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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright Ā© 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



TanglePatterns celebrates its second birthday this week!

TanglePatterns celebrates its second birthday this week!And I couldn’t have done it without you.

Thanks so much to each and every one of you who help keep TanglePatterns going with your subscriptions and donations. Thanks too, for all your emails and comments of love and support. Thanks to Rick and Maria for ZentangleĀ®, and to all my CZT colleagues for sharing their enthusiasm with tanglers around the globe. Special thanks to all the artists who share their tangle inspirations with us.

And thanks everyone, for allowing me the honor and the pleasure of keeping your Zentangle passion fueled with

For those of you interested in a little history, here are a couple of links to fill you in.

Looking forward to another year of fun, friendship, learning, and many more classy new tangles.

Now, let’s all go have some cake …

Ā * * *

It’s ironic that I had this ready to post yesterday and the server went down for several hours. My apologies to those who were trying to reach the site during that time, I’m hoping absence made your hearts grow fonder? šŸ™‚

(PS – this light and yummy Margarita Spritzer helped distract me from yesterday’s “situation”.)

55 comments to TanglePatterns celebrates its second birthday this week!

  • Happy birthday!! šŸ™‚
    Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this site – it’s my favorite Tangling resource!

  • Congratulations! You’ve been an awesome resource. šŸ™‚

  • Mary Resler

    Finding your site has brought a direction that I was yearning for in an art group that meets on Saturday nights at a coffee shop. I dabbled with paints, inks, colored pencil, sketching, celtic knotwork, beading and chain mail(which I still very much enjoy doing). But still felt unfulfilled… then one of my friends in the group saw Zentangles on Milliande and encouraged me to pursue it. I am so at peace with art now and doing what I like best as an artform in our group!

  • Happy Birthday! Tangle is so awesome and provides so much inspiration! Thanks for all you do!

  • Chrissie Buckle

    Very new to Zentangle and your site, but it has already been a mine of useful information. Congratulations

  • Barbara

    Happy Birthday Tangle Paterns, fantastic site and wonderful people who keep it going. Have a heap of celebrations, they are well earned…

  • Connie Frey

    Happy Birthday! I hope you will grow very very old šŸ™‚
    Best regards!

  • Carol Lenz

    Happy, Happy Birthday!!! So glad that I found you a few weeks ago!

  • LindyLu

    Happy Birthday!!! This is a terrific site & it has helped me start a Zentangle group in the retirement community where I live. When people ask how do we get the patterns I just tell them go to your site & that’s all they’ll need to know.
    Thank you for all that you do.:)

  • B. Forsling

    Such a valuable site. To show our appreciation, can we send $10.00 to Paypal for support of the website? I know that the site is not free. (LOL)

  • Happy Birthday to you! Thanks for making Tangle Patterns a place we can all look to for inspirational patterns and information. Thanks for all you do here, Linda! šŸ™‚

  • Happy Birthday!
    I am new to zentangle but love it dearly and you are my most valuable & favorite resource! I have passed on your website to several friends and they are equally impressed.
    Keep up the fabulous work, and thanks!

  • Gail Stirnaman

    I look forward every week to Tangle Patterns…You have done a wonderful job…..Congrats on your 2nd Birthday.
    None of my Zentangles would be complete without your continued site!!
    Thanks, Gail

  • THANKS ALOT FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS AND C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!!!!!! love ‘n greetz, Ellen from The Netherlands

  • Sue Brailey

    Happy birthday!! Congratulations!! You do a fabulous job, with such good humor and great info!
    Thank you for all you do and I hope you had a terrific piece of cake! You deserve that and much more.
    All the best…
    Sue Brailey

  • Mary Bryant

    Happy Birthday and may there be a great many more.
    The most helpful site!
    Mary in Aust.

  • Sue

    Love your site, so thankful for it. I love Tangle Patterns and all it has to offer. An art form for everyone.
    Thank you

  • *ĀØĀØ*:ā€¢ ? ? ?. Happy Birthday ? ? ?.ā€¢:*ĀØĀØ*
    ? ??ā€¢*ĀØ`*?? ?Āø.ā€¢*?.*? ??? ?Āø.ā€¢*?.*?? ? ? ? Happy Dance!

  • Cheryl

    Happy Birthday Tanglepatterns! You Rock!!!!!
    Thank you!!!

  • Janet

    THANK YOU for the quick response to my problem!!!
    HaPpY 2nd BiRtHdAy!!! So happy I found Tangle Patterns!!! Thinking I am going to have to become a subscriber also–so I don’t miss anything!! Zentangle is EXACTLY what I needed in my chaotic life!! Bless You!!

  • Your site inspires me, keeps me organized and burns up a lot of my free time. Here’s a Happy Birthday Wish for another grand year of Tangles and sharing them with us! Thank you so much.

  • Many,many happy returns of the weeks.

    I’ve named your site as “The great encyclopedia of Tangle Patterns” and I simply love your site and the inspiration it gives me.


  • Happy Birthday to Tangle Pattens…..what would we do without you! Thanks for everything you do Linda. This site is the best ever!!!!!

  • Erin Pulizotto

    Happy birthday!

    Thankyou for this site. I accidentally stumbled upon it looking for ink drawings. I was trying to see if my style had a name, and here I found your site as well as mandalas. You’re site moves me and inspires me and I’ve created things I’ve never imagined I’d be able to do.

    Thankyou. When I tell you tangling saved my life… Well, it did. Thankyou for being here!

  • Sue.... from Townsville Australia

    Happy Birthday to ! Best site ever for tangling ideas. I’m still very new at all this but love looking at the site every single day, plus DOING one! My day hasn’t properly happened without a Tangle in it! Thanks Linda for all that you do for us all! All I can say now is…..”Many Happy Returns” !

  • Congratulations indeed!
    Only discovered this site, and Tangles, a few days ago. I like dabbling with abstract and fantasy and this artform appeals to me.
    Why so few male members though?
    Looking forward to your 3rd birthday = šŸ™‚

  • Ingrid

    Happy Birthday and Thank you very much for the great source of inspiration, it is my favorite site. Ingrid

  • Chrissie Buckle

    Happy birthday and thanks for your help Linda, I’ll stick to tangle pattens, and not computers!!

  • nancy roth

    happy Happy Birthday day! Your site is dee-lightful!! thank you, Linda, for all your hard work. your efforts have touched so many people… I wish you you all the best. now blow out the candles so we can have some cake!! šŸ™‚

  • Hurrahhhh – Happy Birthday and to you too Linda and fellow subscribers!A lovely day to remember
    Hope you all had a great day !

  • Congrats Linda. Honestly I don’t think I would have mastered tangle patterns without you. You add so much to the creativty of all who love to do tangles! Thank you for taking the time to keep us inspired!

  • Brenda

    Congratulations, first on your second b’day, but also for the inspiration and the education that you offer through your website. You are a for-sure go to resource please keep up the good work!

  • Deena

    Your site is the first place I go to for the wealth of information we all find necessary to explore, enjoy and utilize for our love of Zentangle! I am a subscriber and urge everyone using this site to become one also. You have saved me countless hours of research.
    As a CZT I will keep mentioning you and celebrate your birthday! Many, many more!
    Thanks for all you do for us as I know it is not easy!

  • Congratulations on the site’s 2nd birthday – a fabulous source of information and inspiration for tanglers all over the world. Thanks for all you do to keep it going.

  • Pam

    Happy Birthday.
    Your site has been a real inspiration to me, I have learned so much. Thank you for giving me a New way to express myself. Keep up the good work with all these wonderful patterns.

  • Linda Farmer

    Thanks everyone, appreciate your comments.

    @Keith, good question! I think there are quite a few male tanglers but they tend not to speak up much. But they are outnumbered, for sure. For now…

  • Two years old! Does this mean you’re going to start acting out?
    Happy Birthday TanglePatterns!

  • Erin Pulizotto

    Happy Birthday!

    Linda, your work amazes me! I’m looking for constructive criticism on things I’ve done that I didn’t know there was such a thing as mandalas and zen tangles! Would you mind giving an old gal suggestions, comments, and or frustrations items hostilities they may cause?

  • Judi

    Congratulations on this wonderful website’s second anniversary and much love to the generous, fabulous woman who created it and continues to work so diligently on it!!!!

  • Congratulations, and thank you for everything you do for the Zentangle community!

  • Joan

    I’ve been following your site for nearly 1.5 yrs…such a valuable resource. I appreciate this site so much. Thank you for sharing and making this site available for all to enjoy.

  • Pam Lisak

    Happy 2nd Birthday Tangle Patterns!! Thank you so much Linda for your hard work and dedication. It is appreciated by so many wonderful people. The new patterns are always an inspiration and the older patterns are always fun to review! Cheers and here’s to many more years!!

  • Leta

    Happy Birthday Tangle Patterns! Thanks for all you do for all us tanglers

  • Happy Birthday!! Thank you so much Linda for all you do with this site and more. This is a fantastic resource. I wouldn’t be nearly as good a tangler without it.

  • Lynn Spendley

    Happy Birthday! THANK YOU for all you do!!!!

  • Bunny

    Hi Linda at the age of 82 I have suddenly found a new world out there! Through my eyes everything has become a Tangle. No matter what I look at I see wonderful patterns. Not having been artistic in the past I have found a hidden talent- thank you for your encouragement and the amazing e mails you send every day. Suddenly life is fulfilled and worth living.

    Happy birthday and the best of luck for the future in TANGLING

    Bunny – Australia

  • A very happy Birthday ( belated though) . Thank you for your all the labour ( pun intended) you put in to deliver the beautiful “” babe two years ago!


  • Hi, Linda. It’s hard to believe this website is on it’s 2nd Birthday already. I discovered Zentangle in the Summer of 2010. The idea of Zentangle really saved me financially in the gift giving world. Idea of taking something with noth much value to it nor costing hardly anything and creating something you can raise enough money off of that people will appreciate and brag to others that see it. T-Shirts are a living example. The Christmas of 2010 I tangled my Nephews, Great Nephew, Nieces, Grat Nieces the Letter their names begin with and they all loved them. I also purchased a silk shirt for my Father N Law and Husband and tangled them. I also tangled a T-Shirt for my Brother n law. This year I want to tangle a nice shirt for both my Mon and Mother N Law for their Birthdays. I don’t have a lot of money to spend, but I can still come up with something nice for my Friends and Loved Ones.

  • Happy Birthday. You are my Tangle go to site.

  • Mary C. Butash

    It isn’t even a month since I learned to “tangle” but I was hooked by the first day. My adult daughter saw mine and jumped on board and is creating such amazing tiles, I am envious. I have been getting your email newsletter since day 2 and must get my “tangle fix” daily. Happy Birthday. Thanks for being there.

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Thanks Mary, I appreciate your birthday wishes. I’m delighted you and your daughter are enjoying the wonderful art of Zentangle, and tangling. It looks like Laurie started something here with this post from last year – but it IS nearly birthday time again. Cupcakes for all! šŸ˜‰

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