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Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


All contents of this website are Copyright © 2010 - 2024 Linda Farmer,, and artists where named. Copying content in any form other than for your own personal offline reference and inspiration is expressly prohibited. No content may be reproduced, pinned or republished without express written permission. This work is not allowed to be used in training AI systems. Commercial use of any content is prohibited. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



YIPPEE!! No more scary security warnings for you!!

TanglePatterns has now been successfully converted to https and you’ll see a lovely little lock symbol in your browser now.**

If I hadn’t spent much of Thursday, Valentine’s Day and most of the weekend in the hospital with sudden onset atrial fibrillation (a whole other story) I would be quaffing a very large margarita right now.

Quite the weekend …

Thanks so much for your support through your comments, emails, guide purchases and donations. MUCH appreciated!

And much gratitude to my behind-the-scenes experts — Robert and Damion — without whose assistance this would not have happened.

Carry on, use the site to your heart’s content and tangle tangle tangle 🙂

** If your browser isn’t cooperating, be sure to clear its cache.

Search Google for how to because it’s a good habit to clear the cache for better performance every now and again.

UPDATE MONDAY 02/17/2020:

Thank you all so very much for your concern and your wishes. I feel the love 🙂

I’m doing well, still a little exhausted from the experience and the surprise (shock!). But other than that, pretty much back to normal.

I know “AFib” is a very common condition (Robert has had it for many years), I just wasn’t expecting it to be common for me. Fortunately mine can be controlled with meds. And as one of the medical folks said, “Welcome to the club.”

I’ll be back tomorrow with today’s tangle.

42 comments to YIPPEE!! No more scary security warnings for you!!

  • Ruth

    Great news and thanks ever so much to all who helped with this!

  • lee k

    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • I’m glad to hear the good news.
    Thank you very much Linda for this wonderful source of tangleinformation!

    • BE Fogarty

      Exactly. Welcome to the AFIB club. Have been dealing with it for about 20 years. Off again on again. Meds still mostly take care of it for me. Fewer ER trips.
      Hope for the best for you.

  • Tina

    Whoohoo ! Thanks for all your time and effort and same to those who assisted! Heck of a way to spend last Thursday, Valentine’s Day and the weekend tho!

  • Pam S

    So glad you came through A fib Okay! Scarier than anything else! Also that the transition was seamless. Thanks for all you do, Linda

  • Nina Graci

    Speedy recovery, Linda! Hope you took your notebook + pens with you to the ER 🙂 Stupid me, of course you did – probably the first things you grabbed.

    We need you. The world needs you, so PLEASE take extra good care of yourself.

    Waving from Toronto,

  • Duane Anderson

    Thank you Linda, for all you do for our Zentangle art. This is a wonderful website you have created for us tanglers. I hope you recover from your hospital scare recently and I do pray to God for your recovery. We need you and your work on Tangles patterns. Also, great news on the security improvement you made.

    All the best to you.

    Duane Anderson
    CZT 28.

  • Please read Nina Graci’s comment again!:) Same from me.

    Waving from Reno/Lake Tahoe ~ Jan

    • Melena

      Yes Jan! Same from me too. I’m not that far from you Jan. Over the mountains and across the Valley to Sonoma County. Greetings from the coast.

      So glad you are on the mend Linda. I was going to wait another day to get on but I’m glad I did today. Take care and be well.

  • Ginette

    Thank you so much for everything !!!

  • Shirley

    Thank you Linda. Hope you,are 100%.

  • Melinda

    very sorry to hear of your this past weekend. congratulations on an easy transition for this website. I have much gratitude for the day I was led to it.

    Many Thanks for all that you do!

  • Ginny

    Sure hope you have the A-fib under control. Been there done that.
    I have had a ablation but although it helped it’s not really “gone”.
    So am on some meds. It is controllable.
    But I know it’s scary at first.
    Thanks for all you do.

  • carolyn w.

    Thanks SO MUCH, Linda for all you do! Wishing you a very speedy recovery and no more episodes like this.

  • Lianne

    Hopefully no more scary fibrillation episodes.
    Glad the conversion went smoothly. Thanks for everything you do. It’s very much appreciated

  • Susan Kelley Pundt

    Glad you’re feeling better now. Hubby has intermittant A-fib but is basically a-symptomatic. It can be so scary.

  • Mary F Nevins

    Best wishes with the afib. Prayers for you and yours.
    Mary Nevins

  • Georgianna Klein

    Thank you for your contributions to Zentangle. And best wishes for good health.

  • Joyce Bruns

    Well done, Linda, and as already been said, thank you for being willing to put so much time and effort into doing this site for us.

    I hope your A-fib won’t bother you again, and that you are recovering comfortably and quickly.

  • Rosemary Turpin

    I hope you`re feeling much, much better after your A-fibrillation scare. I`m glad you went to a secure site! Thank you for your hard (and pleasant, I hope) work on our behalf, Linda!

  • Lin H.

    Great news about the new site being up and functional. Thanks for all that were involved. Take care with that A-fib and be well!!

  • Jody Genovese

    Thank you Linda..I hope you are feeling better. Wishing you the best always.

  • Linda Friedly

    Thank you for all your work on the upgrade. Thanks also for taking care of yourself. Hope you are over the worst of your health scare.

  • Mary D'Angelo, CZT 32

    Dear Linda,
    Best wishes always for good health! My hubby, Bob (Some days I spell it with two oo’s.) also has A-Fib. It’s been a couple of years, now. He is approaching his 85th birthday. Rest assured that there is much that can be done to manage this condition.
    Your giving heart is cherished by all in the Zentangle community! Gratitude!

  • Wanda

    Just wanted to add my “ditto” to all that has been said in the above comments. You have given much joy to so many Zentanglists. Bless you.

  • Mary R

    Thank you for all you do, Linda. I hope all this isn’t stressing you out too much. I was stressed and had sudden onset a-fib last fall. Maybe margaritas aren’t out completely, though! My dr approved one cup of coffee per day and one alcoholic drink. But it’s the Advil that I miss for arthritis because of the blood thinner. I wish you all the best.

  • michele

    You’re awesome, Linda, Thank You!!

  • Beth, CZT33

    Another heart felt prayer for your recovery! I am so grateful for all the time and effort you spend on this site! It is my first recommendation to new students as well as my own go-to site for tangles; old and new! Best wishes always ?

  • Gail Minichiello

    Thanks Linda for all you do for this community. Happy you went to a secure site. Take care of yourself. No fun being in the hospital.

  • AR

    Take care of yourself! My mom has the same sudden onset experience 5 years ago, and, with medication, she is still going strong. We all care about you and are sending good energy your way. You make us all happy and you help us to bring art to our lives, and that makes you amazingly special to us.

  • Joan Stark

    Oh my goodness! You take care of yourself girl! You are first, the website will wait.

  • Linda Farmer, CZT

    UPDATE MONDAY 02/17/2020:

    Thank you all so very much for your concern and your wishes. I feel the love 🙂

    I’m doing well, still a little exhausted from the experience and the surprise (shock!). But other than that, pretty much back to normal.

    I know “AFib” is a very common condition (Robert has had it for many years), I just wasn’t expecting it to be common for me. Fortunately mine can be controlled with meds. And as one of the medical folks said, “Welcome to the club.” It seems the club includes a lot of our fellow tanglers!

    I’ll be back tomorrow with today’s tangle.

  • Mary Illana Perrin CZT

    Linda please get well soon! I have never commented before, although I have used Tangle Patterns quite a bit! This is a very valuable resource for me. I too, tell my students about it. You are performing a great public service! Love this website!

  • lee k

    Glad it was something that can be taken care of with a simple treatment.
    Keep taking care of yourself. We need you?

  • Deborah Davis

    I’m so glad you are doing better and that it seems to be easily controlled. What a scare! My prayers are with you for speedy recovery. You do so much for all of us. I really enjoy Zentangle and this site is one I use quite often and do enjoy your new letters and new tangles you present.
    Take care of yourself. There is only one of you.

  • Beatrice A

    Wonderful!!! Grateful for your amazing work and wishing you a lot of energy and well being.

  • Gill Green

    Thank you so much for this wonderful resource and all the time and effort you put into it. Wishing you good health always.

  • Heidi S Whitney

    AFib! that is scary! Glad you’re out and hoping you don’t have much of that darn arrhythmia to deal with. Thanks so much for all your hard work here. I was marveling at it the other day. It’s an absolutely wonderful resource! Appreciate ya

  • Martha

    I’m glad you found out about your afib before it caused a bigger problem! Wishing you all the best.

  • Waggs

    Yes, welcome to the very large, very diverse members of the A-fib club. Both I and my husband are members, and both of us have pacemakers. We each had to have a different manufacturer for our pacers so that remote communication with our cardiologist’s office wouldn’t get mixed up. It’s not fun getting old, but it sure is interesting.
    Thank you for your great Zentangle reference site and your efforts to make it safer and easier to use.

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