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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.


Crystals for a Cause: “To Infinity and Beyond!” A Fundraiser to support the TanglePatterns website

Recently my CZT colleague Jenny Perruzzi asked if she could launch a fundraiser to help support Jenny has already announced this fundraiser in her CZT Groups on Facebook.

For those who (like me) aren’t Facebook users, I am sharing Jenny’s post on the site so everyone can take part.

I am so grateful for her thoughtfulness and this lovely Swarovski® Infinity bracelet is a perfect symbol of the unity of our Zentangle® community. Thank you so much for your participation in this event, and to Jenny for her initiative in undertaking it. Here’s Jenny …

* * *

Chances are, you visit CZT Linda Farmer’s TanglePatterns website and suggest it to your students as the go-to site for tangle step-outs, strings, announcements, and more. What a treasure it is! Maintaining the site takes a considerable amount of time and financial resources. There is no fee to use the site, and Linda has maintained the site for more than 8 years! What a commitment she has made to the tangling community.

Recently I have been reminded of the closeness of that Community: we are a tightly-woven group whose paths may never have crossed if not for Zentangle. In difficult times, we come together with support and encouragement. The benefits of Zentangle are much deeper than pen and paper! Ours is a tight bond and connection across miles and across the globe.

This Fundraiser features a piece of jewelry we can wear in support of our tangling Community in a meaningful style: an Infinity Bracelet, by Swarovski. The bracelet features a beautiful crystal Infinity symbol in plated rhodium and a woven black cord band – adjustable from 6.5″-8.5″. The black and white colors are also meaningful to us, a reminder of the simplicity of Zentangle®, as is the never-ending Infinity symbol itself.

All commissions from this Event will go directly to TanglePatterns.

To Order: click on the above link (or the image below) to be taken to the TanglePatterns Fundraiser site. Enter the word Infinity in the search box to view the bracelet. The cost is $39 + $6 shipping (domestic) – plus tax if applicable. If you are outside the US and would like to order, contact me by email or via PM on this Event’s page on Facebook.

(If you would like to order different or additional items, feel free! ALL commissions from this Event will be donated to TanglePatterns.)

Thank you for supporting the invaluable resource Linda maintains for the entire tangling collective … to Infinity, and Beyond!

Jenny Perruzzi, CZT10

PS: Feel free to share this image/info with your students, on your personal website/blog, FB, etc. and to link back to this post!


5 comments to Crystals for a Cause: “To Infinity and Beyond!” A Fundraiser to support the TanglePatterns website

  • Linda Farmer, CZT

    Jenny has just posted this challenge:

    Fundraising CHALLENGE: If 25 bracelets have been ordered by midnight tonight (Sunday June 10th) all names will be entered into a drawing for a $50 TCS Gift Certificate! With more than half of the product line priced under $50, there will be plenty of Swarovski Swag for the winner to choose from!
    Together, the tangling community can DO this! Ready … set … sparkle!

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Monday update: Jenny has extended the $50 Free Jewelry drawing if we hit 25 orders to midnight TONIGHT (Monday June 11th).

  • Mary Pridham

    Good luck with this, Linda. As I am from Australia, I will not be able to take part as postage for anything from the US is astronomical. I will make a donation now using the link on this page.

  • Lianne

    What a great fundraising idea to help Linda in keeping such a valuable resource available to all the people who are part of the Zentangle community. Like Mary, I am also from Australia so won’t be taking part, but have made a donation anyway.

  • Sandra McKenny

    I hope the fundraising goes well. It’s a shame postage to Australia is so expensive but here is another donation from down under.

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