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What is Zentangle?
Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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How to draw BONNIE

Zentangle pattern: Bonnie. Image © Linda Farmer and ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You may use this image for your personal non-commercial reference only. The unauthorized pinning, reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.Welcome to the other side! It was a very late night/early morning for us watching all the results. Nap time this afternoon, methinks, while you all enjoy …

Today’s gorgeous Bonnie tangle is from Australian CZT Jennifer Jones, and it’s her first on the site.

Jennifer introduces herself,

I’m from Sydney, Australia. I’ve always loved all kinds of art. After discovering the Zentangle Method™ I became completely intrigued. In 2015 I travelled to Providence to become CZT#18 which was a wonderful experience.

The inspiration for this tangle came when I was experimenting with different tangles for an upcoming Zentangle Workshop. I became fascinated with the versatility of Bonnie. Depending on the placement/shading Bonnie can either be the focus of the tile or it seems to optically look like something else!

Bonnie also looks great in a border.

I named this tangle Bonnie which is the nickname for our first granddaughter, born in October!

I’m guessing Jennifer isn’t aware of this, but Bonnie is actually a “slice” extracted from CZT Jana Pharmer’s Stella tangle. A sort of fragment, in a way (I can hear minds going into gear). And Jennifer has taken it to really interesting places which you can see in this collage of her beautiful Bonnie tiles which I’ve included as an enticement to experiment. You can view and enjoy the original enlarged version on her website.

Jennifer illustrates the step-by-step instructions for drawing Bonnie below, “My example tile shows Bonnie with Sand Swirl by Kerry Heun and a bit of Crescent Moon by Rick & Maria. More examples for using Bonnie can be found on my website.” In her tile Jennifer has stacked two Bonnie elements coming from each corner resulting in a fascinating meta-pattern in the center.

How to draw the Zentangle pattern Bonnie, tangle and deconstruction by Jennifer Jones. Image copyright the artist and used with permission, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Image copyright the artist and used with permission, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Please feel free to refer to the steps images to recreate this tangle in your personal Zentangles and ZIAs, or to link back to this page. However the artist and reserve all rights to these images and they must not be publicly pinned, altered, reproduced or republished. They are for your personal offline reference only. Thank you for respecting these rights. For more information, click on the image for a discussion entitled “Artists for Respect” by several prominent artists. “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” ~ C.S. Lewis

As you enjoy any of the tangles on the site, please leave a comment of thanks and encouragement to show the artists you appreciate them for sharing their creativity to inspire yours. Your comment helps motivate them to continue to share!

Check out the tag jenniferj for more of Jennifer’s tangles on

Related Links

  1. Looking for tangles by Artist or Type? For details visit the ABOUT > HOW TO FIND TANGLES BY ARTIST OR TYPE page on the top menu bar of any page on the site.
  2. What is a Zentangle? — if you are new to the Zentangle Method, start here for the fundamentals.
  3. Zentangle terminology — a glossary of terms used in this art form.
  4. How to use the site — an excellent free video tutorial showing how to use the site as well as pointing out lots of useful features you might have missed.
  5. Linda's List of Zentangle-Original Patterns — here is the complete list of original tangles (aka "official tangles") created and introduced by founders Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas, including those not published online. If you are new to the Zentangle Method I highly recommend learning a few of the published Zentangle classics first.
  6. "A Zentangle has no up or down and is not a picture of something, so you have no worries about whether you can draw a hand, or a duck. You always succeed in creating a Zentangle." Patterns that are drawings of a recognizable naturalistic or actual object, figure, or scene, are not tangles. A pattern is not always a tangle — here's what makes a tangle. TIP: tangles never start with pencil planning.
  7. How to submit your pattern deconstruction to TanglePatterns
  8. For lots of great FREE tutorials on TanglePatterns, click on the TUTORIALS link in the pink alphabetic menu bar below the tangle images at the top of any page.
  9. Strings! Have we got STRINGS! Click on the STRINGS link in the pink alphabetic menu bar below the tangle images at the top of any page for 250 different (free) Zentangle-starters. More than enough for any lifetime!
  10. Never miss a tangle! FREE eMAIL NEWSLETTER - visit the SUBSCRIBE page on the top menu bar of any page on the site and sign up to get notices delivered free to your inbox.
  11. If you have questions about the TANGLE GUIDE, visit the BOOK REVIEWS tab on the top menu bar of any page on the site for COMPLETE details!


TAGS & How to locate tangles by artist or type on TanglePatterns

Did you know you can easily find TANGLES BY ARTIST and TANGLES BY TYPE on TanglePatterns?

Every tangle has tags listed as live links in the date bar just above the comments section on its page. The date bar looks like this screen capture where I've highlighted the Tag section in aqua:

Scroll down on any tangle's page and click on those live links in the date bar to get to similar types of tangles and to find tangles by the same artist.

For detailed instructions on how to use these features and more, on the top menu bar on any page on the site go to the ABOUT > HOW TO FIND TANGLES BY ARTIST OR TYPE page.


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