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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



Guest Contributor: Sandra Strait on Choosing a Journal for Penwork – Part 1

By Guest Contributor: Sandra Strait. This is the first of a two-part series where Sandra generously shares her wealth of experience about what to consider when choosing a journal for penwork such as Zentangle. In Part 2 of this series, Sandra reviews several journals and their attributes.

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Guest Contributor: Sandra Strait’s String Templates

Sandra Strait's String Templates

In the second installment of the “Guest Contributor” feature on, invited contributor Sandra Strait shares her ideas and examples for String Templates in her first guest post.

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Giving Thanks

Thank You!

As many of us prepare to take a special day on Thursday to honor Thanksgiving and celebrate our multitudes of blessings, I wanted to take time to thank you, Gentle Readers, and let you know how much your support means to me.

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Show us your Zentangles

Free photo-sharing websites

Several of you have inquired about sharing your Zentangle® art on tanglepatterns. I have been noodling for some time to figure out a way to implement this. I’ve concluded the simplest way to accomplish this …

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How to get your own Gravatar

Let's discuss it!

Today I thought I’d post a tip on how to get one of those cute little square pictures of yourself that show up with your comment in any blog or forum. Because it’s FREE, really easy to do, and it’s so much nicer to see a face instead of a computer-generated icon or a blank spot alongside your comment.

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Guest Contributor: Cindi asks for scanning tips

Guest Contributor: Cindi Allen

Linda’s Introduction: I’m delighted to add this new feature, “Guest Contributor”, to And I’m even more pleased that Cindi Allen accepted my invitation to be the first.

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Tanglepatterns has a new TIPS & TOOLS section

Tips, Tools, Techniques

I’ve been wanting to add a Tips & Tools section to since Day One. At long last, this week I set it up and began adding pages to it.

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A question about Zentangle format

Let's discuss it!

“Are they only done on a 3 1/2 inch square?” A new reader asks this question about Zentangle®, and it’s an interesting enough inquiry that I wanted to respond in a post for discussion.

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When and where do you tangle?

Let's discuss it!

That’s a great question that loyal supporter Cindi would like to see answered by our Gentle Readers. Have fun sharing your “tangle habits” and ideas with us in the comments!

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Tangling as a blessing

Let's discuss it!

I feel privileged to receive emails and comments from my tanglepatterns subscribers. Often they write to share their personal experiences of how this site and the art form of Zentangle (and Tangle doodling) are helping them cope through some really tough circumstances. Recently Cindi Allen emailed the following …

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Tanglepatterns subscriber milestone

Let's discuss it!

As of today, reaches the 1,000 subscriber mark!

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The Zen of Zentangle

Let's discuss it!

Learning about the Zen of Zentangle. Philosophy, wisdom, encouragement …

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Appeal for tag assistance

Let's discuss it!

Announcing a project to tag tangles by type for the site.

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Back to School Gifts for Teachers

Suzanne McNeill's book, Zentangle Basics

One can’t help but notice the “Back to School” ad supplements in the papers lately. And wondering, “Where did the summer go?” [Soon it will be college football season – Yay!] This got me thinking about teachers preparing lesson plans for their new students and out there buying kids supplies out of their own funds because school budgets are too tight to provide them.

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You heard it here first!

Let's discuss it!

Is there a sequel to “Totally Tangled” in the works?

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Tangle Pattern Tags

In our discussion on the Organize Your Patterns page, the subject of how to categorize patterns became a strong thread and contributor Suzanne asked if I planned to add more tags to the site. That prompted this post to launch a separate discussion about tags. It will be very useful for me to get your thoughts, so I don’t have to guess.

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How to organize your tangle patterns

Sharing my system for organizing my tangle patterns and their step-by-step drawings in case it’s helpful to any of you.

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Hello Zentangle Zealots!

Let's discuss it!

I love Zentangle®. And I love to see what others are doing with this particular art form. Thus this blog was born with the lofty goal of providing an index and guide to the best tangle patterns found online with instructions on how to draw them. A one-stop reference if you will, for those of you who are like me and need to know “how to do it”.

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