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Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Tangle Refresher 151 – Featuring “Stages of the quest”

Tangle Refresher!On several occasions in the past I’ve written about the late Canadian artist Robert Genn and shared some of his wisdom, such as this one on creating intuitively.

Robert began his thought-provoking twice-weekly email newsletter The Painter’s Keys in 1998 and I’ve subscribed to it for a very long time. Not everything applies to me, but it’s always insightful reading.

After Robert passed away in 2014 his daughter Sara took over writing the newsletter. Sara alternates between one of her own articles and one of her Dad’s timeless pieces.

The reason for this introduction is that I wanted to share with you today’s newsletter by Sara, called “Stages of the quest“.

“Everyone has a quest,” a friend once said when visiting the studio. “An artist’s quest is in her work.” … “Without the quest, there’s no epiphany,” I replied.

Some of the stages of a quest, Sarah suggests, are:

  • Rise to the call.
  • Commit to the expedition.
  • Let go of what you already know how to do.
  • Be willing to build new skills.
  • Accept the process as your teacher.
  • Survive the tests.
  • Recognize your blossoming, personal systems.
  • … there’s more …

Sara’s letter is well worth reading. And as I’ve done in the past, I highly recommend subscribing, there’s always something of value to learn.

“Art is a form of love. Art is the ultimate gift. Art heals life.” ~ Robert Genn

BTW – The piece in the Esoterica at the end of Sara’s article about The Reconciliation Pole raised last weekend at the site of the University of British Columbia’s Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre is also very touching.

* * *

The Tangle Refresher series, aka Buried Treasure, spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past. It can remind you of tangles you might not have used for a while or introduce you to some you haven’t come across yet.

Here are five more tangle pattern gems and a Tangle Refresher from a year (or two) ago for your tangling pleasure.

BTW as you visit these tangles please do leave a comment of thanks and encouragement to show the artists you appreciate them for sharing their creativity to inspire yours. And please share a link to your favorite tangles with your followers on all your social media. Thanks!

Zenful tangling!

Buried Treasure from the tangling past
Zentangle pattern: 'Nzeppel. Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. The unauthorized pinning, reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. ‘Nzeppel
Zentangle pattern: Tri-bee. Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. The unauthorized pinning, reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Tri-Bee
Zentangle pattern: C-stem. Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. The unauthorized pinning, reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. C-Stem
Zentangle pattern: Pineple. Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. The unauthorized pinning, reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Pineple
Zentangle pattern: Organic. Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. The unauthorized pinning, reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Organic
Revisit the Tangle Refresher from a year ago Tangle Refresher 123

More good stuff …


Enhance your Zentangle experience while supporting TanglePatterns:

BRAND NEW!! TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition The 14th Edition of the TANGLE GUIDE is an instant-download 117-page interactive digital eBook/PDF containing over 2,000 tangles on the site from May 2010 through December 31, 2024. It's a great resource and a must-have digital tool for using the site. Visit the STORE > E-BOOKS page and help keep going by getting your copy now!

"Linda, Thank you! I was relying on too few and getting stuck after 3 years of daily working with Zentangle. This has inspired me to ‘begin again’ with renewed excitement." ~ Barbara R.

See the BOOK REVIEWS page for more details on its features and view a sample page. Note: this is a digital product you download immediately when you place your order, nothing will be physically mailed to you.
If you're new to Zentangle® and tangling, my BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO ZENTANGLE is just what you need to get started. Also available en Français and en Español.

Zentangle Primer Volume 1 This is the only Zentangle book you'll ever need: the fabulous Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1. It's your CZT-in-a-book by the founders of Zentangle®. Visit the STORE tab on the top menu bar or click on the image. For more about the content and to read the rave reviews, visit the BOOK REVIEWS tab.
Now available in KINDLE format for $9.99. Spanish Edition here. Japanese Edition here.
"Absolutely the best Zentangle Book yet! As an accomplished artist I used to think I did not need instruction on this art form. How wrong I was! My tangling improved by leaps and bounds after reading this book. If you think you have Zentangle down then you need this book more than ever!" ~ Kris H


5 comments to Tangle Refresher 151 – Featuring “Stages of the quest”

  • Anna Houston

    I too am a follower of the Painters Keys and am always impressed by the messages conveyed. The most recent one about procrastination was especially timely. Thank you too, Linda for your work in our world. I am your ardent fan.

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      I agree Anna, it’s a very good one too. For those interested, the letter on procrastination is one of Robert Genn’s from June 2004. Sara republished it earlier this week: There is always now. Thanks too, for your thanks. Very much appreciated. 🙂

  • Right Linda…I’ve been a follower of Robert Genn’s for year’s too. Thanks for sharing the links so that others know about Sara’s attempts to follow her dad. I am never as enthralled with her writing but love to read Robert’s old ones. And thanks again to you for keeping on on the thousands upon thousand of tangles you faithfully link up to us. I use you as a reference in every class I teach.

  • Joyce

    Thank you for posting “Stages of the Quest.” It led me to the site, where I spent some time reading letters that Sara has written. The one that hit me the hardest, and that I might find inspiration from, is her letter about…no, excuse me, I think it’s her dad’s letter…about “Procrastination.” It has been a major issue with me my entire life, I will turn 70 fairly soon, and it is still an issue. What makes it worse now than ever is that I am retired, and I have the time…lots of time…to actually do the things I love to do, mainly tangle and make other kinds of art. The site is now an icon on my monitor, and I hope to read it every day, and then, well, make some art!!

  • Wanda Rader

    Linda, I appreciate so much all you have done for me as a fellow zentangler and creative soul. I have been with you since 2010 when I discovered Zentangle quite by accident while looking for something else on the internet. I find that such serendipity is often at work in helping move farther along the path, or through the “Stages of the Quest.” You are appreciated and treasured.

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