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Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


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Zentangle® Project Pack #02 Summary – The Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2017 Edition – A Stroll Down Memory Lane

12 Days of Zentangle Day 1 tileThe Twelve Days of Zentangle has become an annual holiday tradition from Zentangle HQ where Rick and Maria and the HQ crew lead us through twelve consecutive days of tangling together.

This year the event began on Monday, December 11th and finished yesterday, Friday, December 22nd.

The theme for this year is explained:

This year’s theme will be a stroll down Zentangle memory lane. Each day in the series we will revisit moments in Zentangle history as we reminisce about the tiles, the tangles, and the techniques of the past while creating things completely new.

Each lesson will explore different tiles and tools and guide you through the creation of your own tangled masterpieces. Although this series has a festive Holiday flair, it is non-denominational and the lessons are pure Zentangle. We welcome you to join us regardless of your traditions.

Following are the links to the Zentangle blog with commentary about the history involved and the video demonstration.

NOTE: Click the Day title or the image for the blog post and that day’s video. These “Twelve Days of Zentangle” videos are also included on each of the relevant tangle pages on TanglePatterns. Simply click the linked tangle name.

Day 1

Revisits the beginning of Zentangle and the introduction of the original Zentangle White Tiles.

Rick, Maria, Molly, and Molly’s husband Nick Hollibaugh take turns tangling together on a single tile. They use old familiar tangles with the goal of doing something new and unexpected with them.

Tangles used are: Crescent Moon, Hollibaugh, Printemps, Florz and Bales.

Day 2

Revisits the introduction of Black Zentangle Tiles in June 2011.

Includes two videos by CZT Molly Hollibaugh. In Part 1 (13:17) she tangles a black tile with Tipple and Flux.

In Part 2 (25:03) she tangles a white tile with Pokeleaf, Pokeroot, and Tripoli.

Molly finishes by assembling both tiles together into a 3-dimensional objet d’art  😉

Day 3

Revisits the introduction of Zendala tiles early in 2011, and introduces Rumpus with Maria and Rick.

The new tangle enhancer enhatching is introduced.

Day 4

Revisits the introduction of the Zentangle Apprentice tiles in July 2012, Rick tangles Diva Dance.

Rick and Maria introduce the term sproing into our Zentangle lexicon.

Day 5

Revisits the introduction of the Black Zendala tiles in May 2013.

Includes two videos: in Part 1 (7:02) Molly demonstrates how to prepare a black and a white Zendala tile for the next step.

In Part 2 (15:09) Maria tangles the tiles using “Kissing Mookas“.

Day 6

Revisits the introduction of the Renaissance Tan tiles in November 2013 and introduces Toodles with Maria and Rick.

Day 7

Revisits the introduction of the Renaissance Tan Zendala tiles in May 2014.

Maria demonstrates how using Betweed-like interwoven auras within each section of a pre-strung Zendala tile creates a lovely pattern of its own.

Day 8

Revisits the introduction of White Bijou tiles in August of 2014.

Maria shares a tip for rejuvenating the tip of a tortillion then she creates a “Bijou Crown” featuring Noom.

Day 9

Revisits the introduction of the Black Bijou tiles in January 2016, then in September 2016 the Renaissance Tan version.

Maria splices together a Renaissance Tan and a Black Bijou tile then mirrors her tangling on either side, featuring the tangle Molygon. Rick demonstrates that you can come up with interesting mosaic combinations using these spliced tiles creating patterns from the border colors of the tiles.

Day 10

Revisits the introduction of the Black Apprentice tiles in the fall of 2016.

As part of the Twelve Days of Zentangle (2017 Edition), in this Day 10 video (13:49) Maria’s daughter and Molly’s sister, CZT Martha Huggins tangles an enlarged version of Paradox and fills each triangle with Marasu-like bands using a white Gelly Roll on a Black Apprentice Tile.

At the end of the video Martha shows several tiles using Paradox as a framework filled with some other Zentangle-original tangles (Purk, Printemps, Well).

Day 11

Revisits the introduction of the White and Black 3Z Zentangle Tiles in November of 2016.

As part of the Twelve Days of Zentangle (2017 Edition), in this Day 11 video (21:27), first Molly prepares the 3Z tiles by gluing them to form a star. She creates a 6-pointed star using two white tiles, and then a 9-pointed star using three black 3Z tiles.

Maria tangles the 6-pointed White star with a Black PN using Auraknot to create a frame into which she adds Pokeleaf inside the triangles. She then adds the new-old tangle Scena in the center and finishes the star with some Gold Gelly Roll accents.

Rick tangles the 9-pointed Black star with a Gold Gelly Roll starting with some Umble-like ribbons which he fills first with Shattuck, then large orbs in the second band, and in the third some simple perfs down the middle of the band.

Day 12

Revisits the introduction of the Renaissance Tan 3Z tiles.

In Part 1 of these two Day 12 videos (5:50), CZT Molly Hollibaugh assembles three Renaissance Tan 3Z tiles into a “Fragment Tree” shape, or an alternative option is to use two 3Z tiles and form them into a diamond shape. When these shapes have been formed for the Project, she moves on to Part 2.

In the Part 2 Video (37:33), Molly works on the tree tiles filling it after adding a series of curved strings from top to bottom. Molly uses tangle fragments from the Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1, pages 114-115 for the square fragments, and page 120 for the triangle fragment in Row 7.

She tangles the strips created by the strings from the top, filling them with tangle fragments in sequence as follows (times approximate):

  1. Bales (4:22)
  2. Jonqal (5:45)
  3. Fragment U3 (14:00)
  4. Fragment S5 variation (10:59)
  5. Fragment U2 (15:26)
  6. Fragment D4 (Well) (17:47)
  7. Fragment F16 (21:16)
  8. Fragment Y3 (24:40)
  9. Fragment F2 (25:50)
  10. Fragment W7 (similar to Phicops) (27:57)

Molly finishes the bottom of the tree with stripes radiating down to the bottom and then embellishes the tangles with graphite, white charcoal highlights, and gold Gelly pen sparkles.

And that’s it for the Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2017 edition!

I hope you enjoyed this recap which will also make it easy for you to find these great videos for future reference. Remember, each of the videos is also included on the TanglePatterns page for each of the relevant linked tangles. (For future reference this post is filed on the TUTORIALS tab.)


Zentangle Project Pack Summaries on TanglePatterns

For your convenience here are the links to all of my Zentangle Project Pack summaries:
  1. November 2017: Introducing Sakura’s White Gelly Roll Pens
  2. December 2017: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2017 Edition - A Stroll Down Memory Lane
  3. June 2018: A Zentangle Ensemble
  4. December 2018: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2018 Edition – Making a Zentangle Spinner
  5. April 2019: Zentangle Cartouches
  6. August 2019: No Mistakes
  7. December 2019: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2019 Edition – Light and Shade
  8. March 2020: Dancing in the Moonlight
  9. April 2020: Spring has Sprung
  10. July 2020: The Legend of Zentangle
  11. September 2020: Fee-PHI-Fo-Fun!
  12. December 2020: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2020 Edition - Zentangle Renaissance
  13. April 2021: Layers and Transitions
  14. May 2021: Accessing the Artist Within
  15. September 2021: Alphaborders, Letter Forms, Alphabets and the Birth of Zentangle
  16. December 2021: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2021 Edition - Keeping Score
  17. March 2022: The Kaleidoscope of Our Lives
  18. August 2022: Introducing Zentangle's new Translucen-Z Tiles
  19. December 2022: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2022 Edition - Zentomology
  20. March 2023: Blossoming Tangles
  21. August 2023: Organic Tangles: Tangles of a Botanical Nature
  22. December 2023: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2023 Edition - Exploring the Spiral
  23. March 2024: The Birth of the Zentangle Method
  24. August 2024: Crescent Moon & Aura
  25. December 2024: Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2024 Edition - Drawing Behind
  26. March 14, 2025: The Elegance of Limits
  27. August 2025: TBA
  28. December 2025: TBA


These are the links to my Zentangle Apprentice Project Pack summaries:
  1. January - February 2021: The Basics of the Zentangle Method
NOTE: You can always find the Project Pack Summaries by clicking on PROJECT PACKS on the pink alphabetic tangle menu bar. OR by looking in the left sidebar under TANGLES BY TYPE for the tag projectpack. OR on the ZENTANGLE PROJECT PACKS page on the ZENTANGLES tab on the top menu bar of any page on the site.

I wish all the blessings of the season to You!

Wishing tanglers everywhere a peaceful, joyful holiday season!


12 comments to Zentangle® Project Pack #02 Summary – The Twelve Days of Zentangle, 2017 Edition – A Stroll Down Memory Lane

  • Eunice Robertson

    I’ve really enjoyed watching these videos. Thanks for taking the time to entertain and teach us new things at this time of the year when occasionally all of us need to just sit back and chill.

  • Wendy

    Merry Christmas, Linda! this will be a great resource, so many thanks,

  • Rita

    Thanks VERY much for assembling all of these vids so conveniently for us. You are so awesome! Here’s wishing you and yours a very joyous holiday season filled with laughter and love.

  • Elaine Novak

    Thanks for the 12 days. i am going to do them starting Christmas Day. Merry Christmas>

  • Thank you for putting these all in one convenient place. You take such good care of us all, and I truly appreciate it.I wish you the happiest of holidays, filled with joy, love and peace.

  • Christine Houde

    Hi, Linda, thank you so much for putting those 12 Days in one easy to locate place! I’m a relatively new tangle but after a couple of false starts, I managed to do Avery satisfying job of drawing and shading Rumpus. Looking forward to working on some of the other days. Merry Christmas!

  • Melena

    I agree with all the above, Linda. Thanks so much for putting this all together. I’ve been able to do a few of the first ones, but I’ve been very busy making Christmas gifts (both the tangled versions and the crocheted versions 😀 ) and then I was away for a few days. I was wondering how I would get all of these done. Now they are all in one place where I know I can find them again and now I can sit back and enjoy the tangling for the days after Christmas.

    A very wonderful and happy Christmas to everyone!

  • Milde Weiss

    Thank you so much, Linda. When the festive rush is over, I can come back to each day’s tangle and enjoy it!

  • dorina

    For all the ZEN-TANGLERS Happy New Year and Joyful everything!!!!!!

  • Lisa Wick McLean

    Thank you for the 12 Days reminding us that Zentangle is a wonderful, thoughtful, creative, and kind artistic experience for everyone from all over the world. I plan on exploring these more and I have shared gifts of these with friends. Merry Christmas!

  • Lisa Wick McLean

    Thank you for the surprise for Day 2
    ! It is wonderful and unexpected.

  • Jennifer Sparrow

    Thank you–again!–for this wonderful resource! I just finished going through and noting all the days I’ve missed (only 8!) and want to complete. I’m stuck inside during the heatwave and look forward to working on these!

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