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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



TanglePatterns celebrates its 4th Anniversary today!

Today, tucked in between May Day and Cinco de Mayo celebrations, celebrates four wonderful years of sharing Zentangle® learning, creativity, fun and inspiration with you.

TanglePatterns celebrates its 4th Anniversary

Four years ago on May 4th, 2010, I started the site with the greeting, “Hello Zentangle® Zealots!” And here we are four years later and still going strong. As I’ve said before, I couldn’t have done this without your love and support. A world of thanks to Rick and Maria for the beautiful gift of Zentangle. And thanks too, go to all the wonderful members of the Zentangle community around the globe for sharing their tangles and creativity with us all.

Lastly, many thanks for allowing me the honor and the pleasure of keeping your Zentangle passion fueled with

May the adventure continue!


110 comments to TanglePatterns celebrates its 4th Anniversary today!

  • Barbara

    Thank you for inspiring my world into the world of Art!

    • Sandi Buchspics

      Thank you for sharing this wonderful site and inspiration to all of us who love and are inspired by the Zentangle method. Your site is an extremely valuable resource for all of us. Keep up the great work…????

      • Jan Brandt, CZT

        I agree, Sandi! We are a lucky bunch to be able to visit this website any time, any day, and find something new to inspire, inform and delight us! Many thanks Linda!

  • Chrissie

    Congratulations and thank you for the best blog for us tangler’s to use from all corners of the world.


  • Diann Martin

    Happy Anniversary and thanks for the support you provide to all of us in Zentangle Land. Diann

  • Peg

    Happy Birthday! And TY,TY,TY for all the fun and inspiration. I have passed Zentangle on to so many people with highest recommendations. I hope many more will find it to be a big a blessing in life as I have. Best wishes for many more patterns and many more years!

  • Carole Morrison

    Happy, Happy, Happy Anniversary!!! You’ve got the most fabulous site!! May your success triple as time goes along!! “May The “Fourth” Be With You”!!! 🙂 ……sorry, I couldn’t help myself!! 🙂

  • Janet

    Happy Birthday and here’s to a great many more. You have been a great inspiration and helped me grow as an artist.

  • Vicki

    Congratulations on your 4th year. It’s my 4th month anniversary and I would not have had all this wonder and fun without TanglePatterns. Thank you so much.

  • Congratulations! And thank you for giving the Zentangle world such a fabulous resource!

  • Anonymous

    So happy! Thank you.

  • Happy 4th Anniversary! Thank you for putting together such an invaluable site for us Tanglers!

  • Sue Brailey

    Congratulations!! Thanks so very much for all the inspiration and guidance in this wonderful form of expression!! Here’s to many, many more anniversaries!!

  • Doreen

    Linda, Happy Anniversary, so proud of you.
    Love, Mom

  • Many happy returns!! Happy anniversary!! Thanks everyone 🙂

  • mati

    Happy 4th Anniversary. It is very nice to have such a wonderful blog. Zentangle lovers point from all over the world…

  • Jennifer Hohensteiner

    Wooo!…and thank you for the work you put in. This site is the best. Congratulations.

  • Vickilynne

    Thank you Linda for undertaking this amazing job. As webmaster for some half-dozen sites for work, plus our local HOA, I truly understand all the time and effort it takes.

    This is a wonderful art form; so very glad I found your site – and always look forward to the new postings and updates. Thanks again – and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  • Happy, happy anniversary! Congratulations on 4 successful and inspiring years. Thanks for all you do.

  • Beth Siemering

    Thank you so much for being the go-to person for inspiration! Congratulations!

  • Happy Birthday from Germany!! 🙂

  • Congratulations!
    Keep it up!
    Dear greetings from Germany,*Manja*

  • Best of Wishes for another 4 years! You are the best. Keep those tangles coming and we’ll keep supporting You!



  • Cheryl R

    Congratulations~ You found a niche and translated it into a tremendous resource. Best wishes for continued success.

  • Congratulations with the anniversery.Many thanks for keeping up the good work and being one of the best resources blog of the world of tanglers.

  • Shannon Paul

    Thank you, it is such a wonderful site, please keep up the good work!!

  • Sharon Wrench

    Thank you for all your hard work and kindnesss to so many people. You have touched many lives with Zentangle. Happy Birthday and many more to come. It is a priviledge to be a “Tangler,” and to continue to learn with ‘one line at a time.
    Thanks to all of you!

  • Carole RB

    Happy 4th anniversary!

  • Mary in Scottsdale

    Everyone has already said it all so well! Thank you so very much. I learn something new every time I visit the site!

  • Janet in Georgia

    Thanks for this wonderful site. I truly enjoy it and get lots of inspiration from it. Happy anniversary!…

  • Ellen Wolters

    CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR FOURTH ANNIVERSARY!! Thanks for sharing all of your hard work all these years!!!

  • Sharyn

    The traditional gift for a 4th anniversary is FLOWERS!! Congratulations and may you receive many many bouquets from near and far. Thank you for all that you do!

  • Laura B

    Happy Anniversary Linda and many many thanks for starting and maintaining this site. It has given me a lot of joy.

  • Annemarie

    Happy aniversary and thanks for all you did for us tanglers!!!!

  • kathleen in WI

    Yippee! Hooray!
    Congrats and hope your site is here to stay!

    Applause! Well done.

  • Barb from Canada

    How inspiring and helpful and wonderful resource/reference your site has been! Thank you for your time and patience and dedication and sharing spirit! Congrats on the four years!

  • Joyce

    Linda, you have provided me…and so many others…with so many wonderful patterns, strings, and inspiration for four years now, and I’m delighted to have found your site when I did. And believe me, I am very, very grateful to you for all your hard work. There is no other site that has given so much to us tanglers!!! Thank you.


  • Lucy Holtzman

    Your enthusiasm and dedication is much appreciated!

  • Vicki in Comox, Canada

    Linda, You rock! Thanks so much for sharing your/our passion with the world. I’ve shown your site to all my friends who love to doodle and showed them that doodling can be so much more. Tangle On!

  • Terri Y

    Happy Anniversary! i absolutely love your site and visit it everyday. Sometimes 4-5 times a day. Love the book for reference, too.
    Thank you for keeping things going. Tangle On!

  • Melissa

    Congrats on 4 yrs, I have been doing zentangle/doodling for less than a year and love your site. It is most helpful. Would love to see a section on advanced techniques, maybe how to go to zia and get away from just string that is rather constraining.

    congrats again!!!!!

  • Carolee Lavarini

    thank you over and over again for zentangle and all the wonderful side effects that came with it. I am on day 531 of my morning zentangle drawings, no matter how I feel, now matter where I am, I zentangle every morning and have for 531 days. Each piece is beautiful, a miniature masterpiece. and also at I have made 4 childrens Rhyming books with all zentangle influence through out… thats under Carolee Lavarini at Zentangle is one of the best habits I have ever formed in my over than 70 years on earth time.

  • Julia

    Happy, Happy 4th Anniversary! I love this site and am so glad it’s here! 🙂

  • Lisa Wilson

    Happy Anniversary to you!!! So happy you decided to take the plunge and set up the website. It has been an inspiration to us all. Keep up the wonderful work.

  • Peg Farmer

    Happy Birthday, Tanglepatterns, and thank you so much, Linda, for bringing sooooooooo many tangles for us all to play with! You really are a gem!

  • Congratulations Linda!! The time, effort, and love you put into this wonderful site and resource is sooo appreciated! THANK YOU!!

  • Susan

    Love this site!! I recommend it to all my
    classes!! Thanks for all your efforts !!!

  • Hip hip hurray!! Congratulations and thank you Linda! is my #1 when it comes to Zentangle.

  • Congratulations and thank you for all you do 🙂

  • Lisa

    Congrats! All my tangly friends and I couldn’t live our tangled lives without you!
    (Did that come out right?)

  • Ruth Sands

    My congratulations to everyone contributing to this wonderful resource, especially you, Linda. I’ve only been using it for about a year and have spent many, many hours tangling with all the help I get from this site.

    Thanks and please, please continue your great work.

  • Judi

    Thanks so much for this awesome site and all the wonderful contributors. You Rock!

  • Carol

    Happy Anniversary and thank you so much…this website is so inspirational and I look forward to each new post.

  • Sue Zanker

    ONLY four years !?! It seems like forever that you Linda, and has “had my back”, to coin a phrase, for much longer. I am constantly ‘receiving’….. inspiration, help and so much more, ever since 12th February 2012, when I was first directed to your site by a friend. I SO admire your dedication and unselfishness in working this site and bringing contentment and much,much more through Zentangle. Of course also thanks to Rick and Maria for starting us off, but ‘disciples’ like you to help spread the word are much needed. So a BIG thank you from OZ.

  • Mélanie bais

    Bravo et merci beaucoup!!???

  • Anonymous

    Congratulation on Four Fabulous Years! Thanks for all your energy and all the patterns, strings, etc. that you provide the Zentangle Community.

  • Anne Morrison

    Congratulation on Four Fabulous Years! Thanks for all your energy and all the patterns, strings, etc. that you provide the Zentangle Community.

  • Leslie

    Congratulations!Thank you for creating such a great resource and being a source of inspiration for many!

  • DianneT

    Congratulations Linda, Happy Anniversary. Keep up the good work as we need you.

  • Els Voerman

    Congratulations Linda!!! and thank you for al that work.
    Groetjes uit Nederland

  • Tracy Bayley

    Happy birthday to you and your site Linda. A lot of hard work and dedication has obviously gone into this. Thank you!

  • Sara

    Hi Linda
    well I don’t know about it being your birthday, I feel like you give all of us a birthday gift every day we get an email from you. such a wonderful site. thank you so much. I bet you didn’t have a clue as to how many people from all over the world that you would reach when you started the site. I wake up here in West Aus every morning and check my emails, lovely way to start the day when I see one from you. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”
    kind regards

  • Judy Edmonds

    Happy Birthday and congratulations I thank you for openning a wonder of art to me

  • thank you for saving my life. Just very new at this but its phenomenol. All the love from Scotland xxxxxxx

  • Julie Beard

    Linda, Congratulations and happy fourth anniversary. I hope as shown and encouraged by the many zentangler’s out there that you will continue for many, many more years. I have greatly enjoyed receiving my daily dose of zentangles the last two years and I can’t thank you enough for brightening each and everyone of my days. I pray that you continue and that I may even create a design to add to the many one day. Thanks again and happy fourth Linda. Julie Beard Adelaide Australia

  • Gab

    Happy 4th anniversary and thanks for all you do!

  • Cheryl Cianci

    Happy Anniversary Linda! Thank you for all you do. It is so appreciated!:)

  • Fantastic! Happy Anniversary, Linda you are a star!
    Cheers, hugs and love for all you do!!

  • Nel Wisse

    Congratulations !!
    Every day I spend some time to practise tangling.And I enjoy it very much. Thank you !
    Greetings from the Netherlands.

  • Linda, nesta data tão significativa venho agradecer profundamente o presente que você nos dá todos os dias com a manutenção deste lindo site onde brotam nossas inspirações.
    Parabéns e muito , MUITO OBRIGADA!!

  • Congratulations Linda and many thanks for all the wonderful inspiration. I’ve just past 12 months since I discovered Zentangle after being directed to your site. I admire your ability to connect so many people world wide.

  • Char

    To echo others, Congratulations! I look forward to the Tangle emails so I can check out the new (and old) patterns. I’ve just started my hand at tangling and REALLY appreciate the step-by-step instructions. Keep up the fun!

  • mary beth white


  • Dolores

    Congratulations! This is a wonderful website!! Thank You for all you do!

  • Lynn

    Congratulations! I am new at Tangling and was lucky to find your site. I know it’s a lot of work for you but it is appreciated by so many people—especially me!

  • Beth S

    Happy birthday! What a great 4 years it has been! I have only gotten to see the last year and a half, but I believe it is one of the greatest sites on the web! It has definitely been good for me to see all the great tangles that are out there! This is an awesome resource of tangles and I tell all my friends about it. Here is to many more years of tangles on!

    Thank you so much for all you do!

  • Cindy

    Congratulations on year four:) and thank you. I am grateful to you for this wonderful site.

    You are my go-to Zentangle place. I found you accidentally–just as I found Sandy Bartholomew Steen’s book Yoga for the Brain accidentally–and have been tangling since December.

    Your site is the encyclopedia of ZIA’s. I wish you many years of success! And again, thank you!

  • Lady Haase

    The library had The Beauty of Zentangles. After reading it and delighting in the art, I have decided to explore it more. Thank you for giving us this work.

  • Pat

    Thank you for hours of work that translated into hours of fun for my art students (ages 5 – adult), my special needs students and my veterans group. We all do tangling every day! My veterans say their pain is decreased when they tangle.
    May God bless you, Maria, Rick, you and all those that have contributed. You have made the world a better place – one line at a time.

  • Sandy Hunter

    happy tangleversary!

  • Kwee Lewis

    Thank you for leading me to discover I CAN draw. And that all my years spent doodling my time way really was well spent 🙂
    Thank you!

  • Lorie

    Happy Anniversary! Hope you have many, many more!

  • Thanks Linda for doing a tremendous job of organizing tangles for us all.
    I refer all of my students to your site, and recommend downloading the step-out templates and the annual Tangle Guide – it is such a great resource.
    My own Tangle Guide is laminated and bound… I use it in every class, as well as for demos at trade fairs, etc.
    Thank you, Thank you , THANK YOU.

  • Meghna Patel

    Happy Birthday!! Thank you for the lovely treasure chest you have created.

  • David

    Congratulations Linda on the anniversary – you are a Zentangle champion!

  • Marie Starefoss

    Happy birthday from Norway

  • Glenyss

    Happy 4th Anniversary and thanks for all your hard work.

  • Janice Hines

    Happy Anniversary Linda thank you so much for your stick to it ness! It is my go to almost everyday! Never delete an announcement from your site without going and taking a look at the new pattern! 🙂

  • DeniseC

    A belated Happy Birthday! You have been a treasure trove of Zentangle resources and inspiration. Thank you!

  • CONGRATULATIONS, LINDA!! Thank you for all that you do to inspire so many!! Your efforts are GREATLY appreciated by more than you know.

  • Stacey Dieck

    I’m so happy to help celebrate your 4th Anniversary! This website gives me more pleasure and stress relief than anything else online! I enjoy seeing all the new tangles and reading how much just sitting down to tangle has helped so many people through hard times and medical issues. I know it has helped me focus better and gives me a creative outlet where there are no mistakes! 🙂 I hope you have many many many more 4th anniversaries!

  • Happy Anniversary, Linda! You created a wonderful resource for all of us tangle zealots!

  • Sandra Cummings

    May the 4th be with you.

  • Ronda V.W.

    Happy Anniversary !Tangling is the best!

  • Congratulations on 4 years! Thank you for all you do. I love the site and your e-books. I look forward to a new tangle or string each weekday!

  • Valerie T

    Congratulations on your anniversary! I am new to tangling and even newer to So glad I found you! I am here everyday for help and inspiration. Thank you for everything you do.

  • Congratulations on four years of being one of the great go-to places for tangly stuff!

  • Stephanie johnson

    Happy Anniversary!!!!! your website has been a great comfort to me. Keep up the great job you do. You are a GOD send.

  • Mary Gallagher

    Thank you for being my go-to site for serenity and tangling at the end of a busy workday. Congratulations!

  • mary beth white

    Happy Birthday and thanks for all the Zentangle friends I have made!

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