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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Artists for Respect
Your support helps keep TanglePatterns available!
Make your contribution to keep TanglePatterns going in 2025


Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.


With Gratitude – Once again it’s time to help keep TanglePatterns online for another great year

TanglePatterns AngelHello my tangling friends.

As we begin this fundraising appeal to ensure TanglePatterns keeps going for another great year, I first want to say a huge, heartfelt “THANK YOU” to its current patrons.

I love you guys! You are my invaluable TanglePatterns Angels. I simply couldn’t continue to do this and keep up the site’s level of service without your loyal and amazing support. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate you so much and give thanks for you each and every day.

Each year on November 1st I ask all of the site’s users to help underwrite the operating costs (details here) of running the website and keep this one-of-a-kind Zentangle® resource going for another inspirational year.

This resource relies on everyone who uses it to support its continued existence. Together, WE keep TanglePatterns going.

Donations are most gratefully accepted any time of the year and there’s an always-accessible big yellow “Click to Support TanglePatterns!” button over there >>>> near the top of the right sidebar to make it super easy.

But in November I need to know I can pay the bills for the coming year and that’s where I need your help now.

It’s no secret that times are tough for a lot of us these days, especially we pensioners as inflation has been driving up the cost of anything and everything. The site’s operating costs increase every year and are such that I have no choice but to ask for your financial assistance. While TANGLEPATTERNS GUIDE eBook sales are important and really, really appreciated, donations are crucial for sustainability.

Click the secure button below (or this secure link) to make your contribution to help keep TanglePatterns available to you for another year.

I invest all my time and energy in offering sparks for your creative imagination and it’s a full time endeavor just keeping the content coming. There is no “team” to keep things running. It’s just me folks, and it’s my privilege and pleasure to serve you.

All I ask is for you to invest a little to help me continue to keep TanglePatterns functioning smoothly and all of its resources available.

This only takes a minute. Your contribution makes a huge difference and is deeply appreciated, not only by me but also by our tangling friends who aren’t aren’t in a position to help financially and depend on this resource for their mental health. Click this secure button or use this secure link.

You don’t have to open an account to use PayPal AND it is a very secure platform. When you click this button and update your cart with your donation, you are given the option of using PayPal or your debit or credit card. There is also a checkbox to make your contribution an automatic monthly payment if you so wish.

When I receive the notice of your online donation, or your check in the mail, imagine that I am sending you a HUGE hug through the ether – because I am!

Linda's mailing addressPrefer to contribute by mail? (Please include your email address so I can acknowledge your gift.)

Here’s my address (also found at the bottom of every page): Linda Farmer,, PO Box 880386, Port St Lucie FL 34988.


Linda, Thank you for your continued dedication to make the number 1 resource for Zentangle enthusiasts. I very much appreciate your hard work and love your priceless website. Happy Holidays! ~ Angie Gamble, CZT7, by email


Linda, you do an amazing job! Maria and Rick are the spark, but you help keep the flame going. Zentangle wouldn’t be the same without you. Gratefully, Pam A, by email


Linda, thank you so very much for your continued efforts to keep this amazing site up and running. It’s quite a feat for one person to do alone, undoubtedly, but you do a fantastic job at it!  Larry R, by email


I use your site every day on my practice, and it is a permanently-open tab in my browser. Thank you for compiling such a wonderful resource for the tangling community! Kind regards, Yvette C. CZT, by email


Dear Linda: Thank you for keeping your website going because it truly is an invaluable resource for endless numbers of people! You are the real Angel for us tangle lovers. Without you, this art form would not be where it is today and anyone who tangles should be very, very grateful to you and your passion for tangling because it is hard work to keep the website going. Your website is beyond excellent!!!! Cheers, Phylis, by email


Like many of you, I have been using Linda’s site since 2012 on a regular basis. I became a regular “donor” some years ago. I do this willingly as Linda does SOOO much for us all.
The easiest way is to arrange through your bank or Paypal for an automatic amount of your choosing to be taken from your account once a month and transferred to her account. It doesn’t have to be a huge amount; I am sure the price of a magazine or a cup of coffee, once a month helps her and honestly you don’t feel it. I am not “rich”, I am a government funded pensioner of 77 from Townsville in Australia and if I can afford to help her, I am quite sure most of the rest of you can too. So let’s show her how much we value her and what she does so willingly for tanglers world wide. (By the way, what I have written here is quite unsolicited!) ~ Sue Z


I am happy to help. It’s been a tough year but I always enjoy exploring for inspiration. It would be a terrible loss to our Zentangle community if we didn’t have your wonderful website. Thank you for all you do!!! Lee M., CZT, by email


Linda, your generosity in delivering tangles to “the needy” deserves a medal, but until you get it, pls accept my donation. By “needy” I mean people like me who love having something to look forward to at the end of the day: which for me means paper, pen and tangling. And tangling, means getting into a zone that is unlike anything else, a sea of tranquility in a world of strife :).

You do so much good by sharing tangles, and perhaps you’re actually sharing an aid that helps people stay balanced and sane as well as happy….daily.

That’s it: it’s a daily shot of “happy”.

Could be you’re changing the world, one zentangle at a time. I know you’ve changed mine. Waving from Toronto, Nina


I am endlessly grateful to the understanding (and outstanding!) members of our Zentangle community.

With deepest gratitude for your support, my love and cyber hugs,

Thank you so much for being a TanglePatterns Angel!

9 comments to With Gratitude – Once again it’s time to help keep TanglePatterns online for another great year

  • Frauke König

    Thank YOU soooooo much, Linda, for giving us the tangle pattern site with all its goodies! I enjoy this site nearly every day! It is wonderful to find such an amount of tangles and read your comments with it! Don’t stop and stay happy and healthy!
    With tangling smiles!

  • Susan Kelley Pundt

    Where would we be without you, Linda? I don’t like to even contemplate that unfortunate possibility! Many, many thanks. Susan P.

  • Priscilla Ware

    Look for a $25 donation through Paypal from me. I have enjoyed many hours with your materials and will continue in the future.

  • Thank You Thank You Thank you Linda. So enjoy the site and keeps my zentangle journey going. Check will be in the mail soon.

  • Tracy Westphal

    Donation made! Thanks for all you do. Zentangle adds so much quality to my life. 🙂

  • Joyce Elizabeth Francis

    Linda: I was with you in the first CTZ done in Province, RI. I had been using your website even before that! I still am keeping up with your posts. Thanks for your long run of dedication to Zentangle. A big hug to you. Joyce

  • Jenn Brayton CZT36

    Linda, as always your commitment to the Zentangle community is awe-inspiring! I made my donation when the announcement came out, and I am happy to be a supporter for your wonderful site once again! I budget in my annual donations to TanglePatterns 2x a year (Nov 1 and when the annual TanglePatterns book is published) and being able to give back to you is a very small way to say thank you so very very much. Your site keeps my spirits lifted with all kinds of Zentangle inspirations 🙂

  • MaryAnn Scheblein-Dawson

    Hi Linda!

    When will the Tangle Guide 2023 edition become available?


    MaryAnn CZT#1

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi MaryAnn, thanks for your question. This is from the BOOK REVIEWS > TANGLEPATTERNS.COM TANGLE GUIDE page:

      “Each year around the second week of January I publish my updated, interactive TANGLE GUIDE integrating all the previous year’s tangles and adding a new feature or two. An announcement is made when the new edition is available so be sure to subscribe to receive your (free) email notice.”

      Michele had already sent me her new cover art and as always, it’s WONDERFUL!!

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