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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright Ā© 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Artists for Respect
Your support helps keep TanglePatterns available!


Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



Please support TanglePatterns

Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle TeacherGreetings my friends, I am coming to you today with a personal request.

TanglePatterns has grown to the point where I’ve had to hire a software engineer to help with serious technical details to keep the site running and upgrade my server substantially to handle your visits. As you know the site is freely available to everyone with internet access.

Last week your enthusiasm to get to the patterns nearly brought TanglePatterns to its knees. If you got an error message when you visited the site, you’ll know what I’m talking about. I couldn’t even get access to my site! In the first 5 days of this month there have already been 930,000 hits and 85,000 page views. In October there were almost 7 million hits and over 1 million page views.

I love you guys to death and I love running TanglePatterns. But the reality is, and I am frankly embarrassed to admit this, less than one tenth of one percent support TanglePatterns financially. And I need your help. Please keep this site running smoothly by giving a small donation to support my time and expenses to keep it going for you.

If you find my site of value in your life, please visit the SUPPORT TANGLEPATTERNS tab in the menu at the top of the page for some options.

To those of you who have donated to TanglePatterns already: I’m not asking you to donate again, you already have my sincerest gratitude.

Thanks for your time!

44 comments to Please support TanglePatterns

  • I have contributed before but I’m going to do it again. I love your site. I couldn’t live without it. Zentangle is an addiction to me, as I know it is for many others. Your site is such a valuable part of my enjoyment of my addiction. Thank you for all your hard work.

  • Come on, kids! Let’s send Linda a few bucks so she doesn’t have to turn her site into a pay site, like Jacqueline Lawson cards or such. It’s certainly worth $25 to me (only about 50 cents a week) to read her posts.

  • Sue Wagner

    Do you have a snail mail address that I could mail a check to? Love your site and want to see it continue!!

  • Jean Smeriglio

    I have left what I can to help. I use your site and my
    students use your site as well. Thanks for all your hard
    work and constant updates. I’m trying to get my web page
    up but have not gotten that far along. You are an inspiration to all CZT and now that you have the same title you must be proud.
    Thanks for all your efforts. . .


  • Linda:
    Not a huge amount (just finished paying for a wedding šŸ™‚ – but at least something to help. I love this site and refer to it often in my classes. You have done an amazing job and as a fellow CZT, it is in my best interest to keep you up and running!
    Thanks for nudge and I’ll be back soon with a bit more.

  • susan valentino

    if i haven’t already done so, allow me to thank you sincerely for all the effort to put into this glorious site. and also thank you for reminding us that we need to do our part too. you can count on me for that.
    without your site, it’s safe to say that my journey through zentangle land would have been brief. i can say with all honesty that for me, zentangle has been a life-saving art form.
    i look forward to joining you in the pantheon of czt’s one day.
    all the best,
    susan valentino in california

  • Bev Forsling

    Gosh, I’m happy to contribute! Wish I had a job so I could do more. I appreciate so much how organized and well maintained your site is. Thanks a bunch!

  • Melanye

    I contributed because you have such an extensive collection of tangles for me to use! Thank you for doing this!

  • Gail Sstirnaman

    I have always enjoyed the tangles you have shared and look forward to them weekly. I have just contributed to your organization. I hope you will be able to continue your unselfish sharing to all. So-o-0 enjoy this new found artistic endeavor….tangling!

  • Brenda Clarke

    I am one of those thousands that checks out your site daily. I love what you do to keep us all up to date with tangling. I discovered your site about a year ago and am happy to help keep it up and running. You are appreciated. Thanks.

  • Terry Harich

    I stumbled on your site recently and am fascinated by what I always considered doodling. I’m taking my doodling to a new level with zentangle inspired art. I’m still learning and your website is a real inspiration. Of course I’m happy to donate to keep this amazing site up and running!
    Thanks for all you do.

  • I left a $25 donation. Thank you so much for the wonderful site that you provide for those of us addicted to zentangle. $25 is a pretty small amount to support an addiction. šŸ™‚

  • Dianne LeMay

    I just drove to the post office to send you a check. Forgive me for not doing it sooner, I’ve always wanted to, but keep forgetting when bill-time comes around:( I appreciate your site and all your hard work so much! Thank you!!!

  • Francie Riley

    I too have happily left a donation because I love your site so much! Thanks for all you do.

  • Love your site. Am giving you a shout out in my new book which is going to press by the first of December. You are where Zentangling really began for me once I had done the first tangles in the kit.


  • Michele

    Happy to comply, I love this site. Keep up the good work.
    The only way it could be better is if we could click on the designs that appear across the top and be taken to their page.

  • Alys


    Linda, thank you so much for telling us you needed our help. (And telling us so sweetly!) You provide such a PHENOMENAL resource for us. It would be a terrible loss if you had to close the site, and it simply wouldn’t be fair if you had to cover the costs all by yourself. I should have donated months ago but kept putting it off, so I was glad to be given a reminder.

    After the current inrush of money has finished, if you find that you still need help, please don’t be hesitant to ask again. I’m sure none of us would mind.

  • You’re on our resource sheet for the Zentangle Club of N.E. Ohio, and I so appreciate your keeping track of all these tangles! I will send out your request to the people who attend our club in the hopes that they will join me in supporting your fantastic website. And people can donate more than once, you know — every once in a while would be great! Hooray!

  • Mar H.

    Your site is an amazing resource for all who love Zentangle….thank you for all you do. I hope my small contribution helps.

  • Linda, I am so glad to contribute to help keep this site up and running. Thank you so very much for all the time and hard work that you have invested so that we can have a place to come and learn. The members here are some of the nicest ladies I’ve “met” on the net!

    Janet Cole

  • Cheers and hugs from Tassie!
    You are a great Tangling partner.
    I am glad to help.

  • Linda,
    I was so excited when I found your website, and I too am one of those who comes here on a regular basis. I’m just learning about Zentangles and had I not had access to your website, I wouldn’t have been able to stay with it. I’m so glad to contribute so that you can continue your much appreciated work. Thank you for all that you do to help others learn in such a friendly and supportive environment.

    Janet Cole

  • I’m sorry I can’t afford to give more, Linda, but I donated $10 because I LOVE this site, and will do what I can to keep it going. I appreciate all that you do. Being disabled, I find that Zentangle and tangling has been a Godsend. I absolutely love it.

  • Donated!
    I am happy to support your great work Linda!
    And I have also told all my students šŸ˜‰

    Hugs Annika šŸ˜‰

  • I am just a beginner, and am not sure what my plans are with Zentangle, but I have been enjoying your site as a resource for pattern ideas and instruction as I play with it. A small donation is certainly not too much to ask to help with the costs required from such a user-friendly, high functioning and active site requiring frequent updates/maintenance.

  • Connie Frey

    Donated for your unique site! I love it, too! Your newsletter is one of the highlights of the day.
    Greetings from Munich

  • nancy smith

    Thanks for asking. I didn’t know how this was funded and I am certainly glad to help. I wouldn’t mind a yearly subscription fee. I love what you do and enjoy all of the great ideas. I will try to donate again soon.

  • I will try to donate $ 5 to $ 10 each month whenand if I can. I love this site too. Nov 11th I will be able to donate $ 5.00. I know it’s not much, but if more people donate, it will add up. I will hate to see this site lost.

    You have pay-pal, do you?


  • Janet

    I came across your website when searching to learn more about Zentangle. It has been my go-to source for patterns, links and ideas. Thank you for all your work. I am happy to do my part to support your efforts.

  • Karen

    Thank you for your phenomenal effort. I was glad to subscribe and will do so again. Congratulations on becoming a CZT – I was one class ahead of you and its the best!
    Thanks again for fueling our creativity on a daily basis!

  • Hey Linda.. Considering your site is the 2nd place I send newbies after the Zentangle site, I have happily subscribed!

    Sadelle, CZT#7

  • Sara Mudge

    Hi Linda, Thank you for all your hard work. I have donated as well, your website is wonderful. Keep up the great work!

  • Salma

    Hi Linda,

    I’ve been using your site for about a year now ever since I stumbled upon Zentangle. I’m happy to help. I took out a yearly subscription. Thanks for all your hard work. Without your site I would not have ever thought I could be so creative!

  • Toni S

    I LOVE this site and am happy to support your efforts! Your site has given me so much inspiration! Your site is a great resource for those of us who haven’t been able to sign up for a class. You keep my idea juices flowing! Great site, great work, great inspiration! <3

  • LindyLu

    Hi Linda,

    I donated 3 or 4 monthsago but I will be happy to send another. I haven’t had much time to tangle but I am always delighted to see the new designs. Thanks for all that you do:)


  • Thanks for the reminder. I am happy to donate again! I always send my students to and here. Love your site! Keep up the good work, Linda.

  • Donna Evans

    I also would like to have a mailing address to mail a contribution.
    I love your site…and Thank you….

    • Linda Farmer

      Hi Donna, thanks so much, so glad you love the site! My mailing address is PO Box 3822, St. Augustine FL 32085 (it’s also on the DONATE page). Cheers, Linda

  • Hi Linda:
    Thanks so much for all your inspirations & work with this
    site. I am happy to make a donation through Paypal.
    Looking forward to you continuing to motivate us in small town Canada! Hugs, Sheila B

  • Sandi

    Thank you for this website. When I was theaching myself to Zentangle your site was there for me. I continue to learn from your offerings on a nearly daily basis. I am more than happy to be one of your donors. Again, THANK YOU!!!

  • June


    Thank you for this wonderful site…what an incredible resource for so many people! Your hard work and dedication is appreciated!June

  • A little present comes your way
    To say “thanks for what you did today…
    You made me smile, you made me glad”
    So don’t you worry, don’t be sad.
    Our need for Tangles would not survive
    If your creativity took a dive
    Since we need you to keep us Tangling
    We need to keep your pockets jingling

    Blergh. I’m obviously no poet. I have just discovered Zentangles and have been busily sticking Zentangles all over my collages in every blank space. I am happy to help you keep this new addiction going! LOL

    Cassie from Georgia

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