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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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STORIES: Tangling with Parkinson’s Disease

In this occasional series on TanglePatterns, readers describe in their own words how Zentangle® has changed their lives. For more accounts in this series, click on the “STORIES” link in the alphabetical listing above.

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STORIES: How Zentangle changes livesInspired by Debbie’s story from a couple of months ago, tangler Sandra B shares her Zentangle® experience:

“I’ve had symptoms for several years and diagnosed a year and half ago with Parkinson’s disease.

Last year I happened upon an art store with Zentangle samples, but was unable to attend classes. So on my trusty Dell I did research and started on my own.

Two months after working steadily daily, I was able to control my hands to write and type better. This Christmas I made three 25-page books for family — bible verses and quotes to uplift, encourage and bring joy. Each page took about 2-3 hours to make, with first watercolor (flowing, splashing, salt and dabbing) then border art and finally the text. (I only made one original of each page then scanned and printed the rest.)

I ruined 2 sets of pens on watercolor paper, but am starting now with new pens, watercolor pencils and smooth paper. However my standard size is 6″x 6″, my favorite pens are 01, 3 and 8 size pens.

The books I made tangling have brightened my life, and others! I’m now working on a tangled travel journal in which I took my friend (who can’t get out) on a 7000 mile driving journey in the form of a  paper doll photo of her. She gets a copy.

Thank you for your many tangled samples to inspire me! I agree with the statement ‘Anything is possible…one stroke at a time.™’ ”

Sandra B's tangled travel journal. Image copyright the artist, used with permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Sandra B’s tangled travel journal. Image copyright the artist, used with permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Here is one of Sandra’s inspiring Zentangle-inspired pieces. If you know someone with Parkinson’s Disease, I do hope you share this uplifting account with them and help spread the joy of Zentangle.

Sanddra B's Zentangle-inspired art. Image copyright the artist, used with permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Sandra B’s Zentangle-inspired art. Image copyright the artist, used with permission. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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If you would like to share your own experience for this series, please email me (linda [at] tanglepatterns [dot] com). You can make your story as long as or short as you like and if you wish your personal details to remain private, I will certainly honor that.

By publishing your “testimonials”, I’m hoping it will help spread the word about Zentangle to many others who can REALLY benefit from it. As the Zentangle founders say, “Anything is possible, one stroke at a time.™”


5 comments to STORIES: Tangling with Parkinson’s Disease

  • Gloria Lenzen

    Linda, thank you for sharing Sandra B’s story, it is truly an inspiration. And, Sandra, just letting you know I, too, have problems with my hands, but I keep doing my tangling on a daily basis. You have created some beautiful artwork, and I think I might be speaking on behalf of a lot of other people when I tell you how proud you make me feel. I know tangling has sure helped me as I suffer from anxiety. Keep up your beautiful work, and may God continue to heal your hands through Zentangles. Blessings to you.

  • Ellen

    What an inspirational story. I love the ideas for books and absolutely love the horse ZIA! Thanks to Sandra for sharing.

  • Thanks for permission. I have a shaky hand condition so my Tangling days were over, I thought. Thanks for this story that will get me back drawing again.

  • Carol Young

    I,too,have begun to have problems with my hands,especially my thumbs. It is inspiring to know that others struggle,too,but keep right on creating. Thank you for such an uplifting message. Tangle on!

  • Sandi Bates

    Thank you Gloria, Ellen, Terri and Carol, Your comments have left me in happy tears! How wonderful to know my joys and struggles encouraged others-Wow!
    In Christs Love, Sandi B.

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