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Linda Farmer, Certified Zentangle Teacher


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Use this Random Tangle Selector with your TANGLE GUIDE to help you select tangles. See Pages 7 and 9 of the Guide for instructions. You can also use this to select random Strings: simply pop in any number in the range of 1 to 250.



Giving thanks for our blessings every day

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” –John F. KennedyTomorrow in the U.S. we will be enjoying Thanksgiving Day traditions with family and friends and giving special thanks for all the reasons we have to be grateful every single day of the year.

Thank you for being part of this wonderful, caring, sharing Zentangle® community. We are all very blessed to know each other and experience this special journey together, whether near or far. I am thankful for all of you each and every day.

To everyone who celebrates tomorrow, my best wishes to you and yours for a very Happy Thanksgiving.

And may everyone be blessed with peace and abundance.

With love and gratitude,

linda farmer

And a good laugh too …

Like many, I’ve been [obsessively] searching the internet for Thanksgiving recipes. Never mind that I’ve got several wonderful staples I’ve made for years and will no doubt end up making and forget all the fandangly trendy stuff out there. Let me just say, no pies. Apple Crisp.

While in the midst of this search I came across this recipe on that has some amusing and very inventive “reviews” that are worth a minute or two to read. Give yourself a good laugh, check out the reviews on How to make ice cubes. (I know, I went “Huh?” when I saw the recipe title too, no idea what made me look at the reviews, but there are over a thousand of them.)

Can’t resist giving you a “taste”:

  • This recipe is horrible! Maybe I should have left them in longer than two minutes (the recipe doesn’t say how long to leave them in the freezer so I just kind of guessed) but mine came out all watery. I won’t be making these again.
  • A big hit! I put a tray of these out for our Fourth of July picnic, and they disappeared in minutes!
  • Is this recipe available with metric measurements so it can be made in Europe?

Update: I just checked out the PHOTOS tab now, there are some laughs there too. I love the sandwich!



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