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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Artists for Respect
Your support helps keep TanglePatterns available!
Make your contribution to keep TanglePatterns going in 2025


Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.


Please renew your support to keep TanglePatterns available for another year

TanglePatterns AngelThis is the time of year when I reach out and ask you to please renew your support to help keep going for another year.

First I want to say a very heartfelt thank you to TanglePatterns’ current patrons, you are my TanglePatterns Angels. I simply couldn’t do this without your generous support, and I am incredibly grateful to you.

Once a year I appeal to all of the site’s users to come together to help underwrite the operating costs of running the website (described here) and keep this one-of-a-kind Zentangle® resource available for another year.

Although asking for help is something I wish I didn’t need to do, the site’s operating costs are such that I must. Ad blockers and Pinterest content theft have leached advertising support that once helped. And while TANGLEPATTERNS GUIDE eBook sales are important and really, really appreciated, donations are crucial for sustainability.

When comparing the value you get from TanglePatterns for an entire year of new creative content — week in and week out — to the cost of an art workshop, or a book, or a magazine subscription, I think you’ll agree this unique Zentangle resource is worth at least that much to you.

Please click the button below (or use this secure link) and give your support to keep TanglePatterns online for another year

I invest all my time and energy in offering sparks for your creative imagination and it’s a full time endeavor just keeping the content coming. I ask that you invest a little to help me keep TanglePatterns available.

This only takes you a minute. Your financial support makes a huge difference and it’s deeply appreciated. Click this secure button or use this secure link.

Please note, you don’t have to open an account to use PayPal. When you click this secure button and update your cart with your donation, you are given the option of using PayPal or your debit or credit card. There is also a checkbox to make your contribution an automatic monthly payment if you so wish.

Linda's mailing addressPrefer to contribute by mail? (Please include your email address so I can acknowledge your gift.) Here’s my address: Linda Farmer,, PO Box 880386, Port St Lucie FL 34988.

Linda, your generosity in delivering tangles to “the needy” deserves a medal, but until you get it, pls accept my donation. By “needy” I mean people like me who love having something to look forward to at the end of the day: which for me means paper, pen and tangling. And tangling, means getting into a zone that is unlike anything else, a sea of tranquility in a world of strife :).

You do so much good by sharing tangles, and perhaps you’re actually sharing an aid that helps people stay balanced and sane as well as happy….daily.

That’s it: it’s a daily shot of “happy”.

Could be you’re changing the world, one zentangle at a time. I know you’ve changed mine. Waving from Toronto, Nina

I am so grateful to the understanding (and outstanding!) members of the Zentangle community, both those who continue to support the site on a monthly basis and everyone who responds to my request.

With deepest gratitude and love and huge hugs,

Thank you so much for being a TanglePatterns Angel!


30 comments to Please renew your support to keep TanglePatterns available for another year

  • Sue Zanker

    Like many of you, I have been using Linda’s site since 2012 on a regular basis. I became a regular “donor” some years ago. I do this willingly as Linda does SOOO much for us all.
    The easiest way is to arrange through your bank or Paypal for an automatic amount of your choosing to be taken from your account once a month and transferred to her account. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount; I am sure the price of a magazine or a cup of coffee, once a month helps her and honestly you don’t feel it. I am not “rich”, I am a government funded pensioner of 77 from Townsville in Australia and if I can afford to help her, I am quite sure most of the rest of you can too. So let’s show her how much we value her and what she does so willingly for tanglers world wide. (By the way, what I have written here is quite unsolicited!)

    • Val Steele

      Hi. I started Tangling 4 years ago and although I don’t do enough I still love seeing new patterns. Recently my 6 year old granddaughter and I have been doing a bit. She especially loved doing Leef-ish.
      Please keep up the lovely work.
      From Val in SA

  • Melena

    I totally agree with Sue Zanker!! TanglePatterns has been so helpful to me too. I live in Windsor, Sonoma County, California, where the Kinkaid fire was. I had to evacuate, thinking that the fire would never get very close! I was wrong. Luckily the fire fighters had a great plan with getting everyone out of the way so they could fight the fire instead of trying to save people – they held the line and didn’t let the fire get any further than some back yards and also took care of any sparks that were blown across the line by the wind (and the wind was really stron – 40 – 50 mph). No houses burned. I made sure I had my Tangle supplies with me, plus I was working on the Zentangle Inktober. That was great having that to do. I had my laptop with me but didn’t have anywhere to hook up to the internet. I was at my brother’s place and we watched the continuous stream of news updates on the fire. The other thing I did was tangle. I was so glad I had all the tangling information from TanglePatterns to draw from. 😀 So, please, let’s all donate a bit to Linda for her hard work. A little from everyone really adds up.

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Thanks so much for seconding Sue’s comment of support, Melena. 🙂
      It’s impossible to comprehend the anxiety and stress you undoubtedly experience with fires, I’m relieved to know the homes in your area escaped. Thank goodness!
      The threat of a hurricane is incredibly stressful but fires have to be a whole other level of terror.
      Mother Nature has something scary to offer no matter where you live but fortunately we spend much more time with her majesty and beauty.

  • Marg

    I enjoy getting new ideas for projects.

    Thank you


    I wish I had more time to work on all you posts. Thank you

  • Deb Norris

    I love Linda’s tangles. I would be lost without her!

  • Arlene

    Thank you Linda for sharing your talent with others so we can enjoy and practice. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives. Keep up the good work.

  • Cheryl

    Love these tangles. Please keep them coming.

  • Val Steele

    Thank you for inspiring me to carry on with all the lovely Tangles. My 6 year old Granddaughter loves drawing with me. Her favourite so far has been Leef-ish, cause it looked like a heart. Thank you Linda.

  • Thank you Linda for all you do for us tanglers the world over. You are an inspiration to all of us and much appreciated too. Like many, I look forward to the tangles you share every week from all over the world. And with that being said, you can look forward to a check from me soon. Plus many thanks to all the tanglers who share their tangles with Linda and she chooses to share them with all of us too. So many talented people with a pen in their hands!!

  • Linda Davis

    I would like to continue my subscription. Love what you do for us tangles here!

  • Jenni

    Thank you for your inspiration. Love them – keep them coming.

  • Terri Wilby

    Love what you are doing!

  • Samantha Louise Gardener

    I would like to continue my subscription please. I love learning and trying to attempt the tanglepatterns

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Samantha, just to be clear, this isn’t a request to renew your free email subscription and I note you’ve been a subscriber for a number of years. I hope I can count on your donation of support in response to this request to help keep TanglePatterns going. Here’s a secure link to make it super easy for you 🙂

  • Gracie McDaniel

    Thank you so much for all you do! I want to continue my subscription.

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Thanks Gracie, as I just noted this isn’t a request to renew your free email subscription and I note you too have been a subscriber for a number of years. I hope I can count on your donation of support in response to this request to help keep TanglePatterns going. Here’s a secure link to make it super easy for you 🙂

  • james

    Love this keep it going

  • Becky

    Please keep the tangles coming. Thank you for inspiring me! It’s so relaxing and helps with depression especially as winter is upon us!

  • Barbara

    Just finished my donation. I use your site regularly and really appreciate all that you do!

  • Sarah

    Hi 🙂 Can I donate at any time? I don’t get paid until the end of the month and would love to contribute. I also hve a question. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but images have not been loading for the past 2 days. Other websites are ok and it’s not a huge deal as I can just folloe the links in your posts, I was just wondering if you knew anything about this. Thank you 🙂

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Sarah, Thanks so much for asking. Yes, donations are most welcome at any time. There’s a yellow “Click to Support TanglePatterns” button that lives in the upper right sidebar permanently just for that very purpose 🙂

      As far as the images go, it sounds like your browser might be blocking them. I’ve explained how to fix this, scroll down the page on this post:

      Hope that helps!

  • keely

    love to open these emails and learn new patterns

  • Dear Linda, as every year around this time, I like to remember for what and who in my life I am thankful. It is a great daily practice anyway. You and are a great support for the life with zentangle, thank you so much for being so constant in your work.
    I hope that many of us understand the energyflow, and that in this world, to give money is a way to show what you like to keep alive in your life. Have a wonderful time, Tina Akua

  • Keely a wilson

    I like to see all the new tangles

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Thank you so much for your kind words Keely, I look forward to receiving your donation of support in response to this request to help keep TanglePatterns going 🙂

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