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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Artists for Respect
Your support helps keep TanglePatterns available!
Make your contribution to keep TanglePatterns going in 2025


Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



TanglePatterns annual request for support and news about my 2014 TANGLE GUIDE

Greetings my friends, it’s the beginning of November and the time of year when I must make my annual personal request for general financial support for the sustainability of

And before I get any further, I need to let you know that my TANGLE GUIDE will no longer be tied to a contribution. I made this decision because the automated file download system saves me a lot of time. It eliminates record-keeping and the need to send out individual emails with the download link. Both were a necessary part of the “old” system, and I’m ironing out those wrinkles.

So if you are thinking of making a contribution just to get the 2014 Edition please wait until I announce it is ready in January (I’m targeting the 10th) and you can purchase and instantly download it then.

Today my request is a general appeal to help with the expenses of running the site and for which the big annual bills come due at this time. In addition to dedicated server and hosting costs, TanglePatterns pays for ongoing software updates and technical services for performance enhancements that keep the site secure to use and running smoothly. And earlier this year with Google Feedburner’s demise, the newsletter you subscribe to is no longer a free service, it is a paid delivery service. So, as in life, the expenses go up each year and with the Zentangle community’s help we can keep the site running reliably and the newsletter delivered to inboxes.

Our community grows daily as more and more people around the world discover the magic of Zentangle® and use this freely available resource to enhance their art and their lives. It is my honor to keep it current by devoting my time and energies to growing the site with new tangles, and new creative resources and inspiration.

I am dedicated to making this site even more interesting by researching many related subjects and integrating them into the tangles. So in addition to learning about Zentangle, together we discover many new, or old, things too. Bits of history, geography, nature, culture, weather, sport, food, wine, and even (gasp) art! Don’t think I’ve tackled science yet, hmmm …

Without your support, TanglePatterns would not continue to exist. So if you are able to help please use this PayPal button to make a contribution for the upcoming year. Regardless of the amount, it all helps and is sincerely appreciated.

If this is not convenient for you today, you can visit the SUPPORT TANGLEPATTERNS page any time to add your contribution. (That page also has my mailing address if you prefer to mail a check or money order.)

With my deepest thanks!From the bottom of my heart, thanks so much for your support. And for your time! I’ll be back tomorrow with another new tangle …

26 comments to TanglePatterns annual request for support and news about my 2014 TANGLE GUIDE

  • Just to say, how much I appreciate this site, since my new found love of Tangling!! Support sent, with grateful appreciation in all that you have put together for so many to enjoy and use!

  • Carla Meulblok

    Thank you so much for all those free patterns support 2014 sent.

  • Kelli Ross

    Linda, I love your website. Some of my best creations come from tangles and strings you’ve shared. Expect to see my contribution soon….right after I balance my check book! Tangle on….

  • Jean

    Linda you have my full attention. Every student that I have receives the information to support Tangle Patterns to receive patterns that come to them by e=mail. I’m so thankful for all the added information that you have been adding and it is so useful to pass on to others, having them go to the site and use the information they want. I have 3 new students today and I’ll be giving out that information again. I’ll sent a donation soon.

  • Just made a small donation towards your awesome site. I so appreciate your efforts to keeping Tangle Patterns a resource for so many people who now enjoy this creative outlet called Zentangle. I use your site almost every day and wish I could send more, but I hope this helps. Looking forward to the 2014 resource. Thanks again, Linda

  • Rhonda Howell

    Love this site! I am slowly working on making how to pages for my binder. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Support sent.

  • Thank you for keeping this great site going.

  • Nancy

    Happy to support you, and thanks for asking! We wouldn’t know that you needed a hand otherwise!

  • Barb M

    You provide a valuable resource to an ever growing group of readers and we appreciate you! I’ve just sent a contribution. Thank you so much for all you do!

  • Kathleen Gagne

    Complete newbie! But your website is so generously full of information and instructions and choices that I needed to put a little something in the “hat.” Thank you!

  • Rhonda Mapes

    Linda, I’m sure my sentiments are heartfelt by my many when I say, has become a staple to Tanglers worldwide…I wouldn’t think of NOT contributing~I couldn’t bear to live without it! I am looking forward to the 2014 Pattern Guide as well:) Thank you so much for this site and your dedication to it!

  • Victoria C.

    I am so grateful to you, Linda, and for all you do for us tanglers. It has changed my life in so many ways and has brought out a creativity I did not know existed in me. Thanks to all who contribute and make it possible for all of us to continue to enjoy Linda’s Pattern Guides. My contribution will be in the mail soon.

  • Susie Achter

    Linda: Thank you for the service you provide. You and Tangle Patterns are amazing. Love that you use Paypal. It makes it so easy to contribute to a good cause! Thanks again!

  • Charlotte N

    Thank you for this website. It has been a blessing in keeping me out of being “stuck” when I’m not sure what to do next. I can always look here or in the 2013 Tangle Pattern book for inspiration…keeps the frustration low and the zen going! Happy to contribute to the future of this site which I just did through PayPal.


  • Nancy pearson

    Linda thank you for all you do. You have built a wonderful community where we can come to learn and share the fantastic art of Zentangle. I am very new to this but I know that everyday I will learn something new on your website—and believe me I am there everyday!! Support sent.

  • Anna

    I’m also new to the art of Zentangle, but am excited about practicing and creating. I come to your place many times a day to learn or gaze or think. Thank you for everything you are doing. Support sent.

  • Kathy

    Linda you happen to be my favorite sight for info and inspiration. Everything a newbie could ask for, keep up the great job you’re doing…… thank you and support sent

  • Paula Pruitt

    Already sent a contribution. Can’t remember if I told you how much I enjoy your site and the fun of trying new patterns all the time. Thanks!!

  • Contribution happily made. Thank you so much for your website and the fabulous collection of tangles, strings, and book recommendations. I am new to tangling and your site has become my “go to” for ideas, patterns, and suggestions.

  • Traci a.k.a. Tmbr

    Your hard work is so very much appreciated! The way you keep up with all the new Zentangle info is remarkable. Don’t think I’d be as far along as I am without your site. I love the Tangle Refreshers. I have my husband pick numbers for me (one for strings and one for refreshers) and then I create a tile with that string and the tangles in the refresher. It’s so much fun and I wouldn’t be able to do it without your site! I don’t think twice about donating to your cause, support sent!
    Happy Tangling!

  • Nancy

    I have already made a contribution and thank you for your e-mails. Will be looking forward to the new book.

  • Silvia

    Descubri esta pagina de casualidad y relamente me ENCANTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Ingeborg

    Hello, I visit your website from Germany. I was searching for a Good example to learn zentangle. Everyday I enjoy to recieve the New pattern. Thankyou Linda
    Perhaps my english is not perfect, sorry.

  • catrina

    It’s exciting to hear the new edition is out. Thank you Linda for all of your very dedicated and hard work!

    I have the 2013 edition, my question is – is the 2014 one different or does it repeat?

    Thanks so much and I enjoy your site and all you do for the zentangle community!


  • Gunnel

    Hi Linda

    Although I have bought all your e-books, which I really enjoy/need to learn this fun activity. I’m not a young person and on a pension, but I’m happy too contribute a small amount to help along. Without your website, I would probably be lost, as I’m still struggling a bit with ‘nice’ lines etc.. (Must try a CZT at some stage with a lesson to help a bit). Keep up the amazing work, you are doing!! -:)


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