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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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How to draw FLAPPER

Zentangle pattern: Flapper. Image © Linda Farmer and All rights reserved.Flapper is a new and incredibly versatile tangle from Huntsville, Alabama, tangler Cheryl Lees-Haley and it’s her first on the site.

Cheryl writes that Flapper is “a very simple pattern that can be used as a single element, but it really comes into its own as a grid seed (3 ways to do it!) or when combined to make ribbons, circles or other shapes. I’ve called it ‘Flapper’ because it has sort of a deco look and because it has ‘flaps’.

Cheryl tells us a little about herself:

“I found Zentangle® in January of 2014 when looking for an art technique that would travel well. It has turned into so much more than that!

I have traveled with my tiles and pens, but more importantly, tangling has kept my sanity through a very trying time when both of my parents were gravely ill, in and out of ER’s and hospital rooms. My 93-year-old mother passed away, but my 95-year-old father recovered.

I was so shaken by the whole experience that I couldn’t read or even watch TV to take my mind off of what was happening, but I could tangle. And tangle I did, hundreds of tiles.
To end on a happier note, I’m back to traveling the world and my father has taken up watercolor as a new hobby, which goes to show that it is never too late for art to enrich your life.”

Cheryl has used Maria’s “grid seed” concept to develop her tangle. For my example I used the variation Cheryl shows in the upper left of Step 6 below. As I mentioned to start, Flapper is a very versatile tangle and Cheryl includes a sheet of examples giving you some idea of ways Flapper can be varied.

Cheryl illustrates the step-by-step instructions for drawing Flapper below and features it in a beautiful Zentangle tile with several variations.

Image copyright the artist and used with permission, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. Republishing or redistributing pattern deconstructions in any form including pinning is prohibited under law without express permission of the copyright owner. For more information, click on the image for the article "Copyrights and your blog."

Image copyright the artist and used with permission, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. Republishing or redistributing pattern deconstructions in any form including pinning is prohibited under law without express permission of the copyright owner. For more information, click on the image for the article “Copyrights and your blog.”

Here Cheryl uses Flapper to construct a lovely mandala.

Image copyright the artist and used with permission, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Image copyright the artist and used with permission, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

And here is the sheet Cheryl shares to illustrate a few ways you can play with this tangle, as she notes there are “endless variations, combinations and embellishments“.

Image copyright the artist and used with permission, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Image copyright the artist and used with permission, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Check out the tag cheryllh for more of Cheryl’s tangles on


Enhance your Zentangle experience while supporting TanglePatterns:

BRAND NEW!! TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition The 14th Edition of the TANGLE GUIDE is an instant-download 117-page interactive digital eBook/PDF containing over 2,000 tangles on the site from May 2010 through December 31, 2024. It's a great resource and a must-have digital tool for using the site. Visit the STORE > E-BOOKS page and help keep going by getting your copy now!

"Linda, Thank you! I was relying on too few and getting stuck after 3 years of daily working with Zentangle. This has inspired me to ‘begin again’ with renewed excitement." ~ Barbara R.

See the BOOK REVIEWS page for more details on its features and view a sample page. Note: this is a digital product you download immediately when you place your order, nothing will be physically mailed to you.
If you're new to Zentangle® and tangling, my BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO ZENTANGLE is just what you need to get started. Also available en Français and en Español.

Zentangle Primer Volume 1 This is the only Zentangle book you'll ever need: the fabulous Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1. It's your CZT-in-a-book by the founders of Zentangle®. Visit the STORE tab on the top menu bar or click on the image. For more about the content and to read the rave reviews, visit the BOOK REVIEWS tab.
Now available in KINDLE format for $9.99. Spanish Edition here. Japanese Edition here.
"Absolutely the best Zentangle Book yet! As an accomplished artist I used to think I did not need instruction on this art form. How wrong I was! My tangling improved by leaps and bounds after reading this book. If you think you have Zentangle down then you need this book more than ever!" ~ Kris H


6 comments to How to draw FLAPPER

  • Cheryl Lees-Haley

    Thank you, Linda, for including my pattern, “Flapper” on I use this site almost daily and am so grateful for all you do to provide this wonderful resource to the tangling community. It’s an honor to have a pattern appear here and to think that it is a small contribution to the art form. I hope everyone has fun with “Flapper.”

  • Sue Zanker

    Thank you Cheryl for sharing your pattern and thanks Linda for putting it “up there” for us all. It very much looks like a “keeper” to me and I know I shall have fun with it and all its tangleations!

  • Tracy McDonald

    Wow! and Wow! and more Wow’s! My-Oh-My! Such variety along with STYLE ! [Get the impression I like this one?] Tee! Hee!

  • Sharon Wrench

    Love your new pattern! I am anxious to give it a try. Thank you so much for sharing!

  • Judy Gudeman

    Wow–very creative variations! Good Job! The mandala reminds me of a Christmas Wreath.

  • Jan Brandt, CZT XII, Reno, NV, USA

    I love Flapper!! So easy to draw, so fun to vary, and so pleasing to look at. Thank you, Cheryl! It’s a winner. 🙂

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