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Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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How to draw CACK

Zentangle pattern: Cack. Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. The unauthorized pinning, reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.This interesting pattern, Cack, is by fellow Floridian Adele Bruno and it’s her first on the site.

I found this tangle pattern very challenging to draw but I’m sure it will suit many of you to a T. Not only are freehand circles difficult for my thumb to negotiate, but the intersecting circles together with “drawing behind” were a bit of a mind-bender for me. This is my umpteenth version and I stopped while I was ahead. Could it have been too much Miami Heat NBA Championship celebration? Nah.

I am a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, Art Institute of Pittsburgh, teacher, artist, happy wife of Lou, blessed mother of our seven children and Gramma to two sweet grandkids. Zentangle has given such focus to my creative needs and I am happy to say that I will be attending the September seminar – cannot wait!!

Adele continues, “I was inspired by intersecting circles that I saw on a skirt fabric while shopping with our beautiful daughter Catherine one sunny afternoon. Catherine is affectionately nicknamed Cack and so I named the pattern after her.

Once I worked up a simple repeatable two circle design, I played with different ways to pattern them – the top circle was easy: I had to use arc shaped lines to hide the intersecting of the two main shapes. As for the main circle – I played with dots, dashes, and lines until I came up with the elongated pie shaped lines. They provide a good contrast to the curved lighter lines in the top circle.

Adele illustrates the steps for drawing her Cack tangle below and also shares a (mostly) monotangle of her tangle.

Steps for Adele Bruno's tangle, Cack

All images copyright the artist and used with permission, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Please feel free to refer to the step outs to recreate this tangle in your Zentangles and ZIAs, or link back to this page. However the artist and reserve all rights to these images and they should not be pinned, reproduced or republished. Thank you for respecting these rights.

Adele’s monotangle Zentangle featuring Cack:

Adele Bruno's monotangle Zentangle featuring Cack

Check out the tag adeleb for more of Adele’s patterns on


Enhance your Zentangle experience while supporting TanglePatterns:

BRAND NEW!! TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition TANGLE GUIDE, 2025 Edition The 14th Edition of the TANGLE GUIDE is an instant-download 117-page interactive digital eBook/PDF containing over 2,000 tangles on the site from May 2010 through December 31, 2024. It's a great resource and a must-have digital tool for using the site. Visit the STORE > E-BOOKS page and help keep going by getting your copy now!

"Linda, Thank you! I was relying on too few and getting stuck after 3 years of daily working with Zentangle. This has inspired me to ‘begin again’ with renewed excitement." ~ Barbara R.

See the BOOK REVIEWS page for more details on its features and view a sample page. Note: this is a digital product you download immediately when you place your order, nothing will be physically mailed to you.
If you're new to Zentangle® and tangling, my BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO ZENTANGLE is just what you need to get started. Also available en Français and en Español.

Zentangle Primer Volume 1 This is the only Zentangle book you'll ever need: the fabulous Zentangle PRIMER Vol 1. It's your CZT-in-a-book by the founders of Zentangle®. Visit the STORE tab on the top menu bar or click on the image. For more about the content and to read the rave reviews, visit the BOOK REVIEWS tab.
Now available in KINDLE format for $9.99. Spanish Edition here. Japanese Edition here.
"Absolutely the best Zentangle Book yet! As an accomplished artist I used to think I did not need instruction on this art form. How wrong I was! My tangling improved by leaps and bounds after reading this book. If you think you have Zentangle down then you need this book more than ever!" ~ Kris H


21 comments to How to draw CACK

  • Veronica (Ronnie) Szczerba

    What an interesting Tangle. The design reminds me of the red and white circular mint candies that taste like candy canes. The design is intriguing and I’m looking forward to trying it. Thanks for sharing.

  • Deb

    Adele~love your newest tangle, can’t wait to try it! Even now my minds going crazy with different patterns . Thanks for sharing the epitimology of its name, sweet story.????

  • Cherie Hartwick

    Delightful. I can’t wait to try it. The single circle that goes behind reminds me of some Avon earrings I had a long time ago. They went from the front of your earlobe to the back, just like your tangle. Love it!!!

  • very very lovely thanks

  • Denise

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Tangling! I can get lost in tangling for hours and feel completely relaxed! Thanks for the info and all the “How Tos.”

  • Bunny Wright

    I love this pattern! I especially enjoy round and curving patterns. This sort of reminds me of little cocktail umbrellas. I’m sure there will be wonderful variations of this pattern. I’m looking forward to trying it!

  • mspat

    Just gorgeous! The illustration is a celebration.

  • Melanye Narcarti

    very cool!

  • Pamela Scott

    Wow that’ s really neat looking! Can not wait to try it.

  • ksenija v.

    wonderful, so much fun to do your pattern,i love the feeling of movement and space, thank you

  • Chelena

    Intriguing pattern!

  • Adele, You continue to amaze me…you are so artistically gifted…congratulations on having your pattern posted. I am so proud of you, dear friend…I wish you continued fulfillment and success. Much Love,…karen

  • Hi Adele, nice to “Meet” you. Great circle tangle. I’m attending in September also, so will get to “meet” you more personally.

  • Stephannie Isola

    Adele. I am so amazed with your new pattern and so excited that it has been posted! You are such a wonderfully gifted artist and you have created a great pattern to be able to share with everyone. What a blessing! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next! We are all so proud of you! Love, Stephannie

  • Suzanne

    When I receive a new zentangle design, why can’t I print
    the six steps in order to make the new design.For example this week I received cornerz but I cannot print the six steps
    of this pattern in order to put in my reference patterns for future use. Thank you.

    • Linda Farmer, CZT

      Hi Suzanne, I’m assuming you are saving the file to your computer first before you attempt to print. If you are having problems after that, please use Google to search for a solution to your computer’s issue. Hope that helps!

  • suzanne crisafi

    Just learned cack today…love it….played with some variations

  • Jan Heck

    I have fallen for Tangles ! Jo on TAC got me on to them and what a joy to have gotten started on them.
    Thank you for sharing your talent and getting me all tangled up in them now. Lol love this one !

  • Dan Riffel

    My sister in law just introduced me to Zentangle. It is a good thing I cant draw a straight line since I dont need to with Zentangle! I am a retired RN, but still active in the community. This would be a perfect exercise for some of my patients. I specialize in Hospice and I can see great rewards for inner peace from this. It has mad me STOP and SLOW Down. There are currently no classes I can attend. I would love to take this to some of patient(friends). Any suggestions on how to proceed. I dont want to make money at this, I just want to spread the word!

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