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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.


Guidelines for creating Zentangle-inspired Art and Products

Tangler TipsLately I’ve been getting email inquiries about what is involved in creating Zentangle®-inspired cards and other products for sale.

I thought it would be helpful to review Zentangle’s current guidelines and make them available on TanglePatterns. (This post can be found on the TUTORIALS tab for future reference.)

The following is everything you need to know on the subject. This information is reprinted in its entirety from the website and is done so with permission.

I encourage you to visit the link for the complete information in context, and because Rick and Maria update it as needed on an ongoing basis.

Creating Zentangle-Inspired Art or Derivative Items

  1. You are free to use our tangles (patterns) in your creations.
    (Example: You can tangle your T-shirt.)
  2. You can create your own Zentangle-inspired art, whether it’s for personal use or for resale.
    (Example: You can make copies of your tangled T-shirt and sell them.)
  3. You can copyright what you create using our tangles and our method.
    (Example: You can copyright your T-shirt design.)
  4. If you want to let others know what inspired you, you can use the phrase, “Inspired by the Zentangle® method of pattern drawing.”
    (Comment: This an informal “netiquette” courtesy to let others know about Zentangle and to give a “hat-tip” to your source. This does not mean that it’s OK to create Zentangle branded products as long as you use that phrase; i.e. you cannot call it a “Zentangle T-shirt” or put “Zentangle” or our logo on the T-shirt you are selling. More on that below under “Products”)
  5. Please use the “®” after “Zentangle” in your first use of the word.
    (Comment: This is a standard “good practice” and is a good habit to use when referring to any registered brand name.)
  6. If possible, please reference and link to our website. While not necessary, it’s a courtesy and one that we always endeavor to follow whenever we write about something that has inspired us.
    (Comment: Again, this is not necessary, but we always appreciate the hat-tip.)
  7. If appropriate, please include the bold paragraph suggested above under “Writing About Zentangle.”
    (Comment: Like the website link, it’s not necessary, but it is a courtesy.)
  8. Please do not use our name or logo in a manner that is likely to confuse consumers as to the origin of the goods. It should be clear that your items are not created or licensed by Zentangle, Inc., but that they are yours which were inspired by Zentangle’s method.
    (Comment: The easiest way to accomplish this is to not use our name or logo on what you create or, as part of the name or main description of what you create. In other words, an average person should not have a reason to think your creation is actually a Zentangle branded product (more on that below).)
  9. If you have any questions, please ask. We are happy to consider anything on a case-by-case basis.

Creating Zentangle-Inspired Products

In addition to the items above under “Zentangle-Inspired Art or Derivative Items,”

  1. Please do not use “Zentangle” as part of a product name without our express written permission.
  2. Please do not use “Zentangle” in your description or labeling so that an average person would think your product is created or licensed by Zentangle without our express written permission.
  3. Please do not use our logo or our name on your product or, as part of your product, without our express written permission.
  4. We continue to learn and revise these guidelines. So, if you have any questions, please ask. We are really easy to work with.

* * *

6 comments to Guidelines for creating Zentangle-inspired Art and Products

  • Hi Linda,
    I want you to know how much I appreciate your guidelines. I have a question on the “Zentangle inspired art”. Do you mean artwork done only with my own personal tangles, or do you mean artwork that may also include “official” tangles such as Printemps, for example. Can both be sold if your guidelines are followed?

  • Cindy b

    “You are free to use our tangles (patterns) in your creations.”

    These guidelines come from Zentangle therefore include ‘official’ tangles.

  • May Loo

    I’m not a tangler as such. I love incorporating your tangle patterns in my current altered book and artist trading cards. I’m even thinking of using tangles exclusively in my next altered book.

  • Anebi Simon

    Thank you for providing such overwhelming insight as to how to properly reference your reference your site. I have always written down the name of every CZT whose work I fancied or tried to imitate with intention to state this fact if I create any inspired art using their style. Looking forward to certification someday.

  • Dorena Petty

    Thank you for all this info!

  • Rosemary Turpin

    It was nice to re-read your guidelines. I`m pretty sure I covered all these bases in the pamphlets I created for my local ZIA show, which ends on October 30th, 2016!

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