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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



Official Zentangle® Kit

NEW 2021 Official Zentangle® Kits – Classic or Expanded

The Official Zentangle Kit has been revised and updated as of July 2021 and is now offered in two versions – Classic or Expanded. (The original Kit is no longer available.)

To order the Official Zentangle Kit, visit

Classic Zentangle Kit

This custom designed Zentangle Kit box is a revised version of the Original Zentangle Kit introduced in 2005. This updated Zentangle Kit includes all the materials needed to create art using the Zentangle Method. The new elegant design is larger with a seamless magnetic closer.

In your Zentangle Kit you will find an updated booklet complete with beginner information about the Zentangle philosophy and instructions to get started. You will also find links to video tutorials and additional online resources.

This special box is the perfect storage space for keeping your Zentangle tiles and tools and was especially designed to allow room for a growing practice.

Whenever you create something, we believe it is important to use the best materials possible – out of respect for yourself and out of respect for what you are creating. The Zentangle Kit is the perfect gift for those that are brand new to Zentangle and for those that have been tangling for years.


The Classic Kit includes:

      • 1 – Instructional Booklet
      • 34 – White Zentangle Tiles of assorted sizes
      • 2 – Zentangle Pouches (for tools and tiles)
      • 1 – Black Sakura Pigma Micron 01 Pen
      • 1 – Black Sakura Pigma Micron PN Pen
      • 2 – Mini Zentangle Graphite Pencils & Sharpener
      • 2 – Tortillions

Expanded Zentangle Kit

If you are looking for a Zentangle Kit with a little more depth, this expanded version includes materials to log and choose tangles plus more tools and tiles for working on toned papers and exploring fun ways to develop your Zentangle practice.


The Expanded Kit Includes:

      • 1 – Instructional Booklet
      • 1 – Zentangle Legend Booklet and Icosohedron Die
      • 34 – White Zentangle Tiles of assorted sizes
      • 34 – Black, Gray and Tan Zentangle Tiles of assorted sizes
      • 2 – Zentangle Pouches (for tools and tiles)
      • 1 – Black Sakura Pigma Micron 01 Pen
      • 1 – Black Sakura Pigma Micron PN Pen
      • 1 – Brown Sakura Pigma Micron 01 Pen
      • 1 – White Sakura Gelly Roll® 08 Pen
      • 1 – Black Sakura Pigma Micron 10 Pen
      • 2 – Mini Zentangle Graphite Pencils & Sharpener
      • 1 – Mini Zentangle Charcoal White Pencil & Sharpener
      • 4 – Tortillions


34 comments to Official Zentangle® Kit

  • Carrie Wells

    Dear Linda: I enjoy your site tremendously and always look forward to each email I receive. I would love to receive the Zentangle Guide for 2012 and would be more than happy to donate $10 to receive it, however, I purchased the Official Zentangle Kit a few months ago from the official site along with many of the other materials that were available, spending about $90.00. So, I am really not in need of another kit. Would it be possible for me to make the donation of $10.00 and still receive your 2012 Guide.
    Please let me know ASAP because I am so excited to have it.
    Again, thank you for your wonderful and informative site that must take hours and hours for you to maintain. I am a newbie – but I’ve spent many wonderful, peaceful hours enjoying this artform.

    • Linda Farmer

      Summer 2012 UPDATE: The option to subscribe has been removed because it will cause confusion when the new 2013 Edition comes out. In addition, the TANGLE GUIDE is available for a minimum donation of $12, but if you would also like to purchase the Official Kit from, the donation for the TANGLE GUIDE is reduced to $7. This special offer is included in the purchase options for the Kit.

  • Cindy Woods

    So since I receive emails does this qualify me to receive your Tangle Guide? I really look forward to your patterns even if I don’t always get the chance to try them right away.

  • Rossana

    I have been painting mandalas for many years and I just found Zentangle and Im facinated with it. I would like the kit but I live in Cuernavaca in Mexico. So I was woundering if you could help me with what kind of paper to use.


    • Linda Farmer

      Hi Rossana, I’ll check with the post office to see what the shipping cost is to Mexico and I’ll contact you by email. The official Zentangle tiles are die cut from Fabriano Tiepolo fine print-making paper. Hope that helps! Welcome to Zentangle Land!

  • Rossana

    Thank you so much. Let´s hope it can be sent out here.

  • mary ann kelley

    What is a good pencil for shading?
    I am new–joined your site tonight.

    Thank you

  • Cindy H

    Beautiful! I just received my Zentangle kit in the mail today. The box itself is a piece of art. As I went through it I was so impressed with the quality of the supplies. This is worth every penny to someone just getting started.

    Cindy H

  • Lorna Kemp

    Hi, where can I get Zentangle tiles, not in a kit, just a bunch of tiles.

    And if you sell them how much are they.

    Thanks Lorna

    • Linda Farmer

      (4/15/2012 Edit) Hi Lorna, a 55-pack of white tiles is $29 – and you can find them right here in the store. Visit the STORE link on the top menu bar. Thanks!

  • Hi Linda

    I would like to purchase the Zentangle Kit as a gift. I just have a quick question if that’s okay. Please could you let me know whether the tutorial is region free as I’m based in the UK?

    Thank you for your help.

    Best wishes


  • Diana Crick

    I have lost the link you gave to the lady who had made up sheets that had 6 graph paper squares and then a tile that you could print out. I loved them and gave the last I had printed out to a friend and now I need some.

  • Diane T

    I just received my official Zentangle Kit from Would that qualify me for the Zentangle Guide for 2012? I am new to this and just finding all the different web sites. Think I am going to love it! Diane Talts

    • Linda Farmer

      Hi Diane, the Official Kit must be purchased from my store. As a special offer you can also receive my TANGLE GUIDE for a reduced donation of $7. For more information visit this page. Happy tangling! [July 2012: This reduced donation offer with the 2012 Guide is no longer available.]

  • Nancy

    How long does it usually take from time of order until delivery. I want it quickly.

    • Linda Farmer

      I’ve also sent you a separate email, Nancy. We make every effort to ship within 24 hours of receiving an order* and USPS Priority Mail usually delivers (depending on where it’s going to, of course) within 3 days in the USA.

      *at most 1-2 business days

  • constance motroni

    took a Zentangle lesson at our local library last night and immediately fell in love with this art form. I woke up this a.m. at 4:00, could not sleep and went to my tiles. This can be done in so many places, i.e. airplanes, restaurants, sunbathing, etc. I just love it and cannot wait to take the time to invest in being instantly creative.

  • Karen

    I learned Zentangle from my niece this weekend. I love it! What do you do with the tiles when you’ve completed them?? I was thinking of coasters but any other ideas?

  • C.Stone


    Can you tell me if you know of any certified Zentangle teachers in the Guadalajara area ? Even San Miguel or Puerta Vallarta are relatively close.

    Thank you,


    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Please see the link to the list of Certified Zentangle Teachers located in the left sidebar of the site under the heading SOURCE WEBSITES.

  • Blayne Smith

    I have just ordered the Zentangle Kit and I can’t wait.

  • Jane Clegg

    I just took my first Zentangle class last week. I ordered the Zentangle Kit. I know I am going to love this art form. So excited.

  • Faye

    Hello…I am interested in purchasing the Zentangle Kit, however I do not have the capability to play the dvd. Is there the opportunity to purchase the kit with the instructional video on usb?

    Appreciate your response.

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Faye, Unfortunately there isn’t another option at the moment. Perhaps you could persuade a friend to help you view the DVD, or if you have a device for watching movies (eg blueray) you can watch it on your TV monitor.

  • Faye

    OK…thanks for your response, Linda. I think enlisting a friend will work. Best. f

  • Annette Derksen

    Yes I received that kit for Christmas from my daughter. Love it and well on my way to learning new tangles everyday.
    Thanks for all the beautiful work everyone does here.


  • Tracy

    Is there anywhere in South Africa I can buy. The exchange rate makes it far to expensive for me to buy.

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      You can check to see if a South African CZT carries it. The link to the list of Certified Zentangle Teachers is located in the left sidebar of the site under the heading SOURCE WEBSITES.

  • Connie Condra

    I wanted to purchase some items from your site, but I do not use PayPal. Are there any other options?

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Connie, You don’t have to open an account to use PayPal: when you check out you are given the choice of paying with a PayPal account OR with a debit or credit card. It’s very straightforward, and secure. Hope that helps!

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