COPYRIGHT NOTICEAll contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
TanglePatterns Turns 13 Today! By Linda Farmer, CZT ~ May 4th, 2023
Greetings my friends!
Just a note to celebrate the date TanglePatterns came into existence – May 4, 2010 – and muse about the passage of time …
How quickly they grow up and become teenagers 😉
My utmost gratitude and thanks, as always, for your awesome loyalty and support on our Zentangle® journey together over the years.
Couldn’t possibly do this without you and everyone in our amazing online community.

Here’s to many more and May the 4th be with you …
Congratulations, Sis! Very proud of you. Xo
Happy 13th!! Thank you for all you do!!
happy tangleversary, Linda! Thank you for all the time you put into this wonderful site for us.
Just adding my “Thank you” to those of your many admirers for your wonderful and tireless service to the Zentangle community!~
CONGRATULATIONS!! How fantastic to be celebrating your TanglePatterns anniversary!! Thank you for keeping the site going and going all these years – it’s my one-stop go-to central hub for all things tangle related <3 I deeply appreciate all the time and energy and commitment you’ve put into this site since May 4 2010!
Congratulations for the teeny! We love you and will meet you like always on a daily basis…
Thanks for all the work you have done to make this site possible!
Have a happy time!
Frauke ?
Dear Linda,
So glad you do what you do! Your emails are a welcome visit. Thanks for sharing your time with us.
May the Fourth be with you!
Linda Friedly
Congratulations on 13 wonderful years and gratitude from all of us who follow you and appreciate all you do!! Here’s to many more years of joy in creating satisfying beauty.
Congratulations!!!! Tangle Patterns is always my “go to” for inspiration, ideas, and tangle fun. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Happy birthday! Thanks for all you do.
Congrats! This site helped me through the Pandemic. May you have many more years!
Greetings and Thank You to TanglePatterns!! I sincerely appreciate your creative designs and encouraging words shared with everyone everywhere. Art Everyday!
Congratulations ! What a wonderful work you have done all these years.
Many thanks.
Congratulations, dear Linda!!! Wishing you many more years of this fantastic, creativity-supporting work while bringing new tangles to life with grace and consistency! Thank you for your cheerful posts and for keeping the Zentangle community together so amazingly!
Big cheers!
Happy birthday! Thank you Linda for all the work that you’ve done all these years. (And I’m hoping you keep doing it for quite some time.) ?
Happy Anniversary! I’m so happy I found you!! To many more years ?
Congratulations!! Good Job Linda!! It’s a Beautiful & Happy place thanks to you!
Thank you for your daily inspiration and hard work. It’s been an amazing journey so far, so thank. you again for your dedication and a huge thank you to those artists who keep submitting their tangle patterns for all of us to enjoy. Keep up the amazing work and we’ll all be here to cheer you on. Happy 13th.
You are always there when I need you….or just whenever I want to browse! Thank you!.
Definitely my favorite teenager. Congratulations and may you have many more!
A wonderful milestone!! Thanks for you dedication ?
Congratulations! You have a wonderful site!
Congratulations on 13 amazing years sharing tangles with us all. Thank you so much!
Thank you for all you do for the Zentangle community. You and I have been here for a long time — still happy to be tangling and participating in your excellent resource
CZT #1,4,28
Congratulations and again many thanks for all the work you put in this wonderful source of tangles!!!
Wow, Linda – what a wonderful achievement. Congratulations and may there be many more anniversaries in the future. You provide that ‘something special’ in a mad, mad world. It takes real effort and passion on your part and I appreciate every ounce that you put in. You are a legend! Thank you very, very much. xx 🙂
Thanks for all you do for this site. Happy 13th Anniversary!!???
No words to describe the continuing love, dedication and effort you put into TanglePatterns, My Love. So very proud of you. Keep on truckin’
Rob xo
Congratulations and thank you for all you do for the worldwide community of tanglers! ?
Happy Anniversary!! I can’t believe it’s been that long. I love my daily tangles. Here’s to 13 more!!
Congratulations and happy 13th anniversary!
Feliz aniversario Linda!!
Dear Linda,
I join ALL the wonderful tanglers world wide who depend on the inspiration, hints and tips and the zillions of patterns which you bring to us every day. What we do without you! Myeverlasting thanks for everything you do and all the help you have given me over the years…….Happy 13th Birthday!
with love and gratitude,
Sue Zanker xx
Happy Tangleversary Linda. Thank you for all you do. You are a gift and I am grateful for your hard work.
I am so thankful for your website. happy Anniversary. I recommend this to every tangler, and encourage them to purchase the latest year of your books. I know mine is my best resource for looking up not only tangles, but so many more items you have.
Happy Anniversary and thank you for all your work creating an essential resource for tanglers.
Happy birthday! Thank you for imagining and implementing this vital tool for our community. Tangling would never have been the same without you!
Congrats. It’s been an amazing journey that has enriched my life and improved my art. I have loved every tangle and appreciated yourcolkective talent and dedication. Thank you as ll so much for meditation, creativity and soul/heart connection.
Congratulations on your “anniversary”. This has been a great asset to the tangling community. Thanks for all your work.
Happy 13th! And thank you for providing this platform where all the tangles are organised and at our fingertips. Eternally thankful!
Congratulations Linda! You are such a rich resource for me and for others who love and practice Zentangle in their lives. I cannot count the times in my 9 years as a CZT that your website has been a resource for me as well as your Tangle Guide. Thank you for your dedication and continued work to be here for all to use.
Happy 13th. Thank you for an outstanding job and so happy to be a part of it. Here’s to many more great years ahead with the tangle world.
Thank you for your commitment and appreciation of this form, which you so beautifully explore, support, challenge and expand.
Thank you again.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. You have built an incredible resource, I always recommend Tangle Patterns to anyone interested in learning about Zentangle. It’s an integral part of the journey. Happy Anniversary!
Belated happy 13th anniversary Linda! It’s amazing what you’ve created and the hours and hours you have invested and continue to invest in keeping this going all on your own, for the benefit of many! I hope people recognize this by making generous donations to help you continue to serve the ever growing Zentangle community. You rock! xok
Thank you Linda for all you time, effort and love you put into Tangle Patterns.
Judy H.
Happy Anniversary and thank you for all you do. I have notebooks full of my work and they make me happy whenever I flip through them. My best wishes to you for many years to come.
Feliz aniversario!! Muchísimas por este trabajo qué hacéis tan altruista, y que nos apasiona a tod@s
Mis mejores deseos, que siga brotando tanta creatividad??
I too echo the congratulations for your tireless commitment. Thanks for all you do for us he Tangleverse.
Congratulations Linda! Thank you so much for all you do for the Zentangle community. Your commitment and dedication are a blessing.
Congratulations, Linda. Thanks for all you do for the community and may the fourth be with you.
Congratulations on 13 lucky years! ? I’m always happy to see your newsletters in my inbox and look forward to your Tangle Guide every year. So many positive vibes from everything you do. ??