With just a couple of days left until Christmas, this is our last tangle for 2015 and it’s a last-minute seasonal tangle! I will be back in 2016 and until then I’ll be sending along my usual Saturday Strings just to keep you motivated though the holidays. 🙂
Win-Zetta is from CZT Loretta West and she writes,
I have been working on a new tangle which started out when we lost power due to a heavy wind storm last month that effected our city of Spokane, Washington and surrounding county for a number of days.
I was thinking about wind when I started this in the dark with my headlamp on; then wind turbines and the little pin wheels that are on sticks that you blow on.
I tested it out at a recent class that I taught and I was looking for a name so asked the students. Many of the students thought it reminded them of a poinsettia and the holidays. Then one little girl piped up and said Win-Zetta and the name stuck! It is also appropriate as my octogenarian Mom who lives in Victoria, BC; is named Win, so how could I go wrong?
It’s a fun one to work with and like so many tangles is infinitely variable. It really is just a series of “C” shapes.
I have tried to put it in a grid, which if you were a beginner might make it easier, but I like to let the wind take it and give it a more free flowing quality. It works best if you remember to keep the curves going all in the same direction and turn your tile or paper as you whirl around with your pen.
You could also add it to a dangle or as a border with ribbon shapes for your Holiday cards or tags.
Win-Zetta starts out very much like Ta-Da and goes from there. For my example I used Loretta’s grid version because I’m always mindful of my discussion with Maria about what makes a tangle. She said Zentangle is not about the repetition of a drawing it’s about the repetition of a stroke, “One simple stroke in many places, then a different stroke next to the others…etc.”
Loretta illustrates the step-by-step instructions for drawing Win-Zetta here and she shows a few ways to vary her tangle.

© Loretta West and TanglePatterns.com. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. Republishing or redistributing IN ANY FORM including pinning is prohibited under law without express permission.
Check out the tag lorettaw for more of Loretta’s tangles on TanglePatterns.com.
My very best wishes for a beautiful holiday season! See you again in 2016!
Over the next two weeks I’ll be working on the 2016 Edition of my TanglePatterns.com TANGLE GUIDE and my goal is to have it ready for you by Friday, January 8th. I will let you know when it’s ready!
Until then, may the true meaning of these holidays fill your heart with many blessings.
I wish you and your family the most wonderful of holidays and my very best wishes too for a Zen-ful 2016.
With much love and grateful appreciation,
Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year
I love this. It’s very sweet.
Loretta, I love your new tangle! It invites so many tangleations … I can’t wait to try it!
Win-Zetta was such a simple design and yet it easily lent itself to allow me to try adding different little “tweaks”.
I believe this is my all time favorite!
Thank you for sharing
Happy Winter!
ALK – Jacksonville FL
Thank you so much for all the beauty you share. Hope your holidays sparkle!
That is a delightful tangle to try at this time of year so thankyou Linda for popping it up here for us all !….. and Thank you too Loretta for sharing! I think tanglers are THE most ‘sharingest’ people I know!
Here in Australia, it is Christmas Eve and my ‘today’ will be filled with preparation for Christmas dinner tomorrow, getting ready some seafood for tonight and wrapping last minute gifts for when we open presents around the tree, together with a glass or two of bubbly.
In most places in the world, somewhere, people are getting ready for Christmas, so I wish you Linda and ALL my tangling friends everywhere, a safe, happy Christmas and a healthy, creative and contented year to follow in 2016.
I am so happy that someone from Spokane, Washington is in your tangles. I was raised in Spokane. Love it.
Nice and easy.
Thank you both so much! Loretta for Win-Zetta & Linda for this awesome site!
May you both have a wonderful holiday season & a very happy, healthy, and wonderfully peaceful new year in 2016!
Thanks to all for your heart warming comments! Happy New Year!
Looking forward to having a go, what a lovely flower! 🙂