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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


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STORIES: Dealing with loneliness and loss

In this occasional series on TanglePatterns, here is one reader’s story in her own words describing how Zentangle® has changed her life.
Tina Festa is a CZT® in Italy and she has a wonderful story to share.
(For more in this inspirational series, click on the “STORIES” link in the alphabetic listing above.)

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STORIES: How Zentangle changes livesIn November 2008 I was living in a small town, miles away from my city and my husband because I was teaching there.

A month before I had lost my child, it was my first natural pregnancy and my mood was really a bad one. (In 2006 I had already tried to have a baby with assisted conception but everything ended with a failure and with the final answer that for me there was no opportunity to be a mother.)

One evening, I was alone by myself trying to be busy with the planning of my second job activities: workshops to help people to find health through art. I was surfing the net and I met ZENTANGLES.

I started to make one and I suddenly start to feel better. It was like an Epiphany! It was not only that I was feeling better because of the action of my hand on the paper and because of my new relaxed mood but also because I SAW that Zentangles could be for me a way to give new oomph to my life. And it was like that! I experienced a new life…full of joy!

Making zentangles was my way to (pro)create a new Tina. That night I was so excited and happy that I couldn’t sleep!!! My positive mood influenced the people around me. I started to introduce Zentangle in my art therapy workshops and it was a success. Hundreds of people attended my workshops where Zentangle was the activity they preferred most!

In 2010 I decided to attend the Seminar held by Maria and Rick to became a Certified Zentangle Teacher. Since the beginning of my first encounter with Zentangle I knew that I had to go to Boston: I like to do things in the right way…I like authenticity and clearness and although my personal style is more toward Z.I.A., I know that only if you learn The Method first you can later find your personal way.

So I planned everything to attend the seminar. The only thing not planned was the MIRACLE. Three months before my journey from Italy to USA I get pregnant. In October 2010 being in the second Trimester of pregnancy I could fly and I did it without any fear.

My first baby was born in March 3rd 2011. And (at the age of 47) I am the happiest mother!

Tina with her husband Pietro, and their son Andrea

CZT Tina Festa with her ceramist husband Pietro and their beautiful son Andrea on his first birthday.

I can say that Zentangle has really changed my life! I do not talk a lot in yahoo groups,  in forums, facebook or sites dedicated to Zentangle because I am a little bit shy and I do not know if my feelings and thoughts are well expressed in a language that is not mine, but believe me I feel part of this big family that has found this new way to express creativity and joy through zentangles. I thank God for the opportunity He gave me to meet Zentangle, Maria and Rick and all the people I meet in my courses.

Ciao from Italy

Tina Festa CZT

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If you would like to share your own experience for this series, please email me (linda [at] tanglepatterns [dot] com). You can make your story as long as or short as you like and if you wish your personal details to remain private, I will certainly honor that.

By publishing your “testimonials”, I’m hoping it will help spread the word about Zentangle to many others who can REALLY benefit from it. As the Zentangle founders say, “Anything is possible, one stroke at a time.”™

15 comments to STORIES: Dealing with loneliness and loss

  • It was my good fortune to meet Tina and Pietro at CZT4 seminar – what a delightful person and wonderful artist, would love to see and hear more of what you are doing with Zentangle, so don’t be shy. Even if you write in Italian I’ll be happy to use google translate. Andrea is beautiful. Suzanne

  • Julie Beard

    Hi Linda,
    I must thank you for all your hard work on your website and keeping us “Zentangle” addicted persons informed plus providing us with a zentangle to do each and every day. My neighbour and I are very much enjoying drawing and learning zentangles. We both love to share and show off our latest zentangle to our friends and family. I am not ready to show off my drawing online yet. I’m that eventually I will be brave enough to show you and the world my love for zentangles. So once again thank you very much Linda.

  • Karma Waters

    What a lovely story Tina, I am so happy for you and your little boy is beautiful

    Thank you for the website, I love seeing all the Zentangles that people have done and, although I am a beginner, I am thoroughly enjoying it.

    Thank you Linda for introducing me to this wonderful, creative art.

  • Gladys Love

    What a great story…..and I’ve heard some fabulous ones about what Zentangle has done for people, and can tell one myself! Your family is beautiful!

  • Cheryl

    Beautiful story Tina! Thank you for sharing it with us!
    Cheryl 🙂

  • nel

    s ‘ il te plait, peux tu mettre un traducteur automatique sur ton blog

    • Linda Farmer

      Bonjour Nel, TanglePatterns dispose déjà d’un traducteur universel – il ya un bouton Google Translate au sommet de la colonne de droite sous l’index alphabétique. Aussi, si vous regardez en bas à droite de votre écran, une boîte de Google Traduire apparaît là-haut. Si vous ne voyez pas ceux-ci, peut-être la sécurité de votre navigateur est de les prévenir.

  • What a wonderful story, thank you so much for sharing it.

  • I think I was the first of the CZT #4 class to meet Tina and Pietro, we had arranged to meet at the airport and share a ride to Whitinsville. They are both wonderful people and I’m glad I got to spend time with them.

  • Lesley Dillon

    Thank you Tina for your story. It touched my heart and I’m delighted to hear of your good fortune. You express yourself beautifully so please continue to share your thoughts.

  • Gab

    Wow what an amazing story! Tina I think your English is fantastic.

  • Thank you to all of you! There are many ways of doing things in life or when you create art. With zentangles I have chosen the Road of my soul, joy, sharing…, and maybe this is the reason why they gave new vital limph to me. From the beginning I have always met wonderful people, like Genevieve that, without knowing me and my husband gave an incredible help to organize my ride to Whitinsville. I think that from now, thanking to all of you, I will be more self confident with my English and I will be more present with comments!

  • Jackie Mirmina

    Hi Tina, I know you from Scarabocchi Zen and Zentangles on FB page. I see you there all the time. I am sorry for the sorrow you have experienced and wish you well. I am glad you found Zentangle and it has brought you so much joy. Your story was very moving and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for sharing.

  • nikki

    What an incredibly moving story – I am so sorry for your losses. Your brave attitude paid off though – you have a healthy son, and a obviously happy family. My sincere congratulations and thank you for sharing your inspirational story!

  • Laura

    La vita sa sempre sorprenderci e ci offre nuove strade, poi sta a noi scegliere se percorrerle. Quelle giuste si rivelano sempre piene di gioia. Che l’entusiasmo sia sempre tua buona compagna. Graie per aver condiviso la tua storia.

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