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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright Ā© 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



Tangle Refresher 7

Tangle Refresher!

Wow, September already. How did that happen? Our local Hobby Lobby has had its Christmas things out for weeks – their staff will be covered in sparkles for months.

Greetings to all the wonderful new subscribers who joined TanglePatterns over the summer, welcome aboard! Please do feel free to introduce yourselves in the comments on this or any post – we’d all love to meet you. Don’t be shy, at least say “Hi” and maybe tell us where you’re from and you can even share a little about your ZentangleĀ® passion if you feel inclined. šŸ™‚

I’d also like to wish “Happy Spring” to all our tangling friends in the Southern Hemisphere who are just heading into their warmer seasons as we here in the “North” head into Fall, and er … the white stuff.

For Floridians, Labor Day is our signal that we’ve just entered the height of the hurricane season. Unfortunately our friends in the northeast had a very recent taste of what that’s all about and many are still cleaning up the mess from Irene. Our thoughts are with them all, and particularly those in Vermont. Here we’re told “The season” lasts until December 1st and this always makes me smile when I hear it. What makes anybody think Mother Nature looks at the calendar to switch storms on and off? Moving right along …

Okay, let’s get to it. The purpose of the Tangle Refresher series is to remind “old-timers” of tangles they might not have used for a while and introduce new Zealots to patterns you might not have come across yet.

Here are five more tangle pattern gems from a year ago for your tangling pleasure.

Buried Treasure from Summer 2010
Zentangle pattern: Finery
Zentangle pattern: W2 (Warp & Weft) W2
Zentangle pattern: Voxter Voxter
Zentangle pattern: Intersection Intersection
Zentangle pattern: Shattuck Shattuck

Thanks so much for taking time to be here with me and for all the lovely comments you leave. Happy Labor Day, my friends. Enjoy your long weekend.

More good stuff …

Related Links:

12 comments to Tangle Refresher 7

  • Mary Bryant

    Hi Linda,
    I live in Adelaide in South Australia. I discovered Zentangle by accident about 3 months ago, surfing the net. I have always wanted to be able to draw and was immediately intrigued. When I found I was able to start learning how to draw the tangles. I have been drawing every day since. There doesn’t seem to be a CZT in Adelaide, but maybe one of the Australian CZT’s will be attending the Craft Show here in Adelaide in November, as I would love to take a class. In the meantime I will continue to learn how to draw tangles from your very helpful website. Thank you for what you do here.

  • Peggie Schurch

    Hi, Thanks for the refreshers, great idea. I had not seen “finery” before and love it. Just the thing for “going out of the border” I often wonder when the tangles will “dry up”, but they still keep coming, and little did I know when taking on zentangles how much fun and pleasure I have had. Thanks again Peggie (Australia)

  • Vivian Miller

    Hi – I had a watercolor mention that her friend was doing something called “Zentangles”. I went home, found the kit on the net, purchased and have been in love the last 3 years. I teach kids in a small rural art center in NW Iowa and they win blue ribbons at the fair for the tangles they produce. We take French Curves, overlap them snd fill with tangles, trace each others hands and also fill with tangles, just for examples. What fun! I recently added watercolor to my own 9x12s, then tear them up and add to collage – they have sold well!

  • Louise McGrath

    Hi, I also live in Australia, far south coast of New South Wales. My friend Charmaine from NZ introduced me to Zentangles some months ago. I cannot stop doing them!! I have been a crafter since I was 10, (now 66) I just feel tangles are a way of unwinding from a busy day, a way of creating someting unique for my family & friends, I have made cards, bookmarks etc. I just love it. I too would like to take a class. I have been tangling from your website, but would like to know how my designs look to others. Regards Louise

  • Melva Bates

    Hi there everyone,
    I live on the Costa Blanca, Spain. I try to Zentangle as much as I can. I would like to thankyou for your super website. It helps me soooooo much. I haven’t heard of CZT here but would very much like to take a class.
    Thanks again for all your hard work. Melva Bates

  • Karen

    I’m from Albuquerque, NM, USA. Our Polymer Clay Guild, NMPCG had a class on zens and how to apply it to our clay a few months ago. We started by actually drawig a tile in class and had a ball. Then the class instructor showed examples of polymer clay in black and white and how to apply it to different things, like beads for necklaces and earrings, pins, collages in clay that could be framed, and covered ball point pens. A pen looks wonderful in black and white zentangles and makes a wonderful gift. I’m hooked on zentangles!

  • Deborah Scott

    Hi to the ladies who Zentangle in Australia. I live in Adelaide and discovered Zentangle in March. There is a teacher in Australia by the name of Kass Hall.Just type in that name She lives in Victoria.

  • Donna

    I’m from northern New Jersey and I’m also new this summer to Zentangles. I was watching a video on one of the craft sites I frequently view and they were featuring Zentangles. I “googled” Zentanlges and found this site. Since then, I have been busy practicing this great art form. I love making Christmas ornaments and I have been incorporating the designs into my Holiday cards and ornaments. I have found that making 3-D shapes (boxes, triangles, etc) out of cardstock and covering them with Zentangles colored with glittered gel pens makes some pretty ornaments! I keep watching for new patterns! Thank you for all your work maintaining the site!

  • Lesley Orr

    Hi fellow Zentanglers.We love Zentangles in Pinjarra Western australia too. I am amember of Murray Arts and Crafts. I also belong to a printmaking group called “Out Of Bounds Printmakers”. I love new cocepts and Zentangles has so many possibilities. My fellow printmaker Vanessa also loves Zentangling. I find it very portable and I can be creative just about anywhere.Lesley Orr

  • Barbara Walton-Faria

    A friend who is turning into one mighty fine jewelry designer turned me on to zentangles about 3 months ago – I was immediately hooked! As a life long doodler, tangling gave me direction and design. I have found it to be very relaxing and well, meditating!

  • helen

    Hi, I have just found out about Zentangle, and would love to get started. Is there anyone in Adelaide South Australia that teaches. I like the fact that it helps with relaxation and stress. I have a very stressful job, and Zentangle seems just the thing for me. Helen

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