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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright Ā© 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Artists for Respect
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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



TanglePatterns annual request for support, and news about the 2013 TANGLE GUIDE

Greetings my friends, November 1st has come to be when I must make my annual personal request for financial support for

Last year at this time I made an appeal for support when we ran into serious server capacity problems which disabled the site completely.

You responded and it made all the difference.

I was able to move to a powerful cloud server with much larger user capacity, and to distribute the site through a network that makes it load quickly and (usually) reliably anywhere in the world. Well this is the time of year all those technical details and performance enhancements are being addressed and updated, so here I am with my hat in hand again.

Our community grows daily as more and more people around the world discover the magic of ZentangleĀ® and use this resource to enhance their art and their lives.

As you know TanglePatterns is free to all, and it is so important to me that it remains that way. But it’s much more important to individuals who are not in a position to help financially. I am blessed to receive many emails like this one – “Thanks so much for keeping your site free to use. I am very low income, single, and disabled, and will donate when I can, but would like to know your site is available when I can’t. It’s such a great service you are providing. Thank you.

It is also you these folks are thanking. Without your support, TanglePatterns would not continue to exist. Your support also enables me to devote my time and energies to growing the site with new tangles and helpful resources.

As you may know in December last year, as a thank-you gift to everyone who responded to my request and made those crucial upgrades possible, I created my TANGLE GUIDE, 2012 Edition. I’ve been so honored by your enthusiastic reaction to it.

Well, it’s nearly 2013 (yoiks!) and my new TANGLE GUIDE, 2013 Edition will be ready January 12th (fingers crossed). If you find my site of value in your life and want to ensure its sustainability please visit the SUPPORT TANGLEPATTERNS tab in the menu at the top of the page for some options. Together we can look forward to another year of great tangles and new lessons learned.

From the bottom of my heart, thanks so much for your support. And for your time!

With my deepest thanks!

48 comments to TanglePatterns annual request for support, and news about the 2013 TANGLE GUIDE

  • Ronnie

    Hi Linda,

    I’m looking forward to the new guide! Thanks so much for your efforts, they are so appreciated.

  • Traci

    Thank you Linda for all your hard work and continued support of this wonderful artform. I use your site daily and will continue to support it for myself and others who aren’t able to at this time. Come on all you Tanglers who can, let’s “get supportive” so that this wonderful resource can stay free! Can’t wait for the new Tangle Guide!

  • Michelle

    Hi Linda,

    Another big ‘THANK YOU’ for providing such a wonderfuly informative guide to tangling. This is a resource I use daily, I eargerly watch each morning for that email title: ‘Tangle Patterns’. Thank you again so much for such a wonderful site.

  • Jackie

    Thank you, Linda for all the hours of hard work. I am always delighted when I see Tanglepatterns in my mailbox! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

  • Donna Pepper

    I was just thinking it must be time to send you some money.
    You do such a great job, Linda. I’m very impressed with your dedication to and the quality of service you give to all of us crazy zentangle zealots.
    Thanks again and have a wonderful year.

  • Hi Linda, I just gave a donation through Margaret Bremner’s blog offer and was wondering if I will still receive the 2013 Tangle Guide. I love the 2012 guide and everything you do on this wonderful site! Thanks, Sue

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Sue, hmmm … I guess the larger question is “Do we trust Margaret?” … I THINK WE DO šŸ™‚ Thanks for your support, and thanks to Margaret too.

  • Lois

    Thank you so so much Linda for Tanglepatterns and all the excellent information. It has saved my sanity during the long, dark, rainy winters here in Seattle!!!

  • Terry Harich

    This is the ONE site I don’t hesitate before donating to. I have learned so much here and really appreciate the work you put into making it such a wonderful site to visit.

  • Thank you, too for doing this, Linda. This is hard work. I want to send some money, but I won’t be able to until the end of this month or mid December.

    It’s hard to believe it’s November already! This year has darn near gone by quickly!

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hey, Cookie! Where have you been girl? I’ve missed you. And I’m right there with you on where did the year go. It’s lovely to hear from you.

  • Pixie Russell

    Hi Linda,
    You do such an amazing job making your site available to everyone! I love to learn new patterns and see new ideas – and this is a wonderful place to find both. Thank you so much for all you do!!! Pixie

  • Susan

    Hi Linda,
    This site is great. I have so many friends that are now zentangle junkies and have joined the site too.

  • I gotta say, I manage to hit your website just about every day, usually in response to an e-mail from you about something new. Your site is a wealth of great information; I love your tangling style, too! Thank you for helping improve my skills and giving me inspiration, to boot.

  • Dana

    I use your website probably every day. I use your pattern guide ALL the time. I appreciate so much what you do here, and what tangling has done for me. THANK YOU!!

  • Sue Zanker

    I have just renewed my subscription, GLADLY ! Linda, your site is always the first one I check when I turn on my computer in the mornings!
    Although I’ve been tangling since February of this year, I’ve spoiled myself this morning, by purchasing the “bundle” with a tin of Zendala tiles together with the start box of goodies. Now I can’t wait to receive them (it’s a sort of a “Merry Christmas to me” gift!!) Can you give me a rough idea how long the parcel will take to get to Queensland Australia? …. just so I know when to start camping by my mail box !

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Sue, thanks so much for your enthusiasm! Your bundle order will got out tomorrow, First Class Air. It leaves this country pretty quickly so it’s really up to the Aussie postal system to get it to you from there. I wouldn’t think it will be more than 10 business days so maybe around the 14-15th? Let us know when you receive it, then we’ll all have an idea. Cheers!

  • I am really hoping to donate – probably with my December check. Is there anyway to get the 2012 guide or is it too late? I would love them both.

  • Fiona Horton

    I could not do without your website, it would feel like I had lost an arm!!!!!!! Thanks for all the patterns, and ideas, I subscribed today and should have done it months ago. Thanks again, hope everybody is getting over Sandy and it never happens again. Cheers Fiona from sunny Australia.

  • Susan

    Love your site and use it daily. Having encountered tangling only last May, it has helped to calm me during the worst year of my life! Am returning to Oregon from Hurricane Sandy tomorrow; when I get home, I will put a check in the mail for you and this site. Thanks for all your hard work–I keep last year’s pattern guide next to the couch with my tiles and pens, so I can tangle in the evenings while Hubby watches cowboy shows. I’m definitely excited about the 2013 issue as well! Keep up this most encouraging work! Of yours, which I’m sure is a labor of love. You’re blessing lots of people every single day!!

  • jane beasley

    i love this site, i was really thrilled to find it when i started with some tangles provided by a friend. will be thrilled to donate with my next check. thanks for providing this to us novices.

  • Megan Gates, Whitehorse YT Canada

    I hope this website stays open because it is the best website ever since someone recommended it to me last year and I have been hooked ever since. I love how it turns into something 3-D!
    I recommend this website to anyone and everyone because anyone can do it because all the steps are laid out.
    Since then I have grown more confident in my “tangling” but it always helps to be able to look back and take notes to make sure that I am doing all the right steps to finish off a tangle! Plus I can see all the new Tangles that get created!

    My fiance and I got some land in a lottery this year and when we have our house built next year, (we have to wait to build now because of the snow)I will have a craft room and I have said that I will adorn the walls with “Zentangle” artwork. It is that cool!!!



  • Sue Brailey

    Hi Linda! Sorry I have been out of touch….life gets in the way of fun sometimes! Love getting your emails and learning about different perspectives on this wonderful art form! I am proud to be a supporter, huge fan and an admirer of your talent!
    Thanks again, so very much, for all you do! Can’t wait for the new guide!
    Hope all’s well. Now come on everyone…join in the fun and the support of Tangle Patterns!
    Love ya!
    Sue Brailey

  • Carol Samford

    Iwas excited to send you a donation to help keep this site going—but no guide so far! Money went out to you by way of eBay the second week of October. Should I be worried?

  • Carol Samford

    Ha!! I meant I sent contribution by way of PAYPAL! Thanks again
    Oh, by the way, I just finished tangling on two large gourds- one is duck shaped and the other is sort of alien- snake shaped! They DO make people smile! I seem unable to resist drawing on any thing with a smooth surface!
    While visiting grandson in hospital yesterday I was tangling away in my little sketch book. His neurologist stopped to talk and ended up sitting down to watch me.. Voila–another convert!!
    As addictive as crack!

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Carol, I emailed the TANGLE GUIDE to you on 10/22. Please check your junk/spam folder to see if you can locate it and if you can’t, let me know and I’ll email you a download link.

  • Linda Farmer, CZT

    For those who’ve been asking – the 2012 Edition will be completely revised and updated. The TANGLE GUIDE, 2013 Edition will include all the tangles on the site to the end of 2012.

  • I give my students your web site when I teach my classes, Linda, and I suggest they make a donation so they will have your guide on hand. This always receives an enthusiastic response. I’m happy to continue supporting you and your site, this investment keeps on paying dividends. Thanks for your ingenuity.
    Carolyn Blocher CZT7

  • Eleanor Holt

    I am relatively new to the world of Zentangle and love it! I have just donated to TanglePatterns website and am looking forward to receiving the 2013 guide. But just out of curiosity, what is actually in the guide, never having seen the previous edition before? Thanks!

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Eleanor, visit the BOOK REVIEWS > TANGLEPATTERNS.COM TANGLE GUIDE tab on the top menu bar for more information about the GUIDE and a link to reviews about the 2012 Edition. šŸ™‚

  • So happy to support. I wait for the emails everyday. I just started this year and love it! I will donate through paypal. Thank you for doing such a great job!

  • I just made a donation. I so appreciate what you do! Looking forward to the new 2013 guide. Will you email when you send out the guide or will it just show up as an email?

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Ronnie, when the 2013 Edition is ready (target: January 12th), I will announce it on the site. I will be emailing a secure personalized download link to you. Thanks so much for your support.

  • Of course I will keep donating!
    Thank you so much again for your wonderful and great work Linda!
    Have a creative and beautiful day!
    Hugs form Norway šŸ˜‰

  • Joanne B Thomas

    I just sent you a contribution–I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed your website since I have discovered tangling–I have learned a lot and love practicing the patterns that your group gives so generously–Many thanks!

  • I think Joanne might be referring to CZTs as a group because we are generous, and awesome of course. Will certainly be giving again, because “the Guide” is my tangle bible!

  • Christina Franks

    Linda, thank you so much for this wonderful site and also for putting together the Tangle Guide. I look forward to receiving the 2013 version as I have found the 2012 version invaluable. This site and the Tangle Guide are great resources that I use almost daily. Wishing many blessings for you and your site…
    Christina šŸ™‚

  • It is my pleasure to contribute to Tangle Patterns. I could not have survived without the site when I became ‘Zentanglly’ obsessed 2 years ago. I look forward to my emails and know I can always come here for inspiration and education.
    Thank you Linda for all of the work you do.

  • Linda Schwieger

    Thank you, Linda, for such a GREAT resource! Count me in!
    I love getting the daily e-mail & learning patterns that are new to me! Great job on the site & looking forward to the 2013 guide!

  • Cornelia

    Linda, thank you for such a wonderful site and with such enthusiasm!

    i feel fortunate that you were generous enough to provide this site at no cost to the user.
    while recovering from Lyme disease i have found a new “winter sport”. actually it is much much more than that. i have been able to bring my mind back from mush AND to find that i actually am a creative person. your website fed my soul, heart and mind.

    it is with profound gratitude that i send what i can to help support your site.
    thank you

  • Eileen Quinn

    Hello Linda,
    I am new to “tangling” and love your site. I would like to make a donation and receive the Tangle Guide. I realize the 2013 edition is soon available, but I am a little anxious to have a look. Is there a big difference between the 2012 and the 2013 editions?

  • Paula Faucett

    I CAN NOT WAIT to get my copy! Thanks Linda

  • I’ve donated $12 dollars, downloaded the awesome tangle guide, and am proud to say i just finished my first tangle! Woo hoo.

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