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Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Meet the CZT #7 graduating class

You know that funny TV commercial where the office gopher pops its little head up all over the place in a large maze of cubicles? That’s just what I felt like when we assembled late last Thursday afternoon for Carole Ohl’s hubby Daved Levitan to take a group photo of the graduating class of October 2011, 7th Zentangle® Teacher Certification Class, in Providence RI.

I’m in the very back row on the left side in front of the ventilation grate (in the pink circle) – and I wasn’t quite as tall as several of the folks in front of me, so I kept popping up on my tippy toes. Felt just like that little gopher! Good thing Daved’s camera took a zillion rapid-fire shots as I’m pretty sure I disappeared completely in a few of them :-).

Here we are with Rick and Maria, front and center. As Rick writes, this is “one amazing group of talented and passionate individuals!” I second that emotion.

CZT® Class of October 2011, Providence RI

Click this link for a larger image

Our classroom (the Ballroom of the Hotel Providence) had display tables across the back for classmates to share their Zentangles and Zentangle-inspired art (ZIAs). There was a LOT of beautiful eye-candy there and one of the most popular items was Sharon Payne’s tangled high-heeled sneakers, which she’s sporting in the front row of the photo. We egged her on to wear them until she finally gave in and put them on for the photo, check them out. Amazing, right?

Sharon Payne's Tangled High-heeled Sneakers

(This photo is one of mine, but the group photo is Courtesy of Daved Levitan.)

17 comments to Meet the CZT #7 graduating class

  • Just wonderful, Sharon! And you wear them well!

  • Wish I could have been there. But what a bunch of you there were!

  • Great photos! Thanks for the peek at the latest batch of CZTs! *one of whom is a fellow member of the Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild, D. Meisch!* I dream of the day when I am among your number 🙂

  • I am a newbie, just checking things out in the Zentangle realm, (nothing drawn yet, looking for a Phoenix AZ teacher for a class to open the flood gates, haha)… I thought perhaps there would be, oh, say, 10 at the most at the ‘teachers class’ – boy was I blown away to see the group photo!! WOW! Thanks for sharing! Wish I could have been there to see all the eye-candy! Nancy B. (fulltime rv’er in our retirement – going on 12 yrs!)

    • Linda Farmer

      Welcome, Nancy! If I’m not mistaken there are 103 new CZTs as a result of this training class, some from as far away as South Africa, Japan and Australia. It’s quite the group! And BTW, the list of CZTs on the Zentangle® website hasn’t been updated yet as I’m sure Rick is overwhelmed with post-seminar details. I will let everyone know when we’ve all been added so you can check your local area.

  • Cheryl

    I just began practicing this art form in April and I am totally hooked!! Wish I could have attended this seminar – especially since I live 12 minutes away!!! Maybe next time! In the meantime, I will keep practicing and using my imagination to the fullest!

  • Mary Bryant

    Congratulations to all of you on being certified. Must have been a great time of learning and making new freinds and tangling! I’m looking forward to the list and hoping that there is someone from South Australia among the list. Have been drawing for a few months but need a teacher.

  • that’s huge group. I so hope to go one day! Loving those killer boots, are they one of a kind or is that tangle printed on commercially? Great pictures, thanks for posting

  • Sally Houghton

    Well, Linda, at least your face is in the picture. Believe me, I was there, but my gopher head must have been down in this shot, because I am nowhere to be seen! 🙂

    • Linda Farmer

      I wondered where you are, Sally! Where were you standing???

      • Sally Houghton

        Hi Linda,
        My Mum found me in the pic – just barely showing. About three rows in front of you and over another three faces. I would never have seen it without my Mum’s help. She said she would know me anywhere! 🙂 You can’t see much, but at least I know I was there!
        I feel better now!

  • Judi

    Oh wow, thanks for posting our picture, Linda. It was fun to enlarge it and really get a good luck. I don’t know about you, but I’m still on cloud nine from the workshop! It was just that great and I highly recommend the experience to anyone thinking about going to the next one. And, I just booked my first class about an hour ago. Yahoo!!! Thanks again for your posting, Linda, and it was an absolute pleasure to meet you and Rob at the workshop.

  • Ellen Darby

    Finally I realize whose very cool website this is. Thanks, Linda, for all you do! Congrats CZT 7 from another proud CZT 7. 🙂

  • Julie (O-kami)

    Wow! What a huge class! Congrats to all.

  • Kathy CU*******

    How do I get in the above group or get a certificate for training or teaching? Is there a group nearby me , Springfield ILLNOIS? I ZENTANGLE all the time , didnt know it was a art, KOOL Kathy

    • Linda Farmer

      Zentangle® Teacher training only takes place in Providence, Rhode Island, and it is TOTALLY worth the pilgrimage. If you are committed to being certified, you will go. Generally classes are held 3 times a year and though they are not open for registration yet, the dates for 2012 have just been announced: February 21 – 24, August 14 – 17, and September 25 – 28. I will let everyone know when registration opens. Check the list of CZTs on the official website for teachers in your area: – it hasn’t been updated with the new class yet.

      BTW – Zentangle is not a verb, so you TANGLE all the time! Just like the rest of us! 🙂

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