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Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Fresh from Providence

October 15, 2011 – Greetings my friends!

Robert and I have been on the road for 3 weeks visiting my family in Canada and capping a wonderful time this week at the 7th CZT® training in Providence, Rhode Island. I’m thankful that my weeks of preplanning kept things humming along here at TanglePatterns and you’ve been getting your regular “dose”. 🙂

I am grateful, humbled, honored and absolutely thrilled to be among of the 100 or so wonderful graduates of CZT#7 (Certified Zentangle Teacher, 7th Class). Here’s a gander at my gorgeous certificate …

Linda Farmer, CZT

One of the coolest things was meeting friends face-to-face I’ve met online and corresponded with electronically (if you don’t already know this, I’m Facebook-phobic so your comments and/or email is my thing). I won’t name names and risk offending if I leave someone out but I LOVED meeting every single one of you and hope you’ll all stay in touch by email. Here I am with Zentangle founders, Rick and Maria.

Linda Farmer, Rick Roberts, Maria Thomas

It was just an amazing time and there is so much to process about the program and the whole event in general that it will take me a while to put it into words. Let me just say that Zentangle® is a first class organization and they put on first class training program. A million thanks to Rick and Maria, Nancy and Sue, Molly, and all the Zentangle family for being such gracious hosts and for the absolutely incredible amount of time and effort you all put into this event to make it such a success.

There will be lots of coverage of this around the blogosphere, but with my currently-limited computer access here’s the only one I’ve seen yet so far. It’s from my Tasmanian e-pal Michele Beauchamp, now on an RV trek to Salt Lake City with her hubby Paul. A shout out to all the hubbies who came and supported their ladies.

Attention all my CZT#7 colleagues – if you post photos on your blog, please leave a link in the comments so we can all share!

As life returns to normal after all this travel, I hope to be able to share more about this entire experience. For now I’ll just say, Happy Tangling from Linda, newly-minted CZT. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

PS – your comment might take a few hours to appear while I’m on the road but I will get to them as soon as technology permits. Thanks for your patience!

Here’s a composite picture of the first tile we each did in the training.

Composite of first tiles at the Certified Zentangle Teacher training program, Class #7

Click on image for larger version


33 comments to Fresh from Providence

  • Yea! and congratulations on becoming a CZT – look forward to hearing more about your time in Providence.

  • Sally Houghton

    Hi Linda,
    I have to agree that the seminar was superb! It certainly was an experience I will never forget. So many positive and enthusiastic attitudes, and sharing . . . I just cannot explain how truly wonderful it was! Your photo of the CZT7 Mosaic is beautiful. Thanks so much for posting it.
    I hope your trip home goes safely and you arrive soon.

  • Chris Titus

    Enjoyed meeting you and putting a face to this incredible website!! Thanks for all you have done and continue to do to make our tangling adventures more fun and more interesting. Hope to have many more opportunities to learn more about you. Your fellow CZT Graduate, Chris

  • Don McCollum CZT

    Isn’t Zentangle, and Rick and Maria just too much. It seems to attract some wonderful people! It has meant so much to my life. Don

  • This looks like the ultimate, art experience/adventure. I began Zentangling,about a year ago. I can see and feel what it has meant to me as an artist and what I have learned, experienced and enjoyed. All of the great folks I have met and shared and learned from, is beyond words. This is the most positive, encouraging and supportive group of people I have ever met. I can’t wait to take the Zentangle CZT enlightment enchantment course. It will be a dream come true. Congrats, Linda. You are a hard working, inspiring woman.

  • Hi Linda! Wasn’t Providence great! Such a great class and enjoyed meeting and talking to everyone. Rick & Maria are so giving and caring… it was a pleasure being in their company and meeting their family. It was so nice to meet you! Your work is incredible. Congrats! Elisa

  • Looks like a wonderful success. I so wished I could come but twas not the year for me. Definitely on my list of things I want to do. Congrats to all the new teachers.

  • Doreen McComb

    Congratulations Linda. another goal accomplished. Your drive for excellence in all you do is something to be proud of. Love always, Mom xo

  • Cheryl

    Congratulations Linda and welcome! Thank you for this wonderful site and for all the inspiration you have given to all of us. When I happened upon your site (by accident I think), it really helped with my research about Zentangle and furthered my desire to become a CZT. Rick and Maria are wonderful people and yes they do seem to attract the best of the best! So happy to be a part of this community! And…congrats and welcome to all the new CZTs. Cheryl, CZT#6 🙂

  • OHSue

    Thanks so much for sharing, I read the regular posts and would love to someday be a CZT and spread the word, but will just have to keep that dream on hold for now.

  • andrea

    congrats Linda 🙂 if the CZT course ever comes to NJ or NY please let me know i would LOVE to attend…been tangling for just under a yr and it has enriched my life as an artist…
    AND, thank u for this wonderful site 🙂

  • Congrats, Linda! This is such a wonderful group of people to be part of and it has been so much fun to read about everyone’s experience with class 7. It let’s all of us relive our experience too…just a magical time!
    Welcome to all class 7 CZT’s! Sue (CZT class 4)

  • Congratulations Linda, and thank you for sharing this experience with us.
    A safe journey back.

  • Congratulations and welcome, Linda! So happy you are now a CZT!

  • Linda, it was great to meet you last week, and see you again this past Saturday!
    Sadelle (CZT #7)

  • maggiekat

    Congratulations and Welcome to CZT-dom!!!

  • SO happy to finally meet you and Robert. And how exciting that you are now a CZT! That is a cherry on top of your wonderful web site that gives so much to the Zentangle community! I hope we meet again one day.

  • Linda Farmer

    Safely home! Thanks all, for your wonderful wishes, I’m beaming from ear to ear 🙂

  • Congratulations Linda … your story brings back fond memories from my CZT #4 … such a long long year ago!

  • I’m with Jane, as your comments also brought back the wonderful experience I had at CZT #4 also. It is indeed a fabulous group of people and we’re happy to welcome to you and the other Sevens! ~Melissa

  • Hi Linda and Robert, glad you are home safe after your road trip. Thanks for your wonderful company and cheers that one day we might share another ‘Happy hour’.

  • Cookie

    Congratulations, Linda. When I first discovered this site and you as a moderator, I was surprised you were not a CZT yet. You’re in now, Lady!


  • Woohoo! Congratulations, Linda!

  • Cathy

    A week has passed since leaving Providence and I am still in amazement over the experience. I rank it right under running off to Jamaica to marry my wonderful husband! 🙂 Linda, it was wonderful to meet you – I was also surprised that you weren’t all ready a CZT – your website is amazing and very valuable for many of us. Let’s continue to spread the Zentangle passion.

    OH TO BE JUST THERE !!!!!!!


  • Ginny

    How can I become a CZT. Where ,when and how much is the class?

  • Suzanne Crisafi

    I am so jealous. I want to be a czt, hope to get in next years class

  • Sharon Wrench

    Congratulations Linda! I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed your website and how much I appreciate all the hard work that you have put into this website. I am so happy for you and I cannot wait to become Certified as well. I am so impressed with your beautiful art work and your beautiful spirit. I feel like I have known you forever! Thank you so much for all you do!

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Sharon, thanks so much – even though this post is from October 2011 you made me feel like I had just attended the class again! As any CZT will be glad to tell you, it is a magical and unique experience that’s far more valuable than the small investment in tuition.

  • Maxine Erickson

    Congratulations, on becoming certified. I know the experience of being with artists, the like minds are just inspiring, fun and full of life in the moment.
    I hope to do it as well one day.
    So happy for you.

  • Martine VOOS

    Félicitations et dommage que vous soyez si loin!!!!!!!!
    Bonne journée

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