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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



TanglePatterns String 056 STRINGSThis week’s String is shared by tangler Jill Dobis for your creative enjoyment. Jill has previously shared strings 013 and 016 with us.

Bear in mind that Zentangle® strings are guidelines. You can use a string exactly as it is or adapt it to suit as your Zentangle grows. Start with the string as it’s shown then, as you go, combine sections if your tangles want to, or divide a section into smaller ones. Go with the flow and enjoy.

Please help our community’s String resource grow by sending me yours to share. Remember to keep them simple, Zentangle strings are not elaborate or complicated. For your convenience, below there’s a link to a template to use if you’d like.

TanglePatterns String 056

Right click and SAVE to your computer; then print. Pinning of any content from this site is not permitted. Thank you for respecting these rights.

Lightly pencil the string on your tile and you’re good to go tangling. Enjoy!


  • Important: Strings are always drawn freehand in pencil so they magically disappear into your completed Zentangle.
  • Use any string over and over again with different tangles.
  • There are so many tangles available that your Zentangles will always be different even using the same string.
  • Or use it with only one tangle – a monotangle.
  • Usually each string will have many options.
  • The Border (if one is given) is also a suggestion – use it, change it, or ignore it. It’s your art.
  • And remember, in Zentangle there’s no right-side-up!

Related Links

eBooks available from STRING GUIDES, Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Sure you can download the strings from the site but this saves you tons of time and as always your purchase helps keep TanglePatterns going and growing. Each STRING GUIDE begins by describing the importance of Strings in Zentangle® and then presents 50 strings from the site’s resource. Strings are given in two formats to jump-start your Zentangle creativity: three pages contain “at-a-glance” size images of all 50 strings, followed by 13 pages of full-size traceable images. Additional String suggestions by several CZTs are also provided. As an added bonus, beginning with Volume 2 each guide also contains blank String Organizers for you to record and organize your own favorite Strings. STRING GUIDE, Volume 1 (Strings 1-50) STRINGS GUIDE, Volume 1: Strings 001-050 VOLUME 1 - STRINGS 001-050. A 22-page PDF eBook. STRING GUIDE, Volume 2 (Strings 51-100) STRINGS GUIDE, Volume 3: Strings 101-150 VOLUME 2 - STRINGS 051-100. A 24-page PDF eBook includes bonus blank String Organizers to organize your own Strings. STRING GUIDE, Volume 3 (Strings 101-150) STRINGS GUIDE, Volume 3: Strings 101-150 VOLUME 3 - STRINGS 101-150. A 24-page PDF eBook includes bonus blank String Organizers to organize your own Strings. STRING GUIDE, Volume 4 (Strings 151-200) STRINGS GUIDE, Volume 4: Strings 151-200 VOLUME 4 - STRINGS 151-200. A 24-page PDF eBook includes bonus blank String Organizers to organize your own Strings. STRING GUIDE, Volume 5 (Strings 201-250) STRINGS GUIDE, Volume 5: Strings 201-250 VOLUME 5 - STRINGS 201-250. A 24-page PDF eBook includes bonus blank String Organizers to organize your own Strings.
Visit the STORE > E-BOOKS page for more information and support by getting your copies now!


3 comments to TanglePatterns String 056

  • When and where are the next CZT workshops?

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Dorothy, the CZT training seminars are always held in Providence RI. Visit the ZENTANGLES > TEACHING ZENTANGLE page on the top menu bar for more information on the seminars.

  • Christina Webber


    I am extremely new to tangling. Completely by accident I stumbled upon “Joy of Zentangle.” I was in Books a Million one day and found a how to a Mandala kit. As I am always low on funds I had to wait. Anyway, this day I really LOOKED at this mandala kit, opened it up and it was not what I wanted at all! It had a bunch of pre-printed mandalas a person could color. So, saddened, I went snooping, thinking there had to be a book on how to start, how to draw, etc. While looking through the craft section, this zentangle book appeared; the only copy! Anyway, for a while all I had been doing was tangling and practicing, buying pens and on and on. I even found a CZT, but she is 364 or so miles away in Little Rock, AR. I live in Fort Smith, AR.

    I go to Michael’s a lot and in looking for help to find more tangling products, designs, the associate had no idea what I was talking about! One day I was at a health food store and somehow the clerk and I were on the subject of art and she mentioned she was thinking of buying a zentangle book for her daughter, but didn’t really have the money for it. I could not believe my ears!! Wow!! I’m not the only person in Fort Smith, AR, who knows about this!!

    I think classes, teachers, or whatever would be great in this area!! I’m a newly divorced, old (44; I mean no offense, just not used to my age yet:)), single mom who is an at home medical transcriptionist. I never leave my apartment!! uuggghhh!!! I have no friends so I have absolutely no social life. This would create an incredible environment to meet people and teach this art form.

    Ok, as you can tell, yes not only do I type A LOT, but I also talk alot. Sorry this is so long, but if there is anyone near me, a CZT, I would love to attend a class and learn new techniques and such and such.

    I do not have a kit and really would love one, but maybe 1 day I can afford it!! I tangle on a “Sketch” tablet 3.5 in x 5 in. I can see where the real tiles would make a huge difference as the paper probably is not so hard on the pens? I have also tried velum or vellum, which is not that great. What I really want to learn to do is to learn how to paint tangles on canvas, I mean huge, well portrait size. I just cannot figure out how or where to start. I did buy some “ground” to make the canvas surface smooth as I can’t find “fine” canvas.

    Anyway, again, thanks for your time and attention! I really appreciate it!!

    Chris Webber
    Fort Smith, AR

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