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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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How to draw SHATTUCK

Zentangle pattern: Shattuck. Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. The unauthorized pinning, reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.This Zentangle®-original tangle pattern is a pretty, woven-looking design that can be varied by shading and/or striping, or changing the shape of the arcs, and by varying the treatment you give to the “ribs”.

Shattuck can be drawn as a ribbon or border-style tangle or as in my example below it can also fill a section of your Zentangle® tile.

In Project Pack 23, Maria shares “we called it Shattuck to do a shout to to Molly, that’s her middle name. It was her great-grandmother’s name”.

UPDATE December 10, 2018 – Project Pack #04. As part of the Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2018 Edition series, in this Day 8 video starting at 08:40 CZT Julie Willand of Zentangle HQ demonstrates how to tangle Shattuck.

Sandy Bartholomew gives some ideas for variations and illustrates how to draw Shattuck here.

Zentangle pattern: Shattuck. Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. The unauthorized pinning, reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.I’ve been updating some of my early tangle drawings and the one on the right is the version I originally posted in June 2010. Better quality paper makes quite a difference in the end product.


UPDATE March 6, 2020 – Project Pack #8. As part of the Dancing in the Moonlight project pack, Rick tangles Mi2, Shattuck, Knightsbridge and Doodah on a white prestrung Zendala tile using a black Micron 01 and the new Sakura Moonlight Gelly Roll Pens:


UPDATE July 18, 2020 – Project Pack #10. As part of The Legend of Zentangle project pack series, on Day 1 Maria tangles Shattuck starting at 30:34 in this video.


UPDATE July 20, 2020 – Project Pack #10. As part of The Legend of Zentangle project pack series, Rick tangles Straight and Curvy versions of Shattuck beginning at 22:22 in this video.


UPDATE July 21, 2020 – Project Pack #10. As part of The Legend of Zentangle project pack series, Molly tangles Shattuck starting at 18:56 in this video.


UPDATE July 25, 2020 – Project Pack #10. As part of The Legend of Zentangle project pack series, Maria tangles a variation of Shattuck starting at 16:31.


UPDATE December 31, 2020 – CZT Margaret Bremner adds Shattuck to her “and then some” series here.


UPDATE March 28, 2021 – Project Pack #13. As part of the Layers & Transitions project pack, Julie tangles Aquafleur on a square white Zentangle tile then fills it with Shattuck and Flux.


UPDATE December 14, 2021 – Project Pack #16. As part of the 12 Days of Zentangle – Keeping Score project pack, Molly tangles Shattuck at 30:14 in this video:


UPDATE December 17, 2021 – Project Pack #16. As part of the 12 Days of Zentangle – Keeping Score project pack, Maria tangles Shattuck at 19:03 in this video.


UPDATE 08/14/2022 – Project Pack #18. As part of the Introducing Zentangle’s new Translucen-Z Tiles project pack, Rick tangles Shattuck at 06:53 in this video:


UPDATE May 18, 2023 – As part of Zentangle’s 21-day challenge honoring May’s Mental Health Awareness month, Day 8’s Bijouism is Enjoy the Shade and Julie tangles Shattuck in this 10:38 minute limited-audio video.


UPDATE August 8, 2023 – Project Pack #21. As part of the Organic Tangles: Tangles of a Botanical Nature project pack, Molly tangles a Squidahlia using Squid, Purk (12:16) and Shattuck (17:26) in this video:


UPDATE December 1, 2023 – Project Pack #22. As part of the Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2023 Edition project pack, Rick tangles Flux and Shattuck (at 15:00) in this video:


UPDATE August 15, 2024 – Project Pack #24. As part of the Crescent Moon and Aura project pack, Julie tangles Shattuck and Moon Pie in this video:


Check out the tag zentangle for more Zentangle®-original tangles on

For a complete list of Zentangle’s Project Packs click the PROJECT PACKS link in the pink alphabetic tangle menu bar.


"... And then some"

Canadian CZT Margaret Bremner has a wonderful series of tutorials she calls "... and then some" where she takes several Zentangle-original tangles "on a wild ride of variations". Truly, you do not want to miss these creative and inspirational tutorials. Look for the links to Margaret's tutorials on these pages:  


Enhance your Zentangle experience while supporting TanglePatterns:

BRAND NEW!! TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition The 14th Edition of the TANGLE GUIDE is an instant-download 117-page interactive digital eBook/PDF containing over 2,000 tangles on the site from May 2010 through December 31, 2024. It's a great resource and a must-have digital tool for using the site. Visit the STORE > E-BOOKS page and help keep going by getting your copy now!

"Linda, Thank you! I was relying on too few and getting stuck after 3 years of daily working with Zentangle. This has inspired me to ‘begin again’ with renewed excitement." ~ Barbara R.

See the BOOK REVIEWS page for more details on its features and view a sample page. Note: this is a digital product you download immediately when you place your order, nothing will be physically mailed to you.
If you're new to Zentangle® and tangling, my BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO ZENTANGLE is just what you need to get started. Also available en Français and en Español.

Zentangle Primer Volume 1 This is the only Zentangle book you'll ever need: the fabulous Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1. It's your CZT-in-a-book by the founders of Zentangle®. Visit the STORE tab on the top menu bar or click on the image. For more about the content and to read the rave reviews, visit the BOOK REVIEWS tab.
Now available in KINDLE format for $9.99. Spanish Edition here. Japanese Edition here.
"Absolutely the best Zentangle Book yet! As an accomplished artist I used to think I did not need instruction on this art form. How wrong I was! My tangling improved by leaps and bounds after reading this book. If you think you have Zentangle down then you need this book more than ever!" ~ Kris H


8 comments to How to draw SHATTUCK

  • Linda Farmer

    The other day on the “Hello Zentangle Zealots!” page, Kim Gabriel made a request for more help in drawing Shattuck:

    “What I am wondering is if it is possible for you to either show or find some other example showing how to draw Shattuck. Yes, I have looked at Beez in the Belfrey and bought her book and bought both of MacNeil’s books. I have pages (and I mean PAGES) of attempts. For whatever reason, this one pattern absolutely eludes me. And of course, it is one pattern I long with all my heart to have under my belt. So far the only on line example I can find is Sandy’s and I think I need a few more steps. Yup, totally lame but after weeks of working on this, I am flying the white flag of surrender. I would just call it quits altogether if it wasn’t such an amazing pattern. Who knows why my brain will not compute? Any help would be ever so gratefully received. You would be driven to pity if you saw my attempts.”

    In response to Kim’s request I invited CZT Vicki Murray to help us out and she’s graciously agreed. Thanks Vicki!

    Check out the SHATTUCK page for Vicki’s guidance on how to draw this pattern.

  • Linda Farmer

    That was fast! Thanks so much, Vicki!

    Vicki responded by posting detailed instructions with tips to keep in mind and some great ideas for variations on Shattuck on her blog, here.

  • Kim Gabriel

    Huge hugs being beamed out to both Linda and Vicki. I think the key here may be to draw it horizontally instead of vertically. Small stuff, yeah, but that might be just what my poor brain needed! Thanks for the quick response guys, I am grabbing a piece of paper and my trusty G Tec C4 and heading outside…

  • Kim Gabriel

    I spent the evening yesterday drawing Shattuck. At some point it clicked although I have to say if I let my mind wander at all I make the next set of lines “wrong”. It seems I have some form of tangle dyslexia with this pattern and I have to keep a very close watch on what I am doing. I cannot get into “zen” mode with it or it goes kerflui. I did get it, though, and can now do it and I am very grateful for the help.

  • Tracey A

    I’m with you Kim – absolutely can’t get the hang of this tangle. A couple of times I thought I had it sorted; but no. Just like you too, I can’t work out WHY I can’t get it….and now Vicki’s page (which seems to havae helped you isn’t available either!

  • Jillian Shattuck

    I love this tangle personally! And that has nothing to do with how it’s named after my families name! 😛 I would like to know the history of this pattern and how it came to be called “Shattuck”, if anyone has any info please reply!
    `Jill Shattuck

    “The most beautiful action in the world is to LOVE.”
    – Bertha Von Suttner

  • Linda Farmer, CZT

    In Zentangle’s “21 Days of Bijouisms” series honoring Mental Health Awareness Month, today’s bijouism is Enjoy the Shade and today’s tangle is Shattuck.

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