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Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


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How to draw QUICKZLY

Zentangle pattern: Quickzly. Image © Linda Farmer and TanglePatterns.comQuickzly is a tangle pattern by CZT Annette Carlo and it’s her first on the site. Annette is from the recent CZT20 class, she’s located in Fontana, CA, near San Bernadino.

In addition to her passion for Zentangle®, Annette is hooked on many paper crafts including quilling, and thus the name of her blog “Call it what you Quill”.

Quilling or paper filigree is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper is rolled, looped, curled, twisted and otherwise manipulated to create shapes which make up designs to decorate greetings cards, pictures, boxes, eggs, and to make models, jewelry, mobiles etc. Quilling starts with rolling a strip of paper into a coil and then pinching the coil into shapes that can be glued together. There are advanced techniques and different sized paper that are used to create 3D miniatures, abstract art, and quilled flowers among many things.

During the Renaissance, French and Italian nuns and monks used quilling to decorate book covers and religious items. The paper most commonly used was strips of paper trimmed from the gilded edges of books. These gilded paper strips were then rolled to create the quilled shapes. Quilling often imitated the original ironwork of the day.” – Wikipedia

If you’re interesting in learning more about quilling, visit the North American Quilling Guild site. Here’s a link to a PDF of their “official shape chart“. Fascinating.

On a recent business trip to Las Vegas with her husband Annette was inspired by many patterns she saw around her and she created Quickzly by deconstructing the pattern of a wrought-iron fence.

I had to ‘quickly’ take this picture before we passed it by. So I kind of modified the word ‘quickly’ to make it a little more Zen friendly!

Quickzly is constructed on a grid of rectangles rather than squares, and I’m delighted to see our favorite swirl motif in another tangle.

Annette illustrates the steps for drawing Quickzly here on her blog where you’ll also see a photograph of her inspiration. You can meet Annette and learn more about her here on her blog.

Check out the tag annettec for more of Annette’s tangles on


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"Linda, Thank you! I was relying on too few and getting stuck after 3 years of daily working with Zentangle. This has inspired me to ‘begin again’ with renewed excitement." ~ Barbara R.

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If you're new to Zentangle® and tangling, my BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO ZENTANGLE is just what you need to get started. Also available en Français and en Español.

Zentangle Primer Volume 1 This is the only Zentangle book you'll ever need: the fabulous Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1. It's your CZT-in-a-book by the founders of Zentangle®. Visit the STORE tab on the top menu bar or click on the image. For more about the content and to read the rave reviews, visit the BOOK REVIEWS tab.
Now available in KINDLE format for $9.99. Spanish Edition here. Japanese Edition here.
"Absolutely the best Zentangle Book yet! As an accomplished artist I used to think I did not need instruction on this art form. How wrong I was! My tangling improved by leaps and bounds after reading this book. If you think you have Zentangle down then you need this book more than ever!" ~ Kris H





19 comments to How to draw QUICKZLY

  • Vickilynne Westcott

    Very cool!! Looking forward to giving this one a whirl. Thanks for the share.

  • doodles by betsey

    Great tangle, Annette! Now you have “made it”, you are on Tangle Patterns AND you are a CZT! And I knew you when.
    Best Wishes, Betsey CZT20

  • Hello Linda!!!
    Oh my Goodness!!!!!! I’m screaming with happiness right now! Thank you so much for using my tangle for your website!!! And you had no idea,……..but it’s my birthday today!!! What an awesome birthday present!!! So much gratitude! Thank you for your awesome website! What would we do without Tangle Patterns?
    Thank you, to those who comment and are trying ‘Quickzly’ as a pattern.
    Much Love and Appreciation!!!
    Funny thing, I just launched my sister blog The Art Zenter, dedicated to Zentangle. But it’s sister blog, Call it What You Quill got the recognition! Thank you so much!
    (((hugs))) :0) Annette Carlo

  • Dale Petrishe, CZT20

    Thank you, thank you! Have been grumbling and growling trying to search for tge pattern step-outs

  • Mary

    Really love this, can’t wait to try it out!

    • Hello Mary!! I hope you like’ Quickzly’! Thank you for your comment. Please send me a message on my blog and a link so I can see what you’ve created!! Have a great weekend! :0) Annette

  • Niki Lawrence

    Hi Annette, woo hoo! Love your tangle. Congratulations on making it onto Tangle Patterns! Fantastic. And belated happy birthday sweet girl! Love and hugs. Niki X

    • Oh my Goodness!!! Hi Niki!!! So excited to see you on here! I hope you like this tangle! And yes, I was very excited to get on Tangle Patterns. I wish I would see your name on the Diva Challenge too!! (maybe?) I miss you, my friend!! Have an awesome day!! Thanks of putting a smile on my face! Love and (((hugs))) Annette

  • Susan Reading

    Hi Annette! Just wanted to say Congratulations! on having your tangle accepted into the hallowed halls of TanglePatterns. How exciting for you! In case you were starting to “come down” from the wonderful high we all went home with from seminar – this should surely send you right back up to the ceiling! I love your pattern and the story behind it, and think it’s so cool to actually be able to say “I know who that is…we were at CZT 20 together!” Happy Belated Birthday and Congratulations again! Susan

    • Hello Susan!! Thank you for all your kind words!! And yes I am totally excited!! Hope to be teaching soon! Kids are getting back into school so I have to see what my new schedule will be!! So good to hear from you!! Hope to see you on the Divas challenge!! Love to you!! See you around!! :0) xo annette

  • Pat Floerke

    Thanks, Annette and Linda, for what looks like a lovely pattern. I look forward to trying it. And thanks, too, Linda, for the link to the quilling shapes. I’ve enjoyed quilling, off and on, for many years, but never knew of this website nor had seen so many wonderful quilling shapes. You seem to have so much fun as you curiously engage with so much of what crosses your TanglePatterns “desk”, and then you graciously share that fun with all of us. Thanks.

    • Pat , I was so excited to see that you are a fello quiller! The great thing about Zentangle is that you can create your own quilling patterns. The two arts work hand in hand!!! Thank you for your comment! And yes, I have to agree with you, Tangle Patterns puts out such excellent wealth of information! Thank you Linda!! Have an awesome day! :0) Annette

  • Suzanne Munro

    Hi Annette, congratulations on your tangle patterns “publishing” debut. How wonderful to see you stepping right up with a new tangle. Keep on tangling! Suzanne

  • dawn collins

    How exciting for you Annette and you live in Fontana with me!

    • Oh my goodness Dawn!! Hello! What a small world! Please look up my blog and send me a message and maybe we can get together!!! That would be sooo exciting!! Trying to get my schedule ironed out to start teaching. I’ll keep you posted! Way cool and awesome!! Thanks Linda, for the connection!!!:0) Annette

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