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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.


Tangle Refresher 240 – The future of penmanship, our random string and how to draw Narfello, Araknidz, Kettling, Pip-In, Vigoh Buried Treasure & Tangle Refreshers

Buried Treasure – What is the future of handwriting? Plus spotlighting hidden tangle and tutorial gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 239 – Going Dotty, our random string and how to draw Amaze/Stiritup, Lex, Icantoo, Forge, Flontrast

Stippled Zentangle

Buried Treasure – featuring a fun technique for your Zentangles and spotlighting hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! Also, our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 238 – How to Tangle a Spiral String, our random string and how to draw Quandary, Warre, Coco, B-Leaf, Fentz

Michele Beauchamp's Zentangle Spiral Guide

Buried Treasure – spotlighting hidden tangle and tutorial gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 237 – Use Zentangle’s free Markus Operandus tool to create unique strings, our random string and how to draw Hurry, Hexonu, Spril ‘Em, 7 Keys, Queen B

Zentangle Project Pack 09

Buried Treasure – spotlighting hidden tangle and tutorial gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 236 — Zentangle’s #WELLbeing project for Mental Health Awareness Month, our random string and how to draw Quib, Paradox Reversed, Ribbon Rose, Quagga, Beach Buck Buried Treasure & Tangle Refreshers

Zentangle’s #WELLbeing project plus Buried Treasure – spotlighting hidden tangle and tutorial gems from the past in the Zentangle world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 235 – Expanding your range of options with the Sakura Micron 01, our random string and how to draw IX, Tatu, Mazorito, Dinoflor, Twilight

Sakura Micron 01 Pen

Buried Treasure – There’s more to the Sakura Micron than meets the eye, plus hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 234 – Zentangle-inspired ideas for Easter, our random string and how to draw Marasu, Ubiko, Anibal, Flog, Konk Buried Treasure & Tangle Refreshers

Buried Treasure – spotlighting hidden tangle and tutorial gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 233 – An “explosion” folding card for Valentine’s Day, our random string, plus how to draw Therefore, Centraal, CaligraV, Vea, Tofube

Tangle Refresher!

Buried Treasure – A fun folding greeting card technique, as well as spotlighting hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 232 – Tangles and Tips for Beginners, our random string and how to draw Springkle, Quircles, Stikz, Deeday, Jive & Jazz Buried Treasure & Tangle Refreshers

This Buried Treasure spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world, takes a look at tangles for beginners as well as some beginner tips (or reminders for experienced tanglers), and shares our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 231 – Happy New Year wishes, our random string and how to draw Snail, Broadway, Tektonik, Shira, Liberty Fan


Best wishes to you for a healthy and fabulous 2022! Enjoy our Buried Treasure spotlighting hidden tangle and tutorial gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! Plus a random string to explore …

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Tangle Refresher 230 – The art of the Zentangle aura, our random string and how to draw Hollis, Shooting Star, Papermint, Peaooo, Ringz

Auras in nature

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle and tutorial gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 229 – Inexpensive Zentangle®-inspired holiday season DIY projects, our random string, plus how to draw Floo, Hearts + Diamonds, Hexa, Dayzee-Mae, Sling-Slang

Seasonal DIY Projects

This Buried Treasure ALSO spotlights easy-to-do economical DIY projects perfect for decorating your home as well as for from-the-heart gifts for friends and loved ones. Plus wishes for a very Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian tangling friends!!

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Tangle Refresher 228 – Using the free Zentangle® Markus Operandus to create unique strings, our random string and how to draw Xircus, Sweet 101, Caracole, Zara, Ila

Zentangle Project Pack 09

Buried Treasure – Videos demonstrating how to use the FREE downloadable Markus Operandus and Markus Operandus II tools, plus hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 227 – Learn to create beautiful Zenbuttons, our random string and how to draw Tagh, Tonga, Boucle, Crezendo, 1+1

TanglePatterns Tutorial: How to create CZT Marguerite Samama's Zenbuttons

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle and tutorial gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 226 – How to tangle dingsplatZ, our random string and how to draw Swarm, XO, Batiki, El-oh-El, and Plad

Maria tangles a dingsplatz

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! Watch how to tangle dingsplatZ, and try out our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 225 – Re-starting a clogged Micron pen, our random string and how to draw Huggins & Crazy Huggins, Nik, Jester, Ilac, and Jummah Buried Treasure & Tangle Refreshers

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 224 – Sharpen your line drawing skills, our random string, plus how to draw Knase, Hilgabo, Javv, Elirob, and Sooz

Simone Bischoff's Line Art Lessons

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 223 – Zentangle’s embedded letters technique, our random string and how to draw Ravel, Kulekané, KaBoom, Pernula, Snircles

Zentangle Embedded Letter Tutorial

Buried Treasure – a cool Zentangle® technique from the Kitchen Table Tangles series plus hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world. AND our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 222 – Dyeing eggs naturally for tangling, our random string and how to draw Doodah, Krokus, Ying, Swimz, Hidden Hearts

Buried Treasure – how to use natural dyes to color eggs for tangling and spotlighting hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 221 – How Zentangle Changes Lives; our random string; plus how to draw Quabog, Zap, Pooma, Corkin, Spurtle Buried Treasure & Tangle Refreshers

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 220 – Tangles and tips for beginners, a random string and how to draw Festune, Wavlin, Tupuk, Tupi and Earjool Buried Treasure & Tangle Refreshers

Welcome to 2021, the tangled edition! This Buried Treasure spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world, takes a look at tangles for beginners as well as some beginner tips (or reminders for experienced tanglers), and shares our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 219 – Zentangle-inspired zenbuttons, our random string, plus how to draw Centipede, Unbatz, Safflower, 8 Double C, Daisy Chain

TanglePatterns Tutorial: How to create CZT Marguerite Samama's Zenbuttons

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 218 – Why Write? Our random string, plus how to draw Avreal, Mosi, Mositoo, Auskelis, Novio

Buried Treasure – And “Why write? Penmanship for the 21st Century”, a TEDx talk. Master Penman Jake Weidmann explores the connections between the pen and how we learn, think, and carry our cultural heritage …

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Tangle Refresher 217 – Inexpensive Zentangle®-inspired holiday season DIY projects, our random string, plus how to draw Ambler, Rayz, Roloflex, Skelter, and And

Seasonal DIY Projects

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 216 – Revisiting the magical aura, our random string, plus how to draw Zander, Lee-Bee, Dollpin, Mi, Bumpadox

Auras in nature

Buried Treasure – Revisiting Maria’s tutorial on the magic of auras, plus spotlighting hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! And our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 215 – Exploring some different patterning techniques, our random string, plus how to draw Well Well Who, Su-sy, Diamante, Chorus, Sporez

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! Today we explore Joanne Fink’s patterning techniques, and our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 214 – Exploring the 5-Minute Rule, our random string, plus how to draw Rixty, Jesterstick, Festoon Holiday, Slowpoke, Jester

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! Exploring “The 5-Minute Rule”, and our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 213 – CZT María Tovar’s inkless tangling technique, our random string, plus how to draw Wadical, Mofins, Jaxstar, Starsky and Stella

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! Have fun exploring an inkless tangling technique and our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 212 – CZT Billie Lauder’s Tangle Folk, our random string, plus how to draw Vega, Oofs-a-Daisy, Zeez, Abukas and Fili

CZT Billie Lauder's Tangle Folk

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! Also featuring CZT Billie Lauder’s Tangle Folk and our random string of the week …

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Tangle Refresher 211 – Tangle your name, our random string, plus how to draw Dewd, Meshmerize, Endo, Counterpoint, Irradial

Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVE

Buried Treasure – spotlights hidden tangle gems from the past in the Zentangle® world! This week we also tangle our name and explore our random string of the week …

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