rick plays with his new fragment – #10 in the first row of fragments – on a tile, demonstrating the patterns created by rotating and mirroring the fragment.
Rick’s “mistangle” Fragment – 20:20
Rick adds some suggestions to L9, the prompts page.
Day 9 – L1 – Tangleations of L5 Tangles
In the Day 9 video in the Project Pack 10 Series (29:45) – using Legend L1, Maria adds tangles from the original L5 Legend, “but just making each one a little bit different“.
Note that in position #6 in this image from a spread she had tangled previously (not in this video), Maria has the correct tangle, Scoodle. (In Day 1’s video, Printemps was used in error in place of Scoodle.)
These are the starting time markers in the video:
- Crescent Moon tangleation – 00:56
- Xircus tangleation – 04:06
- Keeko tangleation – 07:30
- Knightsbridge tangleation – 09:55
- Floo tangleation – 12:02
- Tipple tangleation – 14:13
- Shattuck tangleation – 16:31
- Bales tangleation – 18:30
- Hollibaugh tangleation – 21:40
22:46 – shading added to the day’s tangles
29:05 – Maria shows a completed L1 page spread done previously in a second booklet.
Project 10 Wrap-Up
In the final video in the Project Pack 10 Series (09:04) – Rick and Maria try out the Project Pack using the icosahedron die, the recently-filled Project Pack Legend Booklet and white tiles included in the supplies, “to see how it worked“.
00:49 – Maria shows how she combined Crescent Moon and Scena
02:14 – Maria’s tile with Doodah, Mooka, and Huggins (image above)
03:15 – Rick shows how he combined Flux and Hollis
04:38 – Maria shows her tile using Fragment 6 (Flukes) on page L7 together with Moon Pie – and introduces the concept of Free-flowing (or Free-floating) Fragments (05:50)
06:10 – Maria shows how she explored her Knightsbridge tangleation from the previous video and added the coffering technique she had used in her Hollibaugh tangleation from the same video.
07:39 – Maria’s tile using “a whole bunch of borders”.
And there you have it. This recap of Zentangle’s Project Pack #10 will make it easy for you to find all the related videos and parts of them you may wish to refer to again.
Remember the images above are linked to their YouTube video, simply click the image to go to the video. Also: when they are different enough from previous videos, some of the complete videos are included on the corresponding tangle’s page on TanglePatterns.
For future reference you can locate this post on the TUTORIALS and the VIDEO tabs in the pink alphabetic tangle menu bar. You can also locate it in the TANGLES BY TYPE section in the left sidebar with the tag projectpack.
Zentangle Project Pack Summaries on TanglePatterns
For your convenience here are the links to all of my Zentangle Project Pack summaries:- November 2017: Introducing Sakura’s White Gelly Roll Pens
- December 2017: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2017 Edition - A Stroll Down Memory Lane
- June 2018: A Zentangle Ensemble
- December 2018: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2018 Edition – Making a Zentangle Spinner
- April 2019: Zentangle Cartouches
- August 2019: No Mistakes
- December 2019: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2019 Edition – Light and Shade
- March 2020: Dancing in the Moonlight
- April 2020: Spring has Sprung
- July 2020: The Legend of Zentangle
- September 2020: Fee-PHI-Fo-Fun!
- December 2020: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2020 Edition - Zentangle Renaissance
- April 2021: Layers and Transitions
- May 2021: Accessing the Artist Within
- September 2021: Alphaborders, Letter Forms, Alphabets and the Birth of Zentangle
- December 2021: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2021 Edition - Keeping Score
- March 2022: The Kaleidoscope of Our Lives
- August 2022: Introducing Zentangle's new Translucen-Z Tiles
- December 2022: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2022 Edition - Zentomology
- March 2023: Blossoming Tangles
- August 2023: Organic Tangles: Tangles of a Botanical Nature
- December 2023: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2023 Edition - Exploring the Spiral
- March 2024: The Birth of the Zentangle Method
- August 2024: Crescent Moon & Aura
- December 2024: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2024 Edition - Drawing Behind
- March 14, 2025: The Elegance of Limits
- August 2025: TBA
- December 2025: TBA
These are the links to my Zentangle Apprentice Project Pack summaries:- January - February 2021: The Basics of the Zentangle Method
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Enhance your Zentangle experience while supporting TanglePatterns: |
BRAND NEW!! TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition |
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The 14th Edition of the TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE is an instant-download 117-page interactive digital eBook/PDF containing over 2,000 tangles on the site from May 2010 through December 31, 2024. It's a great resource and a must-have digital tool for using the site. Visit the STORE > E-BOOKS page and help keep TanglePatterns.com going by getting your copy now! |
"Linda, Thank you! I was relying on too few and getting stuck after 3 years of daily working with Zentangle. This has inspired me to ‘begin again’ with renewed excitement." ~ Barbara R. |
See the BOOK REVIEWS page for more details on its features and view a sample page. Note: this is a digital product you download immediately when you place your order, nothing will be physically mailed to you. | |
If you're new to Zentangle® and tangling, my TanglePatterns.com BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO ZENTANGLE is just what you need to get started. Also available en Français and en Español. | |
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This is the only Zentangle book you'll ever need: the fabulous Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1. It's your CZT-in-a-book by the founders of Zentangle®. Visit the STORE tab on the top menu bar or click on the image. For more about the content and to read the rave reviews, visit the BOOK REVIEWS tab. |
Now available in KINDLE format for $9.99. Spanish Edition here. Japanese Edition here. | |
"Absolutely the best Zentangle Book yet! As an accomplished artist I used to think I did not need instruction on this art form. How wrong I was! My tangling improved by leaps and bounds after reading this book. If you think you have Zentangle down then you need this book more than ever!" ~ Kris H | |
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WOW, Linda. This blog entry (if it can even be called that) is over the top. Thank you once again for your attention to completeness, accuracy and usefulness.
Very nice summary of the project pack and also a nice directory/index of what is included! Thanks so much for such detailed work.
Sorry, I just saw something and feel that I have to comment again on this post. I know a tangle isn’t drawn with the intent to look like “a thing” but sometimes “a thing” appears anyhow.
Whoever would have thought that Mooka could be drawn and shaded to become a border of flamingos? (Day 6) I think it’s most apparent in the example on the left.
Thank you for letting me share. 🙂
I’ve noticed that there are more and more patterns that are *intended* to look like something, like today’s (January 8, 2021), which is flowers. For some reason, it bugs me that people are doing that instead of sticking to Maria and Rick’s original guidelines. I know there are no Tangle Police, but it seems to go against the spirit of Zentangle. Or maybe I’m taking it too seriously and should just enjoy the creativity that people are sharing. LOL
Hi Lisa, I think your last sentence is the perfect conclusion/decision. I do try to keep the flowers to a minimum but sometimes they’re just what we all need especially if they’re abstract enough not to be a “drawing of some thing”. I’m confused though because there was no tangle post today – I announced the release of the new TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE, 2021 Edition – so we have no idea which you’re tangle referring to?
This is an incredible amount of work, Linda, and thank you so very much for the time and energy creating this detailed post! It’s everything I need in one tidy place, and I often take breaks from PP10 to do tiles using the tangles here 🙂 Massive applause!!
Thank you Linda again for putting together an awesome summary of this project pack. All your hard work is truelyappreciated.
Merci beaucoup je suis québécoise et en traduisant avec français j’ai compris bien des choses.votre résumé est formidable..merci beaucoup..
🙂 Merci, heureux que vous le trouviez utile! (With the help of Google Translate)
Wow Linda, this is great. So far I haven’t had much time to work on this project. That’s probably because I haven’t been able to afford the Project Pack 10. I’ve always made whatever materials I’ve needed that’s drawn, but this one would take a long time just to make it. Thank you for recommending so highly to get this set. I will see what I can do. I might have some cash stashed away that I can use. Hmmmmmm.
Thank you for all your hard work Linda. You are very appreciated by all of us. Stay safe, stay well.
Thank you Linda for your marvellous ‘weekly tangle roundup’.
I am new to ‘tangling’ only having been doing it a few months and have to say it had been my ‘lifesaver’ . I live in England and during our ‘lockdown’ and the recent difficult times, drawing ‘one line at a time’ has kept me sane and even (amazingly) calm.
I always wake up early on a Sunday morning, as I’m so excited to open my email from you. Each week’s summary seems to get better and better (perhaps as I’m getting more experienced in tangling) but today’s summary has surpassed all others.
I have loved watching the Project 10 videos in the last couple of weeks and to have the detailed list as to where everything is with exact times is wonderful.
So, thank you so much again for all your input and hard work. Keep safe and stay well
Thank you so much Linda for doing all this detailed work! I’ve been trying to learn how to do “the basic 20” and some of them were so hard to find – until now!
Just wonderful to have this as a resource! Thank you thank you thank you!
I have to say, this is the one Project Pack you really must order! So far I think it is the best Project Pack! Trust me, they are all good but 10 is a special one and the booklet is a nice reference-work.
As is the book Zentangle Primer Vol 1 for all the fragments etc.!
But, thank you Linda, for all your efforts on this site!
Linda –
FYI – When I returned to this post, I found a large gap in Day 3 immediately after the link to the video. Don’t know if something is really missing from your blog or if it is just my computer failing to buffer properly.
Thanks again for all your good work.
Hi Linda, there are no issues on the website so it’s something at your end probably your ISP. Maybe it’s frozen! 😉