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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



Tangle Refresher 35

Tangle Refresher!

Happy long weekend, North Americans!

Here in the US of A it’s Columbus Day weekend and in Canada, my no-longer-home but native land, it’s time to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends. So here’s wishing Happy Thanksgiving to everyone north of the 49th parallel and everywhere Canadians are celebrating their blessings on this wonderful special occasion.

Last year Anje from British Columbia sent a beautiful Thanskgiving card she tangled using her own photograph of a collection of Fall gourds and squashes. I thought since we’re visiting Buried Treasure you might enjoy applying Anje’s idea to your seasonal card-giving this year, so visit the link for more details. You’ll also find a link on that page to my Mom’s recipe for Canadian Butter Tarts … “the quintessential Canadian delicacy”. Enjoy!

Aside: I can’t resist this musical recommendation for a Canadian artist since I’ve just mentioned the 49th parallel. If you haven’t heard k.d. lang’s Hymns of the 49th Parallel, check it out. She covers songs from some of Canada’s most recognized recording artists, including Leonard Cohen‘s Hallelujah. (Gives me goosebumps just writing about it. This dates me, but we still have his first album on vinyl.)  And of course, as always, this songbird is superb.

 * * *

Tangle Refreshers can remind you of patterns you might not have used for a while or introduce you to patterns you might have missed. Here are five more tangle pattern gems and a Tangle Refresher from a year (or two) ago for your tangling pleasure. Happy tangling!

Buried Treasure from a year ago

Zentangle pattern: Munchin

Zentangle pattern: Dragonair Dragonair
Zentangle pattern: Bluebonnets Bluebonnets
Zentangle pattern: Casella Casella
Zentangle pattern: Dancet Dancet
Revisit the Tangle Refresher from a year ago Tangle Refresher 7

More resources from the past …

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