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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.


Today is TanglePatterns 10th Tangleversary!

tanglepatterns-10th-tangleversaryIs it a birthday?

Is it an anniversary?

Both! It’s a Tangleversary! And it’s a really BIG one …

Ten years is a remarkable milestone and I’m very proud of what TanglePatterns has grown to become in the Zentangle® world. It’s hard to wrap my head around everything we’ve shared over the last decade.

I am so honored to have this occasion memorialized in a beautiful hand-tangled card I received from Canadian tangler Cyndi Knapp. (I have permission to share her creation with you today.)

These scans don’t do justice to the sparkly gorgeous eye-candy Cyndi has created and she even used several of my tangles 🙂 What a special, unique treat and one I will always treasure. Thanks again, Cyndi!

On May 4th, 2010, I  launched the site with “Hello Zentangle Zealots!” Little did I know where this adventure would take me. And us!

Today celebrates ten wonderful years of sharing Zentangle® learning, creativity, fun and inspiration with you.

Over this amazing decade, together we’ve enjoyed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of tangles, dozens and dozens of wonderful tutorials, tons of creative inspiration, the world of tanglers sharing their expertise and experience and their heartfelt stories. Friendships have been made around the globe. It’s a beautiful thing this Zentangle community of ours.

Thanks so much to each and every one of you who help keep TanglePatterns going with your financial and emotional support. Thanks too for your treasured notes, cards, letters, emails, and comments of encouragement.

Immeasurable gratitude to Rick and Maria for this magical Zentangle® art form that made this wonderful community possible. Thanks to all my CZT colleagues for sharing their enthusiasm with tanglers around the world.

Of course, a very special thanks to all the artists who share their tangles with us and inspire our creativity.

And finally, huge thanks to my biggest fans who’ve encouraged me all the way — my Sweetheart Robert, my Darling Mom, and my Sweet sisters Carol, Karen and Bev. xoxo

As Obi-Wan Kenobi says, “May the 4th be with you!” And may the tangles continue to be with you too.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

I couldn’t have done this for 10 years without YOU.


I’ll be back soon with another new tangle … today I simply wanted to relish this special moment with you  🙂


68 comments to Today is TanglePatterns 10th Tangleversary!

  • Carol

    Very proud of you, Sis! Congratulations and much love to you.

  • Sandy H

    happy tangleversary, Linda! Thank you so much for all you do for us.

  • Lisa Hoesing

    Oh well done you
    I acknowledge the hard work you’ve done these 10 years. I appreciate how much you have given to our Zentangle community
    Lisa Hoesing

    • Kim Longenecker

      So awesome! Thank you so much for an amazing resource and for all the time you’ve put into it! Happy 10th Anniversary, Linda.

  • Happy, happy and you have shared many gifts in tangle land. Thanks and enjoy your big day.

  • Doreen McComb

    Linda I am so proud of all the hours you put in for your tangle website. Tangle Patterns website directs Tanglers to so much information that is available.
    Congratulations and bless you always. Mom

  • Happy Tangleversary Linda! You are truly a gem and I know I join thousands of other dedicated tanglers in saying Thank you to you for the countless hours you devote to this invaluable resource. It has provided me with so much help along the way in my Zentangle journey over the past 8 years.
    Hope you enjoy this special day! Best wishes and I know that the “Fourth is definitely with you“ ! ! ?

  • Linda M Friedly

    Thanks for all you do to keep us tangling! Stay safe!

    Linda Friedly

  • Joyce Blodgett

    Happy Tangleversary Linda!

    I didn’t realize so many years had already passed, though I do know I’ve been on your site for a good many of them, and have thoroughly enjoyed the end results of all your hard work.

  • Catherine Gisby


  • Jennifer Sparrow

    You are the keeper of the tangles, and I don’t know where we would be without your dedication and hard work. I appreciate your data base of tangles, but also all the treasures that are the glue to our art form: the tutorials, testimonials, strings, background knowledge and rabbit holes and your inimitable style and panache for keeping it all together and pulling it off flawlessly!! Thank you, merci, danke, gracias, and zen some!

  • Congratulations Linda! You have made a huge contribution to the field of Zentangle art. I wish you much success in the next ten years!

  • So fantastic! This is a milestone for our entire Zen-family. Thank you, for all that you do…which can’t be easy. Zentangle, and this beautiful site, have changed lives, for the better. I feel blessed to have found both.

  • Judy Montgomery

    Thank you so much for all you contribute to our community, Linda!!

  • Gail Minichiello

    Congratulations on 10 years of giving to our tangling community. You have done a wonderful job and helped many of us on our journey.

  • Oh Linda! This is the perfect opportunity to let you know how very important the information on this site is for beginning tanglers! It seems like yesterday I first submitted a pattern with my story to and yet the years have slipped past so quickly! I purchased my first Primer vol. 1 from you, as well as a couple of the wonderful tangle guides! I never even hoped to become a CZT back then, but here I am CZT32! Your writing was what brought me to the real Zentangle path, and let go my need to know all the tangles instead of truly exploring the power in the simplicity of a few. As a blogger myself, I truly understand the effort, time and love you invest daily to keep us on the path from patterns to zen. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t mention you on my YouTube channel and encourage my viewers to come here for more information. Thank you so much and Congratulations on your 10 year tangleversary! I’ll have a very special shoutout for you in today’s video. Much love and many hugs from me to you on this wonderful day! Thanks for remaining true to the Method!

  • Adriana Campuzano

    Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! I have truly enjoyed tangling with you. Thank you Linda!

  • Jody Genovese

    Happy Tanglversary dear Linda! You are definitely my go to source and I would be lost without you and all of the amazing Zentangle artists who contribute their beautiful work to your site.
    We need you now more than ever. Here’s to many many more.
    Thank you!!

  • Brenda Whitehead

    Congrats and THANKS for the first 10 years! And a “clink” of our virtual glasses to another 10!

  • Barb Bradley

    Wow! What an anniversary to celebrate! I know has been an invaluable resource for me in the last 8 or so years! Congrats, Linda!

  • Nancy B Loomis

    Linda, I don’t know if you really know just how much we appreciate all the work you put into this website. I have given it out as reference to many new and mature tanglers. Thank you so much for maintaining this wonderful resource for all of us.

  • Me and many many other tanglers appreciate very much what you are doing for the Zentanglecommunity, already for 10 years! I think almost every day, I take a look on your fantastic database. All tangles are presentated in a beautiful way, often with a pretty story. I wanna thank you by this way as much as possible. Congratulations with this special birthday and I hope you will going on for a long time! Have a bright day and a pleasant evening, you can be very proud of your work!
    A virtual hug from Belgium

  • So happy with you, dear Linda! You can be so proud of yourself! And we all are so grateful about you and! You are doing such an amazing job! Thank you so much for all your love, efforts and inspiration you give and share! Best wishes from Cologne and happy tangleversairy, Nadine

  • Melena

    Wow! 10 Years? I think I found you 7 years ago shortly after I found Zentangle. Thank you for all the work you put into TanglePatterns. I’ve read all the other comments that are up so far and I agree with each and every one of them. I can’t find anything to add. Here’s to hoping you are having a nice relaxing day.

  • Beatrice A

    Dear Linda, congratulations! Your beautiful , creative and very encouraging journey is inspiring to all us. How beautifully you keep it going! Heartfelt thanks and good wishes to you and your dear ones! Happy anniversary!!!!

  • carolyn weber

    I echo what everyone has already said, you’re doing an unreplaceable service to us all – you’re definitely an ESSENTIAL part of our lives today!

  • Wanda Rader

    Thank you so much Linda. 2010 was the year I started tangling and your site was the first one I found when I began looking for step patterns. I have been a faithful visitor ever since. Zentangle has made my life better and more joyful, and you have been a big part of that, as have all the artists you have featured here and their splendid patterns. Thank you for being such a blessing to all of us who love this very special way of making the world a bit more beautiful, one line at a time.

  • Julie Isaac

    Happy Tangleversary. What an exciting accomplishment and milestone!

  • Robin Tucker

    Linda…Congrats on 10 years….so very grateful for all you do …I turn to your site over and over again!!
    Big tangle hugs robin

  • Way to go, Linda! This is such a fantastic resource, not only for tangle step-outs but also ideas, links, stories, tutorials, and more. Wishing you ten more!:)

  • Mariam G

    Linda, Congratulations! Here’s hoping you know what a wonderful resource you have provided to all us happy ‘Tanglers’ over these 10 years, and just how much we all appreciate you. I, too, found your site early on in my quest for Zentangle knowledge, and still use your pattern guide (almost daily). Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!

  • Evy Browning

    Thank you so much for all the work you put into this site which is truly unique & reliable with its integrity. It’s my go to place for checking the Zentangle HQ tangle list. Congratulations on a wonderful achievement & a site that is valued & used by many.

  • Hi Linda. What an exciting milestone for you and everyone else that uses your site as a bible of information! I have been a CZT for 7 years and whenever I need a tangle to teach, I always look at your site to find just the right ones! Thank you so much for all of your hard work and time that you put into this site. I have had the honor of being published several years ago and I am so proud to say that it is in Tangle Patterns . com. May you continue to have success in the coming years. By the way, I love to be able to pull up tangles from your Data base with the purchase of the Tangle Guides.

  • Judy Murphy

    HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LINDA!!!! Congratulations and a huge THANK YOU for this wonderful site you have created. Here is to you and all the work you do. Cheers to you Linda…..:O)

  • Rosemary Turpin

    Congratulations, Linda, and many more happy anniversaries to you.
    May the “fourth” be with you!

  • mary costulas

    THANK YOU! and CONGRATULATIONS on your tenth anniversary! This site is an incredible resource and I love knowing I can always find a new zentangle, story, idea….the list goes on and on.

  • Linda

    Happy Tangleversary, Linda and congratulations on celebrating 10 years! Your website is a wonderful resource that I continually use in my tangling journey. I so appreciate all your time and effort that you put into My very best to you and your supportive family. Stay safe, be well, and let’s tangle on!

  • Iris Gillan

    Thank you Linda. With all we Nova Scotians have been dealing with these few last weeks, I have found comfort in tangling. A time to stop and reflect on all that is good in this world. I always turn to your website for inspiration. Have been a huge fan for many years now and I am so thankful for all you do. Take care and I hope your Canadian family are staying safe as well. Nova Scotia Strong…..Iris

  • Sue Zanker

    Linda, for once I am (almost!) wordless! Thinking about what you started ten years ago and how it has grown is just too amazing for me to contemplate. I do, most sincerely, thank YOU for everything you have done and know this… was YOUR site that a friend of mine guided me to when I was at a very low point in my life, the 12th February 2012 and since then I have honestly done at least, one tangled tile EVERY SINGLE DAY since then.
    I am sure you and your site have “saved” many a soul with guiding people to Zentangle……long may you reign!

  • Congratulations on 10 years. It is a true accomplishment and even greater thing you have done and are still doing for all us tanglers. Even tho I have only been tangleing 5 years, your site is a go to and one I reccomend often. Stay safe and may there be many more great years for you and all your hardworking support team/family. A very BIG THANK YOU to all involved.

  • Lianne

    Hi Linda,
    Congratulations on 10 inspiring years of Zentangle tangles, strings, information, stories, tutorials, and the list goes on.

    I am truly grateful to you and all the time you put into compiling this amazing resource for all us Zentangle enthusiasts to use.

  • Susan Kelley Pundt

    Adding my congratulations and fervent thanks to you and your wonderful tanglepatterns.

  • Stephanie Christenson

    Congratulations and thank you, Linda. I rely on and refer others to your site all the time. What an amazing resource you’ve built. Thank you again.

    • Happy Anniversary, dear Linda!
      And thank you so much for your inspiring work for all the Zentangle community!
      Your website is such a huge inspiration and I can imagine that you have a lot of work with it- but still a lot of fun, as we can feel on each new post.
      Take care, stay healthy and always happy tangling!
      Hugs and greetings from Dresden, Simone


    Thankyou dosen’t seem any where near enough but the words come from the heart. Cheers to you Linda, this is just the best site ever. thankyou again

  • Henny

    Cyndi has said it all so well. Linda, thank you for a website that has helped me through the most difficult decade of my life. So much hard work, and many difficult decisions, I’m sure! Congratulations, and many happy returns!

  • Jenn Brayton

    A major milestone!! Massive congratulations on this accomplishment, and thank you from rural Canada! Your website always inspires me as I do my daily tangles, and I am thankful and extremely grateful for all this hard work and dedication. Cheers!

  • Karen S McGrath

    Hey Linda! So I posted congrats on all your social media sites and neglected the very website! We are all so proud of our “leader” sister who always blazed a trail for the rest of us! The comments you’ve received on your tangleversary #10 are a testament to your amazing creativity, willingness to take risks and the hard work you have invested in this unique site….and the hard work you continue to put into it. Much love..and CONGRATS! K

  • Joan

    Congratulations Linda and many thanks for all your hard work in providing such an amazing resource. Long may it last!
    Thank you.

  • Congratulations on a major milestone! Thanks for all you do; all the work you put in. I don’t often comment, but I really do appreciate everything you do for the Zentangle community.

  • Tomàs padrós

    Congratulations on all the work done and the love you put into it. You already see the amount of positive reactions for you and your website. It was also my first source for online information and resources about the Zentangle. So I have a special affection for this site and I am happy to have this opportunity to tell you and thank you.

  • Beth Lovelle

    Heartfelt Congratulations on your 10 year Tangleversary! Thank you for all the love and time you put into this site. You are a blessing to all of us and are much appreciated! It is amazing that new tangles are being added and there is still so much more to explore on the site. Thank you for being the wonderfully organized person you are and for sharing it all with us!

  • Enmei Guan

    Dear Linda, Congratulations on 10 years! This is a website full of treasures! No amount of words can express my thanks to you for all you do for us!

  • Johanna Parkinson

    Beth Lovelle has said it all, ditto from me. Thank you.

  • Milde Weiss

    Congratulations on 10 years Linda, and thank you for being such an important cog in the Zentangle wheel. I don’t know what I would have done without you and Tanglepatterns!

  • Happy Tangleversary! And thank you for everything you do!

  • Brenda Urbanik

    Congratulations Linda and thank you for providing us tanglers wit this amazing resource. Wishing you many more Tangleversaries!

  • Brigit Slind

    Heart felt congratulations. So many lives have been changed in major significant ways as learning these skills opened amazing new chapters in our lives. You have done so much to support and connect this awesome community.

  • Duane Anderson

    Linda think about what we went “ga ga” over…..(Hint: Star Wars) Now then all I want to say is …. May the 4th be with you….Actually, you do such a superb job of keeping our tangles organized, cataloged and usable. Did you ever think, way back in 2010, that you would still be doing this important job for all of us. I applaud your hard work, your patience with us, and all the help you provide to our Zentangle community.

    Duane Anderson
    CZT 28

  • Sandra

    Thank you very much and congratulation on the tenth anyversary.
    I probably wouldn’t be tangeling anymore without your wonderful site.

  • Deborah Davis

    Thank you so much for your 10 years of work on ‘Tangle Patterns’. Not sure what we would do without your dedication and all the information you provide. I am a frequent visitor to this site and enjoy it’s ease of use and the total volumne of information available.
    Happy Anniersary! You are certainly appreciated.

  • Anne Morrison

    Linda, Happy Anniversary! You were in my Tangle class of CZT7 and I remember meeting you. I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy “Tangle Patterns” and have learned so much from it over the years. Keep up the great work!!!

  • Thank you Linda! Every sundaymorning I receive your mail here in Belgium with new patterns.
    And that make my sunday great. Congratulations for the beautifull work you you send over the world.
    From Belgium with Love

  • 10 years are an important reason for celebrating and articulating. Thank you for your valuable work for the Zentangle community.

  • Congratulations on your 10th year of providing such a valuable service to tanglers. As a CZT9, I can’t begin to tell you how much I rely on your fun tangle offerings and also the opportunity to learn how widespread this process has become. Not only do I enjoy the new tangles, but “meeting” folks who appreciate this calming process means so much to me.Linda, you provide a service that is above and beyond…thank you!!

  • Val

    Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. Your site is wonderful and my go to when I need advise or help or inspiration. Thank you

  • Molly M

    Congrats and thank you, Linda! I use your site daily, and hope to financially support it/you in the future. I’ve been tangling since 2017 and can’t imagine a day without Zentangle in some form. Here’s to many more years with you and the community. Cheers! Molly in CA

  • Indrani Novello

    Thank you, Linda, for this fantastic site, which is such a joy and wonderful resource to all of us around the globe!
    I am so thrilled to be a part of it, thank you for including some of my tangles here!
    I love the sense of community this site creates for us!
    Here’s to many more tangling years to come! Keep up the great work! Stay safe and healthy!

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