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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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STORIES: Zentangle helps heal a broken heart

In this occasional series on TanglePatterns, readers describe in their own words how Zentangle® has changed their lives. For more accounts in this series, click on the “STORIES” link in the alphabetical listing above.

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STORIES: How Zentangle changes lives

The following testimonial was contributed by a tangler who wishes to remain anonymous but wanted to help others by sharing her experience. Here are her words.

“I was so touched by the story of the woman with Parkinson’s that I had to share my story also.

A few years ago I went through a gut-wrenching divorce. To use the word painful does not even skim the surface of what I was feeling. Even with the love and support of my family and friends and counseling, I had night after night of feeling that I was only hanging on by a thread — that my heart would just give out because the grief and despair was just too much to bear.

I started writing in a journal and that was extremely helpful even though I am not a writer. I would highly recommend it. But I would still find myself brooding and playing the painful memories over and over again in my mind.

That’s when I discovered Zentangle! To this day I still do not know how I found out about it — I was in such a fog then. I got in a routine of writing in my journal every night, watching tv or doing some chores around the house and then as the grief would start welling up in me again I would reach for my pen and paper and start tangling.

It had the most amazing effect on me — it was almost like all those painful thoughts would be emptied out of my head and a calmness would fill me up. I truly believe Zentangle saved, if not my life, at least my sanity. May sound over dramatic, but those who have gone through something similar will know what I am talking about.

I am now a happily single woman with a wonderfully fulfilling life and am ‘passing it on’ to members of support groups by teaching them Zentangle.”

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If you would like to share your own experience for this series, please email me (linda [at] tanglepatterns [dot] com). You can make your story as long as or short as you like and if you wish your personal details to remain private, I will certainly honor that.

By publishing your “testimonials”, I’m hoping it will help spread the word about Zentangle to many others who can REALLY benefit from it. As the Zentangle founders say, “Anything is possible, one stroke at a time.”™


4 comments to STORIES: Zentangle helps heal a broken heart

  • Brenda Scully

    Hi I thoroughly enjoyed hearing how zentangle has affected so many lives for the good…..

    What a lovely site ….. so glad i found you

  • Wellkat

    Due to the economy, our family has suffered great loss. We decided the only choice was to move to the “oil patch” where we could find work. With the housing being completely unaffordable, we have had to live in an RV for the past two years. Needless to say, my quilting and multitude of other crafting hobbies has had to be put on hold, due to lack of space. One of my associates where I worked was a Zentangle instructor and my daughter and I took two classes from her. This art form has also saved my sanity, as it is a very portable creative outlet for me that I can take anywhere. I don’t go anywhere without my kit. I have shared Zentangle with anyone who will listen. Many people have approached me while drawing and inquired as well. I plan to eventually become an instructor myself as soon as possible.

  • Carolyn Wallace

    Dearest Wellkat,
    I know how yu feel and sympathize with you! However do not give up on quilting – even in your limited space. Combine Zentangles and quilting!! Use a hoop and hand quilt a zentangle. You would be amazed how beautiful it will look.
    Good luck.

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